Flying Drama

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Jess' POV

It was half past four in the morning.

Me and my little family were at the airport waiting for our plane to arrive so it could take us to California to the red carpet of Tom's new film 'The Muppets Most Wanted'. The twins were excited until I told them what time we had to be at the airport...

Tom was sat by a large window with our three children looking at the planes take off and land. Tommy was now responding to our voices, he would laugh at us when we spoke to him and he just adored his big brother and sister.

"Mommy did you see that plane?" Harlee asked as he jumped up and down in excitement.

I laughed; You wouldn't have thought that 10 minutes ago the twins were half asleep on the suitcase trolleys!

"Wow can you see our plane?" I asked them.

Holly pointed to a large plane just outside our window. "That one, Daddy said that one's ours!" She told me.

"Ooooh are you excited?" I asked them as Tom handed me Tommy.

The twins nodded. "Come on lets take you to the toilet before we go," Tom told them.

Tom took Harlee into the Men's bathroom and took Holly into the girls with Tommy. Holly went into the cubical and I lay Tommy on the changing table and changed his nappy and clothes.

This morning was awful in all honesty; The twins were tired and cold so I let them wear their onesies but the deal was when we landed they had to change into some nice clothes like Tom and I would do when we landed because right now we're in scruffy clothes to fly in and our little baby was now dressed in a little Romper so he was comfy and I would be able to change his nappy easier.

Once we were finished we went back to the window where the boys were waiting for us. The five of us boarded the plane; It was a beautiful plane, inside was spectacular and we had first class seats at the front of the plane.

When we were on the plane Tom and I helped the twins get comfy then the stewardess helped me with setting Tommy up with a belt that would be attached to mine. Once everyone was on the plane and all the safety checks were done, we began to take off and Holly's face was as white as a sheet.

"Hold my hand darling," Tom told her.

Holly squeezed Tom's hand tightly as the plane picked up speed. Tom used his thumb to rub comforting circles on Holly's hand and when we were up in the air our little girl opened her eyes and looked out the window. I'm surprised Tommy didn't kick up a fuse!

"Daddy I'm hungry!" Harlee announced making us laugh.

"You can have some food when the trolley comes," I told him.

For the first couple of hours the twins watched some films and took some naps, Tommy was chilled on his Dad's lap with his dummy but when it was the last two hours I wanted to pull my hair out.

"Mommy I want to get off now!" Holly told me over Tommy's cries.

I watched as Tom tried to calm Tommy down but I think the popping in his ears was getting to him now. Harlee was sat on my lap with a lollypop in his mouth trying to get rid of the popping in his ears but he wasn't having any luck.

"Oh Harlee don't cry," I told him and held him close. "We're landing soon!"

I heard Tom sigh next to me, I looked and saw Tommy had fists full of his Dad's shirt, his face flushed, tears down his cheeks and a runny nose.

"Tommy shush," Tom said and patted his back.

"Sing to him," I told him with a playful nudge. "He likes your voice!"

"He likes yours too!" Tom told me.

I nodded. "Okay then," I told him. "You better join in!"

Tom smiled and nodded. "I promise!" He told me.

"Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain

I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days

She told me in the morning

She don't feel the same about us in her bones," I began to sing 'Story of my life' by One Direction and it earned me some smiles from Tom and the twins.

"It seems to me that when I die

These words will be written on my stone

And I'll be gone, gone tonight

The ground beneath my feet is open wide

The way that I've been holdin' on too tight

With nothing in between," The four of us sang and Tommy looked up at us sniffling.

The four of us continued to sing and the other passengers took their phones out and started to record us; None of us minded nor did we care, we were making our baby happy and that's all that mattered to us.

FINALLY we landed in California. Tommy was fast asleep in his pushchair and the rest of us looked presentable!

It was now early evening here and once we got to our hotel we were all going to bed. I helped Tom collect our cases and take them out to our car that he arranged to pick us up in; The driver loaded the bags in the back as Tom and I buckled the kids up trying to ignore the press as they asked us questions about the flight and how stressful it was.

The five of us were buckled in and the drive hit the gas taking us straight to the hotel.

Three days until the red carpet!!

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