Wedding Day

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Jenny's POV

'OMG! Today is the day we are waiting for. The wedding!! I am nervous and excited at the same time. I just hope today is a good today.' I thought as I wake up to the beautiful sunset shining at the window.

As I open my eyes from a beautiful dream and sunlight, I felt two arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me closer to his wide chest. I slowly looked up to see Mark's handsome sleepy face. I slowly wrapping my hands around him and placed my head on this chest and went back to sleep.

++A Hour Later++

After a hour later, I felt a hand gently petting my head. I slowly open my eyes and heard Mark chuckling. I looked up and see Mark's handsome flawless face.

"Babe, are you awake?" Mark's husky voice made me feel so awake.

"Yeah, Mark oppa." I got up and was about to get off the bed, but a strong hand grabbed me and pulled me back.

Once again, on the bed. Mark's lips crashed onto my lips. Mark's lips were so soft that I didn't want to release the kiss.

"Honey, morning kisses are always needed to start the day!" Mark said, very concerned about morning kisses.

"Well, oppa, you don't deserve to get any!" I stick out my tongue and ran to the kitchen. I hide under the counter, so Mark doesn't find me.

"Oh, Jenny, where are you? Come out wherever you are. If you don't come out, I will punish you." Mark threatening me.

I was laughing quietly, but couldn't hold on to it. I slowly looked to my right and left, making sure Mark isn't in sight. I saw no one there, so I ran to the bedroom, closed the door and laid on the bed, laughing so hard. Oh well, a way to wake up the members.

"Oh, baby, I'm gonna catch you." Mark said and I realized that Mark was one feet away from me.

I ran out of the room, but before I could do that, Mark grabbed my wrist and pulled me. He back hugged me and walked with me to the bed and gently threw me on the bed.

"Jenny, you are getting punished right now." Mark sounded so scary, but funny at the same time.

I looked deeply into Mark's eyes and felt Mark's hands touching me. Before you know it, Mark was tickling me. I was laughing so hard that my stomach started to hurt so badly.

"Oppa! Ha-ji-m-aaaa!(Stop it!)"

"No!" Mark continued tickling me until my phone started to vibrate.

Luckily the call saved my life. I took the phone and saw that my mom is calling me. I answer the call.

"Hey mom, what happen?"

"Well, I called to tell you that your wedding is starting at 12, and now its 9, so get ready." Mom warning us.

"Okay! I will meet you guys at the wedding." I hanged up the phone and told Mark to hurry up.

We ran back and front the dorm, getting our things prepared. I have to call everyone to be at the wedding,and waking up the members, while Mark was making breakfast. We ate quickly and got changed.

When we got there, we went our separate paths of changing and putting on make-up. The staffs were there to help me and Mark get ready, so it was much easier for us.

Now its 10:30, before the wedding begins, my family and friends came and talked to me in a room, separate from Mark and the other members.

My best friends, Christina and Jamie came.

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