Before You Read

100K 1.8K 194

If you've somehow stumbled upon my story, please take a second and read this first.

First off, this is my story.

© 2016
itzdelicate on wattpad

No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author.

This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Now I know none of you actually read that, so I'll summarize it for you.
Don't steal my story, my characters, or plots I have come up with. Unless I give you permission of course.

Now that that's out of the way..

Contact me! I check my pm often, or if that isn't what floats your boat you can write on my message board any time!

You can also make me fanart, covers, banners, I love all of it! I'll use it for sure in my story and give you credit. I LOVE FEATURING FAN ART and i get so fangirly when y'all make it for me, thank you.

Lastly I get a lot of comments about the conversations my main character Alexa has in her head.

Sometimes they're about society, or gender stereotypes or anything like that. A lot of people have given me feedback on this, both good and bad. Some like how my character challenges things like that. Others think it's stupid that there's deep ideas in a cliché, funny, teen fiction book on wattpad.

Well, guess what?! This is my book, my story. I try to make my characters as real as possible and if you can honestly tell me that you have never had a thought about anything other than cliche things most main characters think most of the time, then hey, good for you. Most don't, including my characters. Most of the story is humor, yes, but what's the point in reading a story all jokes and no actual meanings?

I hope even though this might get a little cliché at times, and there might be some grammar errors, that you still walk away from reading this, just a little bit affected.

If you aren't affected in any way by my story, that's okay. Not everyone will. But if I can get even one person to feel something, anything, my goal on wattpad will be complete.

I would rather have ten people walk away from my story feeling some sort of emotion, rather than one million people read and not feel anything at all.

Okay. Deep breathing, now that that's all out of the way, let's get onto the story, shall we?


Lexa portrayed by undecided yet
Mason portrayed by undecided yet
Parker portrayed by undecided yet
Elle portrayed by Scarlet Leithold
Jared portrayed by undecided yet


enjoy. -itzdelicate


10k- May 15, 2016
50k- July 21, 2016
100k- October 30, 2016
700k- February, 2019

#47 in Teen Fiction - August, 2016
#1 in Humor - February, 2019

I Checked Out the Badboy's BoxersWhere stories live. Discover now