Compare And Contrast

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Jenny's POV

As we walked in, I saw someone I couldn't forget... Someone who used me and kissed my ex-boyfriend.

My ex-best friend, Hyeri from Girl's Day. (Sorry if she is your bae!🙇 Another Girl's Day member!)

She walks to her seat and stares at her phone as she deeply sighed. I regretted everything I have done with that girl! (Don't want to write bad words!) She used me to get close to Hongbin and I though we were best friends. I cried for weeks and never went to school. One of those days, I planned to cut myself but something stopped me. My future life and the one I loved. Mark Tuan. The boy who changed my life forever since middle school, senior year.

Hyeri got up from her seat and was leaving until she accidentally bumped until Dani who was on her phone and fell on the floor.

"Oh, sorry!" Hyeri apologies in her sweet voice. Ugh, acting for nothing.

"No, I'm sorry. I was on my phone." Dani apologies as well as she got up from the cold, hard floor.

"Dani, are you okay?"

"Jenny? Is that you?" Hyeri asks as she looks closer to my face.

"Yeah. What do you want?"

"I was...want to say that I broke up with Hongbin." Hyeri slowly says and when she told me that, my blood runs quicker.

"Did you think I care? You used me to get him and you are running back to me just to say that you broke up with him?!"

"Jenny... I can explain..." Hyeri said which made my blood speed slow down. "I am in love with Mark from GOT7."

"What? Umm, I hope you the best."

GOT7 just stayed out of this. So did the girls. They knew something bad will happen.

"Thanks Jenny... I'll be going and confess to Mark soon." Hyeri said as she walks away.


Mark comes over and sighed. He was shocked that Hyeri likes him, since his eyes was on Jenny for years and had no attention on her. He started to quietly freak out.

Jenny just looked at the floor and felt tears going to run out of her face, creating a small river.

Dani's POV

Hello! Its my time to shine! Since Jenny is having a hard time, I leave it to Mark's hands. I glared at BamBam, seeing him looking at me. I quickly look back and freak out as my heart raced. Its true, I like BamBam a lot. However, BamBam glared at me before, so I will be a person that is hard to get.

Jenny said that BamBam wanted to meet me, but what happen? I will find out soon...

BamBam's POV

Hey! Damn! My legs are hot! You guys know me already, BamBam from GOT7. Today I accidentally glared at Dani. All because of Jackson! Who keeps bothering me. He is so talkative and annoying! Dani must took that in a mean way. What should I do?

I like Dani. She is not as talkative as Jackson! Dani is creative and thinks of many ideas that we never thought of. She is just right for me. Luckily the other members don't like Dani, or else there will be a fight.

I want to date Dani and never be lonely. I want to be happy just like Mark hyung. I don't want to let Dani go no matter what. I want to be her only lover and a guy she can always rely on. I want to live with her and keep her safety in my arms. But the problem is how?

I am standing with the gang and I looked at Dani. She is so beautiful when her face isn't really fully shown. I didn't notice that I was staring at Dani and I saw Dani glaring at me. Wow, she is trying to be hard to get. Great. Another level to reach.

Vanessa's POV

Hi! I am the girl gang's Vanessa. I saw BamBam staring at Dani and Dani glaring at BamBam. I felt my hand on my face and shook my head. BamBam likes her, yet she doesn't know. How stupid. Jenny was quiet for the whole time we were at Pizza Hut.

Mark was standing with Jenny,  outside, putting her into his arms and hiding her face on his chest. How cute. That is what you call, true love. BamBam and Dani, two people who act like they hate each other. That is just sad.

Jenny's POV

Mark is so gentle to me today. He is really my true love. Hyeri is now the problem. What should I do? Tell her that we are actually married? Tell her we have a baby already? My head is full of problems. Sh first stole my ex-boyfriend and now going to steal my husband!

"Oppa, Hyeri likes y-"

"Likes me. I know." Mark intruded me.

"What are we going to do about it?"

"Tell her the truth and hope for the best." Mark simply said.

I nodded my head and my arms slowly wrap around him, enhancing him with all of my might. Mark loved how I love him as much as we love our baby. We actually never told my friends that I'm pregnant, but for the best.

~~Days Later~~

Days has passes and the Dani and BamBam relationship mission is harder than I though. Hyeri didn't confess yet. The baby was growing bigger each day and the gang felt weird about it. They though about it more and realized that I am pregnant. They congrats me with all their might and they started to cry. Crying about being an future aunt.


BamBam had enough of this and talked to Dani about this problem. They were walking at the mall where it's full of all kinds of people. They decided to meet up at a cafe. BamBam was already there, sitting at a table of two, drinking his Thai milk tea.

Dani came a few minutes later. She was shocked that BamBam asks her to meet up. Dani didn't know what to wear, changing into a lot of clothes, not knowing if its good or not. She wore a dark green hoodie from Pink and leggings that she loves to wear,with her pastel blue converses.

While Dani walked in the cafe, she order her watermelon slush. Jenny and Mark were at home, still nervous about Hyeri for days. Mark wasn't worried, but Jenny on the other hand was freaking out. All of that stress was put on her amount of sleep and the amount of food she eats. Jenny ate lesser and lesser. Now Mark starts to worry, worried about Jenny and the baby's health.

Dani and BamBam were quiet for 5 straight minutes. BamBam was looking at the window and Dani staring into her watermelon slush.

"Umm, Dani?" BamBam broke the silence.


"About the glare... I wasn't in the mood because Jackson hyung who was talkative." BamBam explains to Dani.

'Oh, no! BamBam thought that I was actually glaring at him for a mean reason. While, I was, but I didn't know he though it in that way.' Dani thought, feeling sorry. "Oh, I understand. Sorry that I glared at you. I though you were being mean to me!" She said as she bowed down, still sitting on her seat.

"No! Its okay! I shouldn't have glared at you in the first place. I didn't see you standing there when I turned my head." BamBam trying to blame it on him. "Well, the reason why I met up with you was because..."
Hey everyone! Sorry if the last chapter and this chapter is boring!🙇 I will work harder!✊ Dedicate this chapter to -astronomy and vanessa080803. They are both my best friends! Also, -astronomy is writing a BamBam fanfiction, so if you like to check it out, click on her account. Also, very sorry for the grammar mistakes!🙇I will see you guys on the next chapter! Peace!✌

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