How we met...

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It all started when I was in the middle of London with a bunch of other actors wearing Pudsey bear t- shirts and some of us had our faces painted. The photoshoot was to advertise the big charity event for 'Children In Need' and hopefully get a lot of people to donate!

"Wow, Jess you've got paint on your face," My good friend Benedict Cumberbatch told me as he came over to me.

My eyes widened then I realised. "It's supposed to be there!" I told him and playfully slapped his arm.

Ben laughed. "You almost fell for it as well," He said with a chuckled. "You had a blonde moment!"

The two of us continued to talk about our next roles, I was appearing on the next mission impossible movie and Ben was going to work on Sherlock Season 3 which I was helping on because I am also a stunt co- ordinator so I get to help people be dangled off wire and jump off things. We were in deep conversation when a tall slim, handsome, blonde guy walked in, boy he was breathtaking, I had that feeling I had seen him before but I couldn't put my finger on it!

I quickly leaned up to Ben's ear, cutting his conversation off. "That guy over there, dark dress trousers, black dress shoes, short blonde curly hair talking to Nick Grimshaw," I whispered. "He is hot!"

I love Ben, I can tell him anything and he'll listen!

Ben looked at the guy and smiled. "Tom over here!" He shouted the guy over with a big smile.

My face went red and my heart was in the throat... BEN KNEW HIM! The guy 'Tom' came over.

"Long time no see!" Ben laughed loudly.

"Hello Ben, it's been awhile, I've just come back from San Diego comic con. I can't believe the amount of people that turned up!" Tom greeted Ben then turned to me then his mouth gaped open. "Jessica James, I must say it's an honour to meet you, I'm Tom Hiddleston." He held out his hand to me.

Then it clicked; LOKI!

I shook his hand and smiled; I WAS BLUSHING SO BADLY! "No I'm honoured to meet you, you're a huge actor and I love the work you did on Thor and the Avengers!" I told him. Tom was an amazing actor!

Tom chuckled. "Well thank you but your work in recreating Romeo and Juliet was breathtaking. I had never been so moved," He told me with a sweet smiled; Awe he's so cute! "I had no Idea you and Ben were friends."

"I knew you were her fan, and I knew you wouldn't leave her alone because all you'd do is talk about Shakespeare with her," Ben explained with a chuckle. "The poor girl will hate the subject by the time you stop talking."

I gasped and pushed Ben. "How dare you!" I told him. "I studied English Lit for two years straight in high school, I will never tire of the world's most honored poet and play writer!"

Tom chuckled. "I think you and I will get along very well," He told me with a bright smile that only made me smile. "Will you two join me for coffee later?"

My inner girl was screaming!

"We'd love to, I just have to run an errand but I will come," I told him.

"I'll meet you at Starbucks down the road from here," Tom told us. "I'll see you then."

I watched him walk away with a smile playing on my lips, wow. What a sweet guy.

I heard Ben chuckle. "Go on say it," I told him as I turned to face him.

"What?" He asked with a smirk.

I knew Ben too well. "You have something to say, so say it," I told him and crossed my arms waiting,

Ben chuckled. "Your eyes almost popped out when I brought him over then you went bright red when he complimented you and I saw you trying to hold back a scream when he asked us to coffee," He told me. "You like him!"

The entire time Ben and I waited for our turn all he did was tease me about my reaction to Tom then when it was my turn I saw Ben mouthing to me 'You fancy Tom' and 'Oooh Tom' or he made kissy faces making me laugh; I swear Ben is secretly a big kid.

After Ben and I finished we left the building. "I'll meet you at Starbucks in a few minutes I've got to get the dynamic duo," I told Ben.

"Alright I'll let Tom know, are you going to bring them in?" Ben asked with excitement.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, they'll most likely be asleep anyway," I told him.

Ben shook his head. "Nah they'll want to see me!" He told me proudly.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right!" I told him. "I'll see you soon."

"See you in a bit!" He shouted as I walked in the opposite direction.

My stomach was doing all kinds of flips, my heart was racing but my excitment levels were at exploding point!

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