Mrs Hiddleston!

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It was a few weeks after the wedding and married life was looking very bright... Until this morning!

"Mommy don't go!" Harlee cried into my legs.

Today was the day Tom and I were going on our honeymoon and the twins couldn't understand why we weren't taking them with us; Their crying was breaking my heart!

I zipped up the last suitcase then picked my son up, I sat him on my hip and hugged him tightly. Tom came into the room with Holly following him closely, her little blue eyes were red and puffy; This was a nightmare!

"You two are going to be fine okay, Nana and Granddad are coming to take you to New Castle while we're gone," I told them. "You'll have fun!"

"Daddy please!" Harlee cried. "We want to come too!"

Tom took Harlee off me and sat on the bed with him then picked Holly up sitting her next to him.

"Mommy and I are only going away for a few days, then when we come back we can order pizza and watch lots of films!" Tom told them. "We'll even bring some cool toys back!"

I knelt on the floor in front of Tom and the twins. "Just because we're going away doesn't mean we don't love you," I told them. "We'll be back before you know it!"

Tom and I hugged the twins tightly, when we got up Tom picked up the last suit case and we all headed down stairs where my parents were waiting.

My Dad smiled. "You're taxi's here," He told us.

I hugged my Mom and Dad, then I hugged my babies; I was really going to miss them. Tom hugged the twins and gave them a kiss, my parents picked them up as Tom and I headed outside with out cases. The taxi driver popped them in the boot as we got in the back, we waved to the twins and my parent then we were off to the airport.

Tom laced his fingers with mine then kissed the back of my hand. "Don't worry Mrs Hiddleston, they'll be fine!" He told me.

I leaned closer to him. "I know Mr Hiddleston, I just worry," I told him.

When we got to the airport we checked our bags checked in and our passports checked, we went through security; We took forever because Tom had a load of change in his pocket and he was having an issue with his belt but we finally got through and on the plane in first class.

"Here you are love," Tom said and gave me a cup of tea.

"Thank you," I told him and had a little sip.

Tom sat down next to me and put his seat belt on. "Relax love, we'll be there soon," He told me and placed his hand on my knee. I placed my tea on the tray and closed my eyes.

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