Mixed Feelings

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"Round three is to act like a couple!"

'OMG! This can make Mark JELLY!' I thought when Songhae announced the last topic.

Mark's POV

'You got to be kidding me?! I don't want to do that when my girlfriend Minah is watching me!' I am so mad at myself for joining the battle but I wanted to show Jenny that we're the bosses!

"Oh, Jenny, you're up first with Jonghyun." The fans started to scream and cheer for Jenny and Jonghyun.

"Okay, you guys are walking in the park having fun talking and you guys kiss." Songhae giving the information.

'What?! Kissing?! Wait, why am I making this such a big deal? Its not like she's dating me.' I couldn't stop thinking about it until they started to act.

"Oppa," Jenny called out to Jonghyun in a cute voice like how she used to call me. "Can you buy me these two bears?" Showing Jonghyun hyung the two bears.

"Why Jenny?" Jonghyun curiously asking while messing up her hair.

"Well, I can't tell you, since its a secret."

"Why can't you tell me?" Jonghyun asking again but acting cute.

"Fine, I wanted to like the bear couple, this one is me and this is you!" Jenny smiling widely.

"Oh! That is so sweet. But you're wasting my money to buy you bears that you're going to give me anyway." Jonghyun explaining the concept to Jenny and pinching her cheeks gently.


"Come here Jenny!"

And Jenny started to run away and Jonghyun catches after her until he catches her and back hugged her. Jenny looked at Jonghyun and they kissed.

My stomach felt like there are butterflies inside and I felt sad. Watching them kiss makes me annoyed and want to punch Jonghyun.

Wait, I am dating Minah and not Jenny, but why am I feeling this?

"You still like Jenny?" Jackson whispered, as he grabbed my shoulders.

I shrugged my shoulders and wait for Songhae to say our team's fake couple.

"Oh! Jenny, you are acting again but with Mark!" Jenny's face was shocked and wanted to refuse.

On the other hand, I was a bit happy but didn't show it. Jackson saw me and understands and gave me a thumbs up, I return the thumbs up to him. We got to our positions.

"Jenny, Mark, you guys ready?" Songhae asked with a smile.

We nodded and fans started to scream. I looked at the fans and saw posters and banners about Jenny and I. Then, I thought about the times Jenny and I spend together and apart.

Jenny's POV

Wow, a lot of fans ship us, I was happy but inside of me is feeling loved. I glared at Mark and saw him looking at the fans shocked.

We started to act and Mark's acting improved, but not to brag, but I am better.

"You guys, your anniversary is coming soon and You guys spend time together. In the end, Jenny and Mark kiss. Okay, start!"

"Oppa! Can you come to the park nearby. I want to tell you something." I was on the phone with Mark.

"Oh, Okay, coming babe!" He ended the call. I sighed and pretend to walk to the park. Mark was waiting for me.

"Baby, come here!" I speed up. "Jenny, Happy 1 year anniversary!" Mark said and hugged me tightly.

"You remembered?"

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