Daddy's Day!

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Tom's POV

"Holly I don't know how to do it," I told my little girl sadly.

Holly sighed. "Daddy look like that," She told me as she held up a hair tutorial video on my phone.

I laughed lightly. "I can see darling but I can't do it like Mummy can," I explained sadly. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay Daddy," She told me.


I sighed at the sound of my sons cries and made my way to his nursery; Jess had told me she fed him and changed him before she left for work.

Tommy was now two months old and was slowing growing, he's able to lift his head a bit now and he has Mummy's eyes.

I pushed the door open and saw Harlee trying to give his baby brother his dummy back.

"I think he know's Mummy's not here!" Harlee stated.

I gently picked Tommy up and held him close to my chest. "I think he does," I agreed.

Today Jess was off sorting her next film out, she would be going over the script, working on a new fitness programme and all those other boring things we have to deal with. So today was my day to look after the trio which I was very excited for!

"Daddy what are we doing today?" Holly asked.

I smiled at my daughter. "Well why don't we go and buy you a pretty dress and Harlee a suit for the red carpet next month?" I suggested.

Holly screamed in excitement. "YAY!" She shouted and ran to her room.

Harlee blinked at the space where his sister once stood. "My twin is crazy!" He stated and shook his head.

I chuckled and started to change Tommy's nappy and get him some clothes. Harlee helped me get the baby bag together and drag his sister out of her room to stop her from changing her clothes like her Mother does.

The four of us jumped in the car and I drove to the dress and suit shop. I park the car in the car park just down the road from the store; I got Tommy's pushchair out and sat him in it then I helped the twins out, the twins walked hand in hand in front of me to the store and I took a cheeky picture of them and posted it to twitter with the caption "Brother and Sister love" and tagged Jess in it.

We entered the store and Holly started to go through the dresses that were on the racks, her little eyes were glowing in excitement; At times like this I just saw her Mother in her, Jess was exactly the same when we went shopping together.

"Daddy I want a suit like yours!" Harlee told me.

"Daddy I want a princess dress!" Holly told me.

I laughed at the both of them. "Okay, okay, Holly pick some dresses you like and Harlee pick your favourite colour," I told them.

Holly squealed and started picking up hands full of dresses. A young women came out from the back and smiled at me.

"Oh hello Tom, how are you?" She asked.

I smiled as I got Tommy out of the pushchair. "Hello Tracy," I greeted. "We're doing very well thank you!"

"Jess has told me you are attending the red carpet next month." Tracy told me.

I nodded. "Yes, the twin are very excited," I told her.

We both looked at the twins who were running around the shop doing their own thing.

Tracy laughed. "I'll help Holly with her dress, I sketch up a few designs for from the dresses she as picked and take a few measurements so the dress is a little bigger and make it," She told me.

"Thank you Tracy, I'll get Harlee to try on a few suits," I told her.

Tracy nodded and went over to Holly. I went over to Harlee with Tommy in my arms gently rocking him, his little blue eyes were staring up at me.

"I don't know what colour I like," Harlee told me sadly.

I smiled. "Aw son," I mumbled and sat on the chair next to him. "Well you always were black or blue."

Harlee nodded. "Everyone where's those," He pointed out.

"So what colour do you want to wear?" I asked him.

"Can we wear Loki green?" He asked me. "Me and Tommy?"

"What about me?" I asked.

Harlee giggled. "You too Daddy!"

I smiled at my son; He was so caring!

I helped Harlee with his suits and shoes, making sure we got a good size for him. He loved getting all dressed up, he stared at his reflection knowing he looked amazing in his suit and tie.

"Mommy's going to love it!" Harlee told me.

I nodded as I looked at Tommy lying on his back on the carpet holding his dummy in his hand looking at it.

After Tracy and Holly were finished designing the dress, Harlee got his suit measured and the four of us left the shop. We all hopped back in the car and I took the twins and Tommy home to build a pillow fort and eat chips while we watch movies.

After two hour of being lazy and eating crap Jess came into the house; The sound of her heels clicking on the wooden hall floor as she walked towards the living room.

"Well I can see you four haven't done anything all day," Jess teased. "Did you even remember to go and sort out the twins' dress and suit?"

I playfully glared at her. "It was Daddy's day and I did everything important!" I told her.

"Did you get the paint for the twins' playroom?" She asked.

"Shit," I mumbled. "I forgot."

The twins gasped. "DADDY SWORE!" The shouted.


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