Thinking Hard

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(Annyeonghaseyo. Sorry for the late chapter.So here you go.)

Mark's POV

I had to go to JYP entertainment since JYP-nim needed me for something. When I arrived at JYP entertainment, fans were going crazy, trying to take my things, but luckily the securities blocked them. Man, they are CRAZY!! (We are. For you guys😊)

I arrived at JYP-nim's office, I knocked on the door until I heard JYP said to come in. I went in, closed the door, and asked why he needed me.

"Mark, did you know a girl named jenny." JYP said calmly.

"Yes, but why?"

"You have to make her happy and protect her." JYP answered quickly.

"What? Why...?!" I questioned again.

"Since Jenny has nobody to be with except Christina, her parents told me to tell you that you are responsible for her to be safe, healthy and not alone."

"Okay, but can I ask you something?"

"Sure, spoil away."

"What do you need to do in order to make a person love you again?" I quickly asked in a nervous tone.

"Easy, all you need to do is show how much you love that person and be romantic." JYP could see through me.

I thanked him and told him that we will need a week break to do this with the other member. He let us and changed our schedule. I felt so bad that I apologized to JYP but he let it go since he understands the situation.

I made my way to the van until the fans saw me and shouted my name and made lots of comments. I was in the van, sitting hoping that everything turn out fine. When I got to our apartment, I saw JB was sitting on the couch with Jinyoung reading their books and the others were playing on the phone.

Jackson saw me and asked, "Man, what did hyung say to you."

I told them that I have to be with Jenny and I asked him to tell how to get her to listen and respect me.

"How are we going to plan it out?" JB asked letting Mark be in charge for now.

"Since Christina likes GOT7, we can make a deal." I said when I realized it from the past. I called JYP to get our van to the xxx apartment and we drove to the apartment.

I walked up to the door xxx and rang the bell. Christina saw me and opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in a surprised tone.

"We are going to make a deal okay?" I replied.

~~After The Deal~~

"So.. Its a deal, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I help you win back Jenny and you guys will take pictures with me." Christina said with a happy and excited tone.

Shook hands and left. We also exchange numbers to record what is happening. I told Christina to tell Jenny to go JYP entertainment's auditorium on Wednesday at 10:00 in the morning.

{Wednesday Morning}

Jenny's POV

It was Wednesday morning, I was sleeping until Christina woke me up. She woke my beauty sleep that all girls need. I looked at my phone to see that it's 8:00.

"Why so early Christina?!"

"We need to meet my friends at xxx auditorium and I want you to meet them." Christina said in a excited voice.

I wanted to sleep more but I did it for Christina, so I woke up and went to the bathroom to fix myself. As I was fixing myself, I heard Christina calling someone and saying that we are coming.

I finished fixing myself and picked a cropped red shirt with the words 'I am a bad girl' and ripped jeans. I grabbed my leather jacket and went to Christina's sky blue car that I first saw at the airport. Christina was driving us to JYP entertainment! I realized that something is weird.

"My friends told me to go to JYP entertainment and wait for them." Christina knew that I was thinking that.

"Okay! Let's go then!" I can't wait to meet Christina's friends. We walked out of the car and went in to JYP entertainment. It was so big that I thought it as a maze.

I followed Christina to the auditorium. I thought it was weird, but I sat down with Christina, and 6 guys started singing 'Confession Song' by GOT7. I realized that it was a plan and I looked at Christina. She was so happy that she will smiling so big at me.

Then the 6 guys disappeared and I saw a guy in front of me holding a red rose,which are my favorite flower. He was rapping and in the end he said...

"Shall we?" I took the rose and thank him.

He took my hand and took me to the stage. He was on one knee and took out a box. A small box you will see when your lover is about to make your life even more beautiful.

There I saw a promise ring. I was so shocked that he whispered in my ear that he is Mark Tuan, and that he loves me.

I said yes and he put the ring on my ring finger and kissed me on the lips with passion.

"Mark, I love you."

"I love you, but more than you love me." He smiled. "Jenny, in the past, I rejected your confession, because I was going to Korea to follow my dream, I was so mad at myself. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you but I hurt you even more. I loved you in the past too, even now. I still do." Mark was saying, looking at my eyes.

I cried when Mark said the truth, Mark wrap me around his arms and said that he will be there for me. I looked at him and kissed him.

The other members and Christina cheered for MaNy. I told Mark that we should tell JYP-nim that we are dating and make sure that he confirms it. He nodded and told the members and Christina.

I told Christina and the other members to leave without us and take care of Christina. Mark and I walked to JYP's office and knocked on it. We walked in and we sat in the chairs. This is where we say the truth...

(Please comment and vote! Love you guys!)

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