(14) Truth or Dare

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I wake up in the morning, my head spinning.

Well, not literally spinning. I'd sincerely hope that wasn't the case.

Anyways, you're probably wondering why my head is currently figuratively spinning.

I won't even make you guess. I'll give you the reason. His name is Parker Jansen.

He happens to be the fraternal twin of my best friend, and also a great kisser.

Not that I have much to compare it to.

See, before coming here and meeting everyone, I was a lot quieter. Of course, I'd always had my sarcasm and stubbornness, that I was born with, but I wasn't as confident, or social as I am now. I'd only ever had one real boyfriend.

His name was Harold and we were six.

No, no, I'm totally kidding. First off, his name wasn't Harold, secondly, it occurred sophomore year and into the summer before junior.

And third? Even if metaphorical Harold and me had a thing, who the heck names a baby Harold? Harold was the type of guy that popped out of the womb age twenty nine and in a business suit with a briefcase.

If that's possible.

But don't start hating on me now, I swear I'm not nameiphobic. I am openly accepting of all names. I mean, it's not just Harold's born that way. It could also be Ronald's, or Ellen's, or Dana's, or Roberts.

No offense or anything.

Now back to my predicament with Parker.

I'm currently sitting next to his sister, passed out, most likely from a, all the wine we decided to open last night, and also b, severe lack of sleep.

I bite my lip. Elle will be up eventually, what should I tell her?

It's not like I think she'll judge me with a guy, but what am I supposed to say?

Hey Elle, I may have totally made out with your hot brother yesterday and he may have shoved me against the wall and I tried talking my clothes off. I blame it on the alcohol.

I mean, I guess if I was asked what happened, that's what I'd say.

But when I think back, all I can remember is the dark shadows on the walls of the pantry, flickering around us, and the soft golden glow of the lamps outside. I remember the feeling of his lips pressed to mine, his fingers laced through my hair, and running up and down my back and across my neck.

I remember breathing in his amazing cologne that just smelled so..Parker.

The night was fuzzy, but his face remained clear as day.

And it was beautiful.

Not that it meant anything to him. See, Parker denies being a player, but with his personality, and looks, how can he not be?

I was probably, and still am, just a thing to him.


"Lexa!" Elle rolls over, "C'mon, we're ditching today."

"What? No, I can't, I have a test tomor-"

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