It'll be alright?

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Jessica's POV

Tom and I had just landed in London, we had picked up our cases and we were making our way outside. As we got towards the doors we saw the press waiting for us but more importantly I saw my children and Chloe waiting for us.

When the twins saw us they ran through the small sea of people and jumped into mine and Tom's arms. Small tears formed in my eyes and I held my children close to me; God I missed them.

"I missed you two so much!" I told them.

The press were taking a lot of pictures but we ignored them. "Mommy what did you and Daddy do?" Holly asked.

Tom wrapped an arm around my waist. "Well me and Mommy went to the beach, we went saw some cool places and we had pizza every night," He told them.

I laughed lightly. "Come on, when we get home you can see pictures of mine and Daddy's sand castles," I told them.

I picked up Holly and we all started to make our way out the airport and to Chloe's car. The camera's followed us all the way to the car; Tom put the bags in the boot as Chloe and I put the twins in their car seats, I sat in the back with them and Tom sat in the front with Chloe.

The drive was quick and funny; The twins told us about everything they did with our parents. Chloe dropped us off and left us to relax. We got inside the house and I loved it, I was so happy to be home with my family.

"So Mrs Hiddleston what's the plan?" Tom asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I sighed. "We've got to tell them haven't we, tell our parents," I told him.

Tom kissed my cheek lightly. "It's not like we can keep it a secret," He pointed out.

I nodded in agreement. "I think we should wait a little, get used to the news ourselves?" I suggested.

"I think that's best yes," He told me. "They'll be thrilled, don't worry."

My eyes got watery. "It's not them I'm worrying about," I told him honestly and held my stomach. "Tom what if-"

Tom turned me around and hugged me tightly, gently shushing me and kissing the top of my head. If I had known, if I had seen the signs, if I had noticed I could have done something sooner. I wouldn't have partied on my hen night or on the wedding!

"Jessica everything will be fine, okay!" Tom told me sternly. "The doctor said everything looked fine."

I shook my head and pulled away. "I need to see my children," I mumbled and walked out the room.

I was trying not to get my hopes up; What if I lost the baby because I drank that much? I couldn't live with myself if I lost mine and Tom's baby!

I went up stairs and stood outside the playroom listening to the twins; I loved listening to them play, they reminded me of when my brother and I were younger, we used to be connected to the hip.

"Holly, Tom's not our real Daddy," Harlee stated.

"So?" Holly asked, "I wish he was our real Daddy cause our real Daddy left!"

"No Mommy said he's gone to heaven," Harlee told his sister. "Miss Exen said that's where people go when they die."

I smiled softly to myself; Clever boy!

"Oh," Holly mumbled.

"But Tom's a good Daddy. He reads us stories and watches TV with us," Harlee told her. "I like him as our Daddy!"

"And he buys us chocolate at the shops," Holly exclaimed. "He loves Mommy too, he buys her lots of nice things and always says 'I love you'!"

Harlee laughed. "YEP!" He exclaimed. "I want Mommy and Daddy to be together forever!"

I opened the door and saw my children playing with their toys on the carpet. They both looked at me and smiled brightly not even knowing I was listening.

"So what are you two doing?" I asked and sat on the floor.

They both shuffled towards me. "We're playing cars!" Harlee told me and showed my two little cars. "This one looks like Daddy's!"

I laughed and picked up the mini Jaguar car. "Wait a minute!" I exclaimed. "This is Daddy's car. Oh no it's shrunk!"

Both Harlee and Holly gasped. "Oh no!" Holly exclaimed. "Now Daddy can't get to work!"

"He's going to be sad when he see's it," Harlee added.

I tried to hold back a laugh. "Maybe Daddy can get a new car?" I suggested.

Harlee shook his head. "Daddy really likes his car," He told me. "We need to tell him!"

Harlee jumped to his feet and ran out the room holding the car. I couldn't help but laugh at his worried look!

Holly and I giggled, we carried on playing with the toys. I gently placed my hand on my flat stomach in a couple of months, we'd have another baby in this playroom my twins would have a brother or sister, a part of me wanted to be excited but I was afraid incase there was something wrong with our baby.

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