Life~Good Or Bad?

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Narrator's POV

Days and Days had passed and Mark still hasn't waken up yet. Mark's parents time to time came to see Mark still sleeping. Fans had found out and balmed everything on Jenny. After letting Jenny take good take of Mark for them.

Jenny had saw these hate messages and stayed home, feeling scared. The gang, GOT7 and the girls found out that she wasn't feeling so good, so they decided to help her out. They took Jenny to the hospital where Mark is in. When they finally arrived there and went to Mark's room, Jackson gave Jenny a diary that was written before they were dating and when Jenny confessed to Mark, but got rejected.

It said, 'I love Jenny. I can't confess to her. I just can't. In the future, if I married her, I hope she is happy with me no matter what happens. If I die, I hope she gets over me and love someone else who truly loves her as much as I do. If she is happy, I'll be happy too, seeing her from heaven, getting loved by someone else...'

As Jenny was reading, she saw the paper a bit wrinkle in the center. 'Probably from the tears Mark had as he was writing this diary.'

She places the paper on the bed and started to tear up as she sits on the chair next to the bed. Jenny cried it all out until she fell asleep.

GOT7 tours were all held back due to Mark's condition and fans were mad but understands. However, they don't understand Jenny.

Dani's POV

I am happy that I am finally dating BamBam, but we haven't been on dates. BamBam and the others had been struggling a lot and gets weaker and weaker each day. I decided to go to their dorm and cook them crepes. I left it on the table and they come to eat it.

I left their dorm to talk to Vanessa. We met up at the park, taking a stroll at the park.

"GOT7 has changed a lot. They used to be so healthy and energized, but look at them now! They are getting weak due to Mark's life, alive or death."

"I know. Even Jenny. She is changing as well." Vanessa said, admitting the truth.

As I was about to say something, my phone start to ring. I took my phone out and saw BamBam calling me.

"Dani, we need you." BamBam said weakly.

We ran to the dorm and saw a big mess. The members were on the floor drunk.

"BamBam! What happen?"

"Babe, we lost hope that Mark hyung will make it alive." BamBam said as he starts to cry as well as the others members.

"We still have hope in him. He wouldn't just leave us like this." I said, believing in him that he wouldn't left Jenny.

Narrator's POV

A year had passed and Mark still hasn't waken up yet. Jenny gave birth to their baby boy. She named him Jimmy Tuan.

Jenny did what Mark wanted if he was going to die. Remarry to someone else who truly loved her. She is going to remarry to Seventeen's Dino.

Weeks had passes and Jimmy's actions start to be just like Mark's. Staying close to Jenny and smiling when she is near them. Jenny noticed it and felt sadder than ever.

~~Day Of The Wedding~~

Jenny's POV

I am remarrying to Dino. I felt sorry that I am getting remarried. I still truly love Mark. As I am still sitting on a chair, waiting for the wedding to start, I got a phone call from Papa Tuan.

"Jenny! Come quick! Mark woke up and is dying to see you like a lost boy!" Papa Tuan said and Mark was screaming my name, depress to see me again.

"I would like to, but..."

Then Dino came in and sat next to me.
"Jenny, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just some Mark issues."

"He woke up?" Dino asks.

I nodded my head and look down at my dress and the floor. Then Dino's hand was on my shoulder.

"Its okay. You can go see him again." Dino smiled brightly.

"Really? I don't want to make you feel sad."

"Its okay. Now, go!" Dino said with no emotions.

"Thank you Oppa!" I thanked Dino as I ran out of the wedding ceremony and carried Jimmy to see Mark's handsome face once again.

I felt sorry for Dino because he is left alone in the wedding. If only Mark wasn't in the coma in the first place, I wouldn't be remarrying someone else.
I finally reached to the hospital and walked to Mark's room and saw him talking to the nurse.

"Jenny..." Mark softly said my name.

"Oppa!" I ran to Mark's arms and hugged him so tight that I didn't want to let him go again. "I missed you so much." I felt my tears pouring.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting. And don't cry, you don't look beautiful when you cry." Mark said as he wipes the tears off my face.

Then someone poked me. I looked at the person poking me and I forgot Jimmy was here. He was pointing at Mark, wondering who is this person.

"Mommy?" Jimmy called me. He only knows how to say 'Mom' and 'Dad' so far.

"Jimmy, meet your dad."

"Daddy?" Jimmy stopped for a second to think first. "Daddy!" He slowly goes to Mark's arms as well.

"Jenny, this is our baby?" I nodded my head and smiled. "Also, why are you in a dress?"

"Umm, I was...getting remarried..."

"What? You ready my diary?" I nodded my head again. "Who gave it to you?"


"OMG! He touches everything I have!" Mark is so stressed right after he was wake again.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Jimmy calls Mark as he gently pull Mark's shirt.

"Yes Jimmy?"

"Daddy love Mommy?" Jimmy asks with a happy smile that looks like Mark's signature smile.

"Of course. Jimmy looks exactly like me!" Mark realizes just now.

"Haha! Of course, he is your son. Also, let me call the others to let them know you're awake." I said as I got my phone.

"Don't." Mark said as he took my phone and hided it.


"To surprise them." Mark smirks.

"Oh. Good idea!"

Mark was uncharged from the hospital and on our way home where the whole gang is here. As we got home, Jimmy was sleeping. We chuckled and compared how Jimmy looks like Mark.

We finally got home and we opened the door. The gang was quiet as they saw Mark behind me.

"Noona, this that who we think it is?" BamBam asks.

"Mark is back!"

The gang started to cry and hugged Mark tightly that almost can't let Mark breathe. The new spread quickly and Mark cleared things up. The fans and the company.

Fans around the world has post videos on SNS, apologizing for the bad things they said about me. The GOT7 tours had been resumed and its back on track. Tour by tour had passed and every tour they go to, Dani, Jimmy and I got to go too.

When we going back to Korea the next day from Hong Kong, I got a call.


"Hi, this is the Korean police department. Are you Christina's friend?" The police asks.

"Yes. What happen to Christina?"

"Your friend is..."

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