Sick Day!

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This morning was horrendous!

I woke up with the worst head ache imaginable, I was beyond warm, had the cough from hell, a scratchy throat and I wasn't the only one my little princess had Chicken Pox!

I had been up all night coughing and blowing my nose, I spent a lot of the night sitting down stairs with a cold glass of fresh orange juice, poor Holly had a horrible cough, high fever and she was covered head to toe in spots, she couldn't stop scratching.

Jess had took the boys to her photo shoot and then to my Mothers for the night so Tommy wouldn't catch Holly's chicken pox, that then left me and the princess we cuddling on the sofa in our PJ's feeling sorry for ourselves.

"Daddy I'm really itch!" Holly told me sadly.

I looked at her little face, she was covered in spots. "I know darling but you can't touch them, you can have a bath soon," I told her.

I had messaged my sister Sarah to bring over some special lotions and more medicine for us. I made some chicken soup for the both of us; We sat on the sofa with Holly's bed cover watching 'Beauty and he beast' which is her and her Mummy's favourite Disney film. I loved spending time with my little girl, I just wished we were healthy!

"This is Mommy's favourite bit!" Holly told me and pointed to the TV.

Bell and the beast were dancing to 'Tale As Old As Time' and it really was Jess' favourite part, she always sang the song and danced around the twins!

"TOM, HOLLY?" I heard Sarah call.

I got up off the sofa and met Sarah in the kitchen. "How are you holding up?" She asked.

I sighed. "I feel like hell and Holly is plastered in spots, I can't wait to put that cream on her!" I admitted.

"I hope it helps!" Sarah told me as she got the stuff out the bag. "Okay I brought a bath lotion to bathe her in then another lot of lotion to cover her in when she comes out the bath and here is a bottle of medicine for you, you can dissolve the tablets in your coffee so you can take them easier!"

I smiled. "Thank you Sarah, you're the best sister just don't tell Emma I said that!" I teased.

"Nope I'm telling her!" She told me and poked my arm. "Now the pair of you have a bath, relax and take your meds!"

I nodded. "Okay, thank you Sis!" I told her.

"No worries Tommy!" She told me with a wink and left.

When the film finished I took the lotions and Holly up to the bathroom and started to run a bath, once it was ready I tied Holly's hair up into a pony tail and popped her in the bath, I let her play in the water while the lotion in the bath soaked her spots; She seemed to have relaxed a lot in the water. After around fifteen minutes I dried Holly off and covered her in some lotion then dressed her in her onesie and put her in mine and Jess' bed.

How are my
-JESS xxxx

I smiled at the text.

Missing you!
We've had some soup
Holly is bathed and now it's
my turn!!
-TOM xxxx

I went into mine and Jesses bathroom and ran myself a hot bath; My body ached and I was exhausted, not from looking after Holly, she was no trouble just this damn bug made me feel like hell!

I relaxed in the bath for a good half an hour then decided it was best to get out and check on Holly before putting myself to bed for an hour. I slipped on a pair of joggers and went into mine and Jess' room, Holly was fast asleep under the covers, I got in next to her and hugged her tightly, she pressed her face against my chest and yawned softly.



It had been twenty- four hours since Tommy, Harlee and myself had seen Holly and Tom due to their illnesses. The boys and I had a lovely time wit Diane but I think Tommy was starting to miss his Daddy and Harlee just struggles with everything without his sister by his side!

I parked my car on the drive and unloaded the boys; Harlee raised into the house as I carried Tommy into the house. When I was inside I placed Tommy in his little swinging chair in the living room and headed upstairs with Harlee into mine and Tom's room.

"How cute are they?" I whispered to Harlee.

Harlee giggled at the sight of his sister lying down next to Tom with her head on his chest like I do every morning, Tom's hand was on Holly's back; He must have been patting her to help her sleep.

I pulled my phone out and took a picture for instagram, the caption read 'My poorly King and poorly Princess!'

I looked at Harlee. "Shall we bake some cookies for them?" I asked him.

"Yeah, Holly will like that!" He told me.

I laughed as we both left Tom and Holly to sleep a little longer.

"Mummy when Holly wakes up can we play together again?" He asked.

I nodded. "Of course baby, you couldn't yesterday because I didn't want you to catch anything," I explained to him.

I did a little research into chicken pox and it was best to get the boys away from Holly as soon as we saw she was in the first stages and I was praying to God Tommy hasn't caught anything from her.

After an hour Tom came down stairs looking much better than yesterday.

"How are you feeling?" I asked and hugged his waist.

Tom wrapped his arms around me. "My runny nose is gone and my chest is clearing up a little," He told me then kissed my head. "I'm glad my beautiful wife and dashing boys are home."

"I'm glad you're feeling better!" I told him. "How's my girl?"

"I plastered her in lotion very hour and gave her two baths," He told me. "There a still spots but they don't look as bad, I think we got there just in time with the lotions and medicine."

I nodded. "I'm going to keep an eye on the boys, your Mum said they'll get it at some point," I admitted. "But when Tommy gets it he'll have to go to the doctors!"

Tom nodded then looked at the cookies I had made. "Oh darling are those for me?" He said and went to grab one.

I swatted his hand away. "Excuse me Mister Hiddleston but those are for after dinner!" I told him and stuck my tongue out at him.

"I hate you," He told me and pouted.

I kissed his lips softly. "I love you hubby!" I teased and put the cookies on a plate.

Tom looked at me and shook his head at my cheeky ways... Roll on our next on screen appearance together!

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