(28) Cause of Death

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I find it funny how things can simply snap. Like one second, me and Mason are lounging on a guest room bed in my best friend's apartment, and the next?


Mason's hands grip the steering wheel, sharply turning the wheel and completely bypassing the stop sign. An car near us slams on its brakes and blasts the horn angrily. He doesn't even notice.

I watch the pronounced muscles of his jaw flex, as he pulls his lip into his mouth and releases.

"Mason. Slow down."

He turns and looks at me, tears brimming on the corners of his eyes, and seeing the liquid brings on quite the depressing atmosphere in the car.

"Mason, I'm sure they have the situation under control."

"What if they don't, huh? What if she's fucking dead already and instead of being there for her I listened to a stupid girl and went and slept and fooled around instead of answering my goddamn phone?"

I suck in s sharp breath as only a few of his words register in my brain.

Stupid girl.

Now the tears flow from my eyes as well. Maybe I picked the wrong decision earlier.

"Lexa." He sees my face, and pulls over on the side of the road.

"Mase, what are you doing? Get driving already." I turn away from him.

He leans across the console and places a hand under my chin, making me turn to look into his eyes.

The blueness of them shines even brighter, lined with the shiny tears gathered.

"Lexa, I'm sorry. You've got to believe me when I say I didn't mean it. I'd never hurt you like that."

"Stupid girl." I mutter quietly to myself.

"You scare me. You want to know why I'm scared? Because I can't control myself anymore. Things I used to be able to control, like how happy or sad I am or what kind of mood I'm in? That's not on me anymore. You hold that power over me and it fucking scares the shit out of me. And I understand that in no way does this make up for what I said, but I'm sorry. Please, you have to believe me."

"I forgive you." I whisper, looking into his bright eyes, "I'm sorry, Mase."

He smiles sadly, "Not to break the mood or anything, but we need to get going."

I nod, "Let me drive."

He agrees and we switch spots, me, now at the wheel, and him, currently rapping his knuckles against the car door anxiously.

As I drive the rest of the way to the hospital, an abundance of thoughts pass through my mind.

Will Louise be okay? And as importantly, her dark haired blue eyed son that has my heart wrapped around his finger?

I sigh, shutting off the ignition as I get out and speed walk in an attempt to keep up to him.

The next three hours pass quick as seconds. After I finally make it to the entrance (out of breath of course, God I need to workout more), I meet Elle and Jared and surprisingly, Parker, in the waiting room.

But what shocks me even more is the fact that Parker and Mason are talking. As in, moving their lips and conversing in an actual conversation for what seems like the first time in a long time. And with that small gesture, a weight is lifted off of me, a weight I'd absorbed into me, from carrying it so long.

But the second like feeling quickly turns messy, like most feelings do.

I glance around the room, and the next second, Mason is up and already out of the room.

"How is she?" I ask Elle, walking over to the group.

Elle bites her lip, "Not good."

I frown.

Jared swallows before looking towards us, "I've never seen him as upset as he is now."

"He's tough." I agree, "Do they know the cause yet?"

"Drunk driver." Parker looks at me, and his intense gaze sends shivers down my spine.

"Stupid." I mutter, "People need to start being smarter and not doing stupid things like that."

Parker clears his throat, "Lex? Can I please talk to you."

"Talk." I respond softly.

He nods at me and we walk down the hallway aways away and stop near a few benches, "I'm sorry. I understand if you think I'm a dick and never want to talk to me again."

"Park, you dumbass, I still care about you. I still want to be your friend." I smile slightly, trying to bring light amongst all this depression.

"I wanted to be your friend too, and I overstepped that. You gave me an inch, and I took a mile. Mason told me, about you two. I- I'm happy for you guys." He choked out.

I rest my hands in my lap, "I forgive you, Park."

"I forgive you too." He teases me, "You know I'm way hotter, but I forgive your lack of intelligence."

I laugh, and he joins me.

And just like that, an old friendship is rekindled.

That's all it takes, I think.

A warm smile, an act of forgiveness, and two friends who were truly meant to be. People hurt people, and hearts get broken, but people also help people, and hearts can be put back together.


[INTERVIEWER] Let's recap more about your friends you've named. Parker and Elle Jansen, are their names?

[SUSPECT] Yes. Elle was the girl, and Parker is her twin brother. He and I became close because of her, although he is not aware of the mishap that occurred between Elle and I.

[INTERVIEWER] Is it correct in assuming that by 'mishap' you mean the unplanned pregnancy that occurred due to your actions with Ms. Jansen?

[SUSPECT] That is correct.

[INTERVIEWER] Tell me, what happened to the baby?

[SUSPECT] She got an abortion. Early on. The only people that know are her and I.

[INTERVIEWER] Have you had contact, sexual or otherwise with any other girls recently?

[SUSPECT] Sexual, no, but it was getting there, soon, if I wasn't brought in and stuck down here in this hellhole.

[INTERVIEWER] How did you meet all of these girls?

[SUSPECT] Most through my work. They came to me, I used a few nice words, took them out a few times, and bam, connection breached.

[INTERVIEWER] You don't feel guilty about this?

[SUSPECT] No, no sir.

[INTERVIEWER] Alright. Now, let's go back to the subject of being under the influence.

[SUSPECT] I wasn't on anything.

[INTERVIEWER] As much as I'd like to believe you, you and I both know that is a false statement. Your blood alcohol results came back, and you had a result of .29, which is well above the legal limit of .08.

[SUSPECT] In all honesty, I don't remember much from that night.

[INTERVIEWER] Are you aware that driving while under the influence is illegal and therefore punishable by law?

[SUSPECT] Yes, I am aware.

[INTERVIEWER] Then you sir, will for sure be charged, and convicted. Whether it be for only driving under the influence, or something as big as murder. We'll proceed more with the investigation tomorrow.

three updates in three days!!
I feel like I should slow down my updates, it's kind of a lot coming at you all. Thoughts?

why do you think Lexa chose to be with Mason instead of Parker?

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