(10) Wake Up Call

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The next morning I wake up slowly, in the good way. Yes, there are good and bad ways to get up. Fortunately for me, today is a good day. The sun shines bright through the window, the blue covers pulled up to my neck are warm and cozy. Wait.

I sit up and brush my hair behind my ears and look around slowly. This isn't my room.

The sunshine shining in through the window that isn't even mine seems strange, and foreign now.

Looking around, I see pictures. Pictures of Mason and Elodie, a few of the squad together, many of Elle and Mason, and by far the most of Mason and Louise. Aw. I knew he was a closeted mommy's boy.

"So you're up." A voice calls.

I look towards the sound and see the door beginning to crack open. Mason stands there, with a dull expression on his face, and his hands shoved in his pockets of his golden colored khakis.

"Good morning." I smile lightly, unsure of what the mood, more like tension, is between us currently.

"Well, the morning part is correct, I don't know about the good." He smirks, "Your mom called Elle last night unsure of where you were. Elle freaked, realized you crashed here and told your mom that you got a job and they needed you for late hours-"

"Wait, Elle what?!"

"Jobs are the best, aren't they Lex?" He grins, "I mean if you didn't take over Elle's job you never would've met me." He finishes with a smirk.

"I wish I would've." I mutter.

"Wish all you want, you're thankful and you know it."

"Mhm. Whatever."

"You will be, soon enough."

I shake my head. Stupid kid.


So now apparently I have a job. That's nice. Wish I would've knew about it before suddenly having it strapped onto me like an extra heavy bag on my shoulders.

I shake my hair out of its bun and swing my legs out of the bed, casually letting my long locks fall into their usual half snarled, half down kind of do. For the time being, it works.

"Oh, good morning Alexa." I see a friendly face peek in. Oh god. Louise smiles at me cheerfully, "I made homemade waffles, if you're interested?"

"Oh, uh, sure." I respond quickly.

Please just go away before you start thinking I'm even more of a slut. Your son hates me, I promise! I'm still a virgin!

I guess Louise doesn't think much of Mason bringing home girls to stay, because she simply walks out after the invitation of waffles, and gets on with her morning.

I bet if a serial killer came to kill them all, she'd tell them to sit down and eat a nice big ham sandwich before the police came.

"So Alexa, where are you from?" Louise asks from across the breakfast island.

My heartbeat quickens. The same island I was pressed up against just twelve hours ago.

"California." I respond, "It's quite a bit of a change."

"And how old are you dear?"

"Seventeen." I smile.

Beside me, Mason fidgets with the hem of his khaki shorts.

"Where do you liv-"

"Alright mom, she doesn't need the third degree." Mason interrupts.

I glare at him, before proceeding to tell Louise where we moved to.

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