The Sea Life Center

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Tom and I had been texting for days, and his texts always put a smile on my face, he always asked how the twins and I were; He was so sweet!

I woke up to hear the twins screaming at each other. I groaned and picked up my phone 8:30am and a text.

Hey Jess it's Tom
I have a few things planned for
this afternoon.
Be ready for 11 and I'll pick
the three of you up x

A smile appeared on my face; he was taking us all out, he actually wanted to spend time with my children as well?

I could feel the excitement building inside of me, Tom Hiddleston was taking me out twice in one day!

I quickly made my way into the twins room and saw Harlee looking very angry and Holly looking at him with his dummy in her mouth.

I rolled my eyes and got Holly out then placed her on the floor then picked Harlee up and placed him on my hip.

"Stop your little whining, you've got another one here," I told him and gave one that was exactly the same.

Harlee put the dummy in his mouth and he snuggled into my side.

I helped Holly down the stairs and we went into the kitchen; I made toast and scrambled eggs. The little duo tucked into their food and they babbled to each other, I always wondered what they were saying...

Then the fun started, I got them dressed, brushed their teeth, styled their hair, cleaned the kitchen and the living room then got myself ready!

I headed down stairs and sat with the twins watching 'In the night garden' then 'Sponge Bob'.


I heard the bell and the twins shot up and ran to the door.

"Mama, di- di!" Holly shout and banged her hands on the door.

I moved them out the way and opened the door to see a very handsome face. "Hey Tom," I greeted with a smile. "Come on in, I just need to get their coats on."

Tom laughed and stopped Harlee from going out the door. "I hope I'm not too early?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No you're fine, I'll just grab our coats," I told him and ran upstairs grabbed the coats and ran back down.

Tom helped Holly with her coat and I helped Harlee.

We walked out the house and down the path onto the street.

"Oh I thought we could walk to the sea life centre, it's not far from here," Tom explained.

I smiled. "Oh wow, they've never been to the sea life centre," I told him. "This will be fun!"

Tom went to his car and pulled out a hat and two pairs of sunglasses; one for him and a one for me. We walked down the street trying to stay hidden from the press.

"So how did you become the great Tom Hiddleston?" I asked breaking the calm silence.

"Well I've wanted to act since I was in my secondary school. My parents were going through a divorce," He began with a sad smile. "Acting helped me with the stress, when I acted on stage I was someone else, I wasn't Tom anymore and I could be whoever I wanted to be."

I gave me a sad smile. "Acting played a big part in your life then," I stated.

Tom smiled and nodded. "I would spend hours going over old play scripts or reading stories, and I loved to feel what the character was feeling."

His words were like poetry. Anyone would have thought he had practiced that but he didn't, he said how he felt and his words touched my heart.

"You have a way with words," I complimented shyly and blushed. "You should write poetry!"

Tom chuckled. "Why thank you, but I've watched you perform and you have passion, everyone can see that when you are in front of a camera," He told me with a wide smile. "Will the twins be little stars?"

I giggled at looked down at the twins who were holding hands and walked just in front of us. "Maybe. Well I hope so, it would be nice for them to take that route but I will support them either way," I told him.

The whole way there we talked about Harlee being the next Iron Man; We could imagine him standing next to Tony Stark, both in matching Iron Man suits and listening to AC/DA. Then we laughed about Holly dying her hair, talking russian and pretending to be Natasha Romanoff and flipping off things.

Once we got to the sea life centre, Tom and I took our glasses off and paid for our tickets.

Tom was such a big kid when we saw the 'Nemo fish' as he called them and the jellyfish, but his and the twins favourite was the penguins, they copied the penguins and watched them swim in the water. I took lots of pictures of us and so did Tom, the entire time we were together I couldn't stop smiling or laughing, I wished this afternoon wouldn't end!

Afterwards we went to McDonalds and enjoyed a nice lunch; It was there when Tom was noticed by some kids who went crazy over him and he sighed the paper they were drawing on.

We walked back a just laughed about the afternoon we just had. "You and those crabs were too funny," I told him and laughed at the memory of him tapping the window and the crab hit the window back.

Tom chuckled. "I wanted that crab," He told be with a pout.

I laughed at him. "Tom you cannot steal a crab from the sea life centre," I told him.

"No one would notice," He told me.

I rolled my eyes playfully and pushed him.

As we got back to my house the twins waved goodbye to Tom.

Tom looked at me nervously. "Erm Jess can I ask you something?" He asked.

I smiled. "Of course!" I told him.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked

My heart felt like it had exploded with pure joy! "I'd love to be your girlfriend!" I told him.

Tom smiled and wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips against mine; I could have sworn little fireworks went off around us.We both smiled into the kiss, we pulled away and we rested our heads against one another's.

"I am one lucky man!" He told me and brushed his nose against mine.

I shook my head. "But I'm dating Prince Charming!" I stated.

He thought he was lucky... I felt like I had struck gold!

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