The Moment

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(annyeonghaseyo! I would like to thank everyone who are very into the story! When I saw these comments and votes, I felt like crying😭 I appreciate everyone's love and support! Also, sorry if it was a slow update since I have state test coming up less than a week and I want to get a good grade on it! Thank you for your understanding!😘)

Jenny's POV

Birds are chirping outside the window. I hope today is a good day. As I got off my bed, I thought about what Jackson said. Helping Mark and me "get back together."

I like the help GOT7 is giving me but I also feel kind of depress in the inside. Like life is fine before Mark came along and changes my whole life.

Mark was an important part of my life. If Mark didn't exist my life, I wouldn't be in this situation.

I sighed deeply, as I make my way to my bathroom and getting a quick shower to start my day. Thinking about the times Mark and I were happy and together.

After I finished showering, I combed my hair. I wore a North Face hoodie that was military colors for the logo and dark purple on the outside and a snapback that said 'BOSS.'

I grabbed my phone and key and off I go wearing my Nike Jordan's. I ran for 5 minutes around the park nearby and walked to SMtown. As I walk in the building,the gang called me.

"Jenny! We have bad new!" Taemin said as he tries to catch his breath.

"What happen?"

"Jackson had a car accident on his way back to his dorm." Amber trying to hold her tears in.

I nodded and we drove to the hospital Jackson was put in. As we were going to the hospital, I thought about yesterday and when Jackson left my dorm to go home. I was scared and nervous about losing Jackson, a true friend of mine.

When we finally arrived at the hospital, we went to the room Jackson was put in. As we open the door to Jackson, there were voices in the room. The gang and I just listened before going in.

"Mark hyung, if you didn't cheat on Jenny, Jackson wouldn't be in this condition." JB said to Mark in a normal voice, but I could tell he wasn't in the mood.

"I know, but it was only way to get Minah back." Mark talked back to the leader

"Just look at Jackson, he is hurt because of your stupid plan of getting Minah back! JB hyung, let's go, Mark hyung has to think this through." Youngjae yelled at Mark.

I gestured my hand to the gang telling them to walk away and hide. GOT7 left the room except Mark. He sat in the chair next to Jackson, silently crying.

"Jackson, I'm sorry, I am going to think this all through, so please wake up." He wiped his tears and got up,I quickly walked away and hides with the gang. When he left, we went to Jackson's room.

I walked to the chair Mark was siting at and sat on it. I started to cry too until everyone helped me calm down,but I fell asleep.

Mark's POV

I left Jackson's room and went outside for fresh air. I thought about if this is right or wrong. As I finished cleaning myself down, I thought about Jenny's and my moments.

The time we kissed, when Jenny made a speech, party and many more to list. I realized that Jenny is only one that makes me happy, not Minah. I walked about to the room to tell Jackson the news.

When I got the room, I saw Jenny's gang surrounding her and calming her down.

"Jenny..." I said in a low voice but the gang heard that and looked at me.

Then Jenny looked at me and walked up to me. Before you know it, Jenny grabbed my collar and pulled me to kiss me. I reply back and kissed her back. Oh, how much I miss her lips.

Taeyeon and Amber were shocked, but everyone else took pictures of us.

"I am letting you go." She said after we broke the kiss and walked away quietly.

"But I am not letting you go." I said after I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to my chest.

"I thought you were with Minah." Jenny telling me, being confused.

"I am, but I now know who I am supposed to be." I smiled brightly, so Jenny know that I ain't lying.

"Well, I can't forgive you for what you have done in Jenny's life." Amber said as she goes to Jenny's side.

Then the whole gang went to Jenny's side and like concern.

"Jenny had suffer a lot because of you. She loved you and you decided to move on for Minah!?" Taeyeon telling me that whole truth.

"I know, but I thought this all through and realized the right answer." I kneel down and put my hand in front of Jenny. "I am so sorry for what I had done to you. Can you give me another chance to fix it?"

Jenny took my hand and said yes. The gang was happy and impress with how she doesn't do anything and gets someone back so easily. Well, she is like a magnet that will pull you to her without trying.

We shared a passionate kiss like the time we first dated. Baekhyun and Taemin took pictures of us again, but posted it on SNS (Social Media).

Everyone on social media was happy again that MaNy is back. JYPentertainment and SMtown became friends and decided to combine. They approved the dating policy, even though my dating policy isn't unbanned yet.

Jackson finally woke up after a day or two. That was close because if he didn't his parents will kill us and we wouldn't see him again. These moments came back to me, the funny, sad moments we shared as one.

++After A Week++

Jenny and I grew more and more closer and sometimes we would hang out with our "gang" whenever we have time. GOT7 and Jenny's gang decided go combine as well, but there were too guys in the gang. The more guys there are the more protection you get.

Jenny resigned the contract and became half of a SM idol and half of a JYP idol. Our parents have planned for us to get married soon. Jenny and I talked about it recently and will get married a few months later.

We wanted a family, but still be idol as singers. The Return Of Superman (From Realizing) company sent us a letter asking if I wanted to join the family when we have our kids. It took a while to think about it, and we decided to join.

But first, we have to have to focus on our careers and marriage. Well, it will take a long time.
P. S: This chapter might sound like the finally chapter, but its not. I might also start a new book about Jackson that is dedicated to my friend Jamie.

I will see you guys in the next chapter! Peace!✌

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