Coffee with Tom and Ben

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I walked down the road to the car park and climbed into my white land rover; MY BABY!

I fired up the engine and drove to my friend Chloe's apartment in central London. Chloe and I have been friends since I moved here and she has always had my back, I consider her as my sister and I love her to bits!

I climbed the stairs to her apartment and knocked the door.

The door swung open. "Hey how was the shoot?" Chloe asked as she ushered me inside.

I giggled; Where do I start?

"Well it was a lot of fun, I hope the campaign goes really well and I met Tom Hiddleston!" I told her. "He asked Ben and I for Coffee!"

Chloe squealed; knowing exactly who he was! "Oh Jess, I'm so happy for you!" She told me and hugged me. "I can watch the duo if you want?"

I shook my head. "No it's fine thank you though," I told her. "Were they okay?"

"Yeah, well Holly missed you like crazy as always and took me a while to get her settled but other than that they were fine," She told me. "They're in the pushchair in the other room asleep."

Chloe led me into the other room and showed me my two sleeping toddlers; both out like lights. I pushed the pushchair out the room and to the front door, I hugged chloe tightly.

"Thank you for looking after them for me, you have no idea how grateful I am," I told her honestly; Without Chloe I don't think I would have been able to have kept the twins.

She hugged me back tightly. "Hey don't worry about it. Now go and have fun!" She ordered me.

"See you later!" I told her as I walked out.

"Text me details!" She told me.

I quickly went back to my car and carefully loaded the twins inside, trying not to wake them.

I drove back the way I came and parked my car, I unloaded the pushchair and I was about to try and quietly get Harlee out but he was awake.

"Mama!" Harlee said excitedly.

I giggled. "Shush, Holly's asleep," I told him and got him out of his car seat.

He looked at his sister. "Olly!" He giggled and pointed at his sleeping sister.

"Shush," I told him and kissed his soft blonde hair then placed him in the pushchair and I got Holly out.

Harlee was kicking up a fuss about being in the pushchair so I let him walk with me; They were both pretty good out the pushchair, they never ran off or played up.

We soon made it to Starbucks, I saw Ben and Tom sitting at the back in the corner waiting, I caught Ben's eye and he waved me over.

"Sorry I took so long, Someone here has little legs," I apologised and sat next to Ben facing Tom and sat Harlee on my lap.

Tom smiled at Harlee who was playing with a napkin. "Well who is this little man?" He asked and awed.

I smiled. "This is my Son Harlee and in the pushchair fast asleep is his twin sister Holly," I told him.

Tom peeked his head round and awed at Holly's sleeping form. "You have two beautiful children," He told me. "I didn't know you had children."

"The press do know about them but not much is out there. It's a long story," I said softly and smiled down at my son. "Harlee look, it's Uncle Ben!" I turned Harlee to look at Ben.

"Be!" Harlee exclaimed and reached for Ben.

Ben smiled and happily sat Harlee on his lap. "Told you," I heard Ben mutter.

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