(13) Binge Watching and Shit Talking

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Once upon a time in a land far away lived your average teenage bitch. You probably know one. She's really pretty, has a lot of friends, is probably sarcastic. Actually she's me. But my point is, in this faraway utopia, everything works out for this girl. Unlike here, where it seems almost nothing works out for me.

Anyways, there's our typical teenage character we have here. She probably has a perfect boyfriend that she knows she can hang onto and secure the perfect homecoming. Me? I'm not like that. I don't have a guy at a fingertips notice I can con into asking me.

I guess it'd be nice. In a fairytale. It's just not me.

I don't live in a utopia. And my life is anything but a fairytale.

Where I live, things are different. People are meaner, there is no Prince Charming ready to rescue me in time of need, like if I suddenly need tampons or something.

Which really sucks because I really need them at the moment.

I guess my guy just doesn't want to make his appearance. Prince Charming at his finest.


"Lexa!" Elle bangs on the bathroom door, "We're in charge of planning the next weekend."

I groan and open the door, "I'm broke, how the hell am I supposed to compete with Mason's entire trip?"

She shrugs, "Want to come over and we can figure it out?"

I nod, "I'll grab my stuff."

Quickly I grab a bag, pen, notebook, and charger and jog back to the door while throwing my hair up into a messy bun on my head with my other hand.

"Let the planning commence." I chuckle.


"No ones home at the moment." Elle opens her door and throws my stuff on the couch.

"Sounds good." I respond. No distractions. And by distractions, I mean Elle's hot piece of brother.

"Alright, do you have any ideas?" She asks.

I shake my head, "I've got nothing."

"Same. Homecoming is practically all that's on my mind these days. Have you gotten asked yet?"

I bite my lip, "No."

"I'm sure you will, I can't imagine you not. Guys can't be that stupid."

"How about you?" I smile.

"Not yet. But I will." She winks.

I grin. Her and Jared will definitely be adorable.

Elle smiles back, "I'm so excited!"

I laugh, "Me too, but enough about homecoming, we have a weekend to plan."

Elle taps her pen against the small coffee table in front of us, "Have you ever been to a waterpark resort?"

"It's like an indoor waterpark by hotels, right?"

"Yeah, there's also theme parks and different tours you can take."

"Can we do that?"

"I can check, there's one not too far from here, only about three hours away."

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