Three Weeks!

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Baby Tommy was now just three weeks old!

I had to spend the night in hospital when Tommy was born and we kept all our family, friends and fans updated with what was going on by twitter and instagram posts. Everyone was so supportive and kind when it came to Tommy's health!

The twins were in love with their new baby brother, Tom and I couldn't be happier. Last week my brother and Tom had finished Tommy's jungle themed nursery and it looked amazing!

The first week was hard for all of us; Having a new baby is a hard adjustment for everyone but we are making it work. The twins do everything they can to help with Tommy's needs which I am so thankful for!

It was around 8:30AM when I woke up which was very strange due to having a new born I'm normally up at around 5:00AM feeding Tommy. I looked next to me and noticed Tom wasn't next to me, I climbed out of bed and headed down stairs to find the two Thomas'. I peeked into Tom's study and saw him sitting at his desk with his computer and our tiny baby boy on his chest in a little romper.

"Knock, knock," I said quietly.

Tom's eyes drifted from the computer screen to me then he smiled. "Good morning love!" He greeted.

I walked over to him and sat on his desk in front of him, I gently kissed his cheek and touched Tommy's head. "You could have woke me up," I told him softly.

He chuckled softly. "You needed to catch up on sleep," He told me.

Tommy moved a little in his Dad's arms and yawned softly, his little eyes opened to look at me; His eyes were baby blue.

"Hey baby boy!" I whispered.

I got my phone out and took a picture of Tommy yawning again and posted it onto my instagram page; Tommy Hiddles say's good morning!!

I smiled to myself as Tommy wrapped his little and around my index finger. "So what have you two been up too?" I asked.

"Well we got up at six, changed his nappy at six- fifteen, fed him a bottle at six- fourty five and we have just chilled in here going through emails and a script," Tom explained.

"Well check you out," I said and crossed my arms. "Are the twins not up yet?"

He shook his head. "Not yet they love their weekend mornings!" He reminded me.

"Yeah but Holly has dance in two hours," I told him.

"I'm ready Mommy!" Holly said as she came through the door making me jump.

"Well hello!" I greeted in surprise.

Little monkey!

Holly skipped over to us and looked at her baby brother; She loved him so much, the way she would sing 'twinkle, twinkle, little star' to him was just heart warming. Holly gently pressed her lips to her brother head.

"I love you Tommy!" Holly told him. "Even if you cry really loudly!"

Tom and I shared a laugh. "Bless you princess," Tom said and kissed her head.

"Mommy how many likes did my competition picture get?" Holly asked as she climbed on the desk next to me.

I'm not going to lie but my daughter is such a little diva it's unreal! Holly loves having her picture taken, she loves being the centre of attention and being the best, she's not bratty about it she just likes to impress people with what she can do and last week she won some pretty cool trophies and begged me to put it on instagram to show 'our' fans. She really does make me laugh!

"Let's not worry about that now huh baby?" I asked her.

Holly huffed but nodded. "Can Tommy come to dance?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No babes, Daddy is taking him to Nanny's later while he has script meeting then after dance we'll go and get him," I told her.

I had explained to her before that the music at dance class is far too loud for Tommy's ears. We all left Tom's study to get ready; I was finally able to fit in a old outfits which I was super happy about- My skinny jeans are my life!

I once I was fresh and dressed I fixed everyone some breakfast while I fed Tommy some milk; We decided to alternate between bottle feeds and breast feds. Harlee had now woken up and was sitting at the table with us enjoys some beacon and egg sandwiches!

I loved our weekends together!!

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