Twins On Strike!

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"You need to see this!" Tom told me as poked his head into the kitchen.

I frowned. "What?" I asked in confusion.

Tom sighed. "Come and see," He told me.

I shook my head and put the washing up down...

It had been two months since the premier/ incident with Jenny. My lawyer had been trying to work things out but I didn't happen because now she is allowed to visit well we have to go to a family councillor once a week so she can see the twins.

"What's going on?" I asked my husband as he led me up the stairs.

Tom sighed and opened the twins play room door... A giant pillow fort was in front of us. The twins had barricaded themselves in the play room!

"Alright twins come on out," I spoke up.

I heard hushed hushed voices then twins head popped up over the fort. "We are not coming out!" Harlee spoke up.

Holly crossed her arms. "We are striking!" She told me in a firm voice.

Oh god I thought this would happen closer to the teenage years!

"Tell your Mum what you told me," Tom told them.

"We hate Jenny," The twins said in sync.

And that is what the twins think of their Auntie Jenny!

The first time they officially met at the session was horrible; They both just cried at Jenny and now they just ignore her. Holly's the worst in all honesty, she's got a horrible glare on her and she has gotten very sassy.

"Kids come on you know we have to go!" I told them. "She's your Dad's sister."

"We don't like her!" They say in sync again.

This whole talking in sync thing was really funny but terrible because they are so alike its freaky!

"Can we just go and be nice?" I asked and both my children just stared at me. "Look I don't like her either but I go because we have to!"

Harlee and Holly looked at each other then back at me. "Can we tell her we don't like her?" Holly asked.

"No Holly," Tom told her.

The twins groaned. "But you always say we have to be honest!" Harlee told Tom.

Tom and I both sighed. "You don't say anything if it's going to hurt the person!" I told them.

"But Mommy she's annoying and horrible!" Harlee told me. "We want to go to work with Daddy!"

I leaned against the door frame and pinched the ridge of my nose; Okay lets face it this wasn't fair. I couldn't keep dragging them over to that office to see Jenny, they don't like her the councillor knows my children hate Jenny so maybe missing one session won't hurt anyone.

Tom looked at me. "I know what you're thinking," He told me.

I gave him my best sad eyes. "But Tom-" I began.

"Jess you know they need to go," Tom interrupted me. "Jenny will try and take the twins off you!"

I shook my head. "It's one session, they need a break from it," I defended. "I don't want them to have fears!"

Tom and I glanced at the twins who were staring at us over the fort. "Alright you two, we're not going to see you Auntie Jenny," Tom told them softly. "You can come out now."

"YAY!" The twins cheered.

I hugged Tom tightly and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. "Thank you," I whispered. "I love you!"

Tom kissed my forehead softly. "I love you too," He told me. "They go next we okay?"

I nodded. "Okay," I told him.

The twins hugged mine and Tom's legs. "THANK YOU!" They cheered.

"Can we go to work with Dad?" Harlee asked sweetly.

"PLEASE?" The twins pleaded.

Tom chuckled and ruffled Harlee's hair. "Of course," He told them. "Go and get your shoes on!"

My husband and I watched as the twins ran out the room and down the stairs; The house was filled with giggles and happy squeals. This is what I want my life to be filled with, I don't want to hear my children cry or be in situations they are not comfortable with.

We're only missing one session... Right?

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