(34) The Reunion

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"Mase?" I call out, leaning my head in the entryway to his house. No response.

Hm. I shrug and inch the door further open. The house is the same way it was when I left, it still has that erie silence about it. With an excited grin on my face, I head up to his room.

Peeking in, I spot him. He's curled up with his legged tucked under him on his bed. His face is content, and calm, his crystal blue eyes hidden by the tanned eyelid shielding him from me, his eyelid not needing to however, simply because the silence and the lack of time together as of recently was doing a good enough job of shielding us from each other already.

"Lex?" He opens his eye, and upon realizing I am, in fact, here, sits up immediately and brings me into his chest.

I grin, pressing my face into his shoulder, and pulling him closer to me.

He pulls away, to place a quick kiss, light like the tenseness air between us, on my lips.

"I missed you like fucking crazy." He smiles at me, as he rubs circles on my hands.

"I missed you too."

"When did you get home? How did you get home?"

"I got home a few hours ago, and I got home on a plane."

"No shit." He chuckles, "Who brought you home from the airport?"

"Parker." I bite my lip.

"I see." He raises an eyebrow.

"I wanted to ask you, but I knew you'd be busy with Elodie and I wasn't sure when my flight was coming in and I didn't want you to have to haul her along with you at some ungodly hour or-"

"You don't have to explain yourself to me. You're allowed to have friends." He pokes my side, "Even of all those friends happen to be attractive when o you and make me jealous as shit."

I roll my eyes, adding to the teasing conversation, "True. Parker works out four days a week."

"I work out everyday princess."

My mouth drops, "Everyday? How?"

"In the morning usually. How intense is four days a week now?"

I chuckle, "You're the exact same you were five months ago."

He grins, "As are you. But, is that a hint of a British accent I hear?"

"Why, yes, it is. 'Tis just something I've picked up while dining with the Queen and living in a castle."

He rolls his eyes, "You dork."

And it that moment, it seemed like nothing had changed. When in fact, everything had, and everything was about to.

That moment was a solid piece of time, a place where laughter relished in itself, and where I love you's could be exchanged.

Little did I know, the millions of moments before that, and the millions soon to come after, would be extravagantly disparate.

It started with this.

"I, um, have something I need to do today."

"I thought we'd spend the day together?" I ask, surprised.

"This isn't really something I can get out of."

"Well, can Elle and Adrien come? We can make it a day."

"It's not that kind of thing Alexis."

I squint at him, "Alexis?"

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