(24) Halloween

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Monday's. Also known not only as first day of the week, but most hated day of them all.

On this Monday, I practically force myself to not hit snooze for the third time on my alarm.

Maybe I'd be less tempted to hit it, if the alarm sounded a lot less like dying cattle.


As I rub the sleep out of my eyes, I pull myself to my feet and walk to the bathroom. The plan, was to curl my hair, and have a semi decent outfit for once.

The reality?

Faded eyeliner from the day before, coordinating perfectly with my baggy sweatshirt,  old leggings and matted boots, long overdue of their expiration date.

"Morning." I throw my bags into the backseat of Jared's car. He's taken to picking me up lately, since things are still in rough waters with Parker.

"Who'd you stay up so late banging last night?" Jared raises an eyebrow.

Oh, Jared. How I've missed you.

"Actually, I was hanging out with Elle and then planning our Halloween costume."

"And I wasn't invited?!" He mock scoffs.

"Would you like to join us?" I roll my eyes.

"Yes. Yes I would. I'd also like to invite Mason and Parker, so I'm not the only testosterone containing human in this group."

"Did you just assume my gender?"

"Okay, you seriously need to stop with that before someone takes you seriously." Jared laughs.

I chuckle, "We're debating between movie characters or princesses."

"I, for one, nominate princesses."

"You'd be a princess as well then."

"Okay, on second thought, movie characters actually sounds like a pretty great idea."

"Thought so." I chuckle.

"What movie?" He asks.

I shrug, "Anything really. We were thinking of superheroes, but that seems overused."

"You should do the Suicide Squad characters." Jared grins.

I clap my hand against the door, "Did an actual good idea just come out of your mouth?!"

"You know what else can come out of your mout-"

"Shut it. Are there enough characters for all of us?"

"Well, Enchantress and Harley for you and Elle. There's Deadshot, Joker, Captain Boomerang, Diablo, wait, how many do we need?"

"You, me, Elle, Mase, Parker, Adrien, and possibly one more."

"Who's the last one?"

"One of my friends invited me to a Halloween party, so I don't know if he wants to dress up with us, or do his own thing."

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