Something's Wrong

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I couldn't sleep, I really couldn't sleep. I've been in agony for five days straight, I have no idea what's going on with the baby but he's moving around like crazy, my backs so painful and I can't eat.

"Darling let me take you to the hospital," Tom said softly.

I grunted in pain; It was around half past two in the morning, I was curled up in a tight ball holding my belly.

"Jess please, you are pain let me take you to the hospital!" Tom said sternly.

I couldn't speak; I just nodded as tears left my eyes. I watched as Tom grabbed his phone and called his sister Emma to come and pick up the twins; I changed into a tshirt and some shorts, it was so hard to move around.

"Mommy?" Holly asked as she came into my room in her pjs.

I smiled weakly. "Hey princess," I greeted. 

"Is Tommy hurting you?" She asked.

"No sweetie," I told her. "I'm just not well."

Holly came and sat on the bed next to me, she wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my belly. Can you believe my little five year old daughter is comforting me!

Just then Tom came into the bedroom with Harlee next to him. "Come on Holly, Auntie Emma's here," Tom told her.

Holly frowned. "Mommy I want to stay with you," She told me and started to tear up.

I shook my head and hugged my little girl tightly. "I love you baby but you need to go to Emma's house, Mommy's poorly," I told her.

Holly sniffled as Tom picked her up. "Come on Princess," He whispered and took the twins down stairs.

I sighed and pushed my self up off the bed, I placed my hand on my belly as I waddled into the baby's nursery; I started to put a few things into a nappy bag, onesies, vests, nappies, dummies, bottles, everything!

"Jess what are you doing?" Tom asked as he walked into the nursery.

I smiled at my husband; He was in his joggers, trainers and shirtless. "Its a just in case," I mumbled then hissed as a pain shot through my body. "Shit!"

Tom rushed over to me. "Come on, we need to go!" He told me.

He put the bag over his shoulder and helped me down stairs, he got me into the car then got in himself. Tom fired up the engine and drove to the hospital, my breaths were deep and quick... The pain was slowly getting worse.

I was praying so damn hard that the baby was okay; I still had a month to go!

Tom placed his had on my knee. "We're almost there," He told me softly.

I saw the worry in his eyes!

We pulled onto the car park, Tom helped me inside the hospital. "Can we have some help please?" Tom asked.

A wave of pain it my lower abdomen... Oh god?! Blood started to trickle down my legs.

"Tom!" I gasped and started to cry in pain.

My head was all over the place; I was placed in a wheel chair and taken to a private hospital room. A doctor started to check me over and attach some crazy wires to me!

"What's going on?" Tom asked as he held my hand. "Is she okay, is our baby okay?"

"We need to get your baby out," A doctor stated.

Hearing those word were like stabs to my heart. "You can't it's too soon!" I told them as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Mrs Hiddleston you need to calm down, your baby is coming and we will do everything we can to keep him alive!" The doctor told me. "You need to start pushing!"

I did as I was told and I started pushing; I had to everything to make sure my baby was okay!

Tom squeezed my hand and kissed my head. "You're going to be okay," He whispered


This went on for half an hour; I lost a lot of blood until...


The pain in my body was almost gone...

"Jess he's alive," Tom whispered.

I looked at the doctor holding a tiny baby in her arms. "Your little boy!" She told us with a kind smile then left the room!


"Where is she going?" I asked.

Tom shushed me. "It's okay, she's taking him to an incubator," He told me. "They are just taking precautions."

I held Tom tightly. "He's okay," I whispered as tears filled my eyes. . "He's going to be okay!"

Tom chuckled softly as another nurse came into the room, we both looked up at her.

"What is they little guys name?" She asked sweetly.

"Tommy Hiddleston," Tom told her.

Tom kissed my head. "I want to see him," I mumbled. "I want him in my arms."

"Soon darling, soon," He told me.

I really wish soon would come sooner!

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