A Love Triangle

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Mark went to get free food from the sample carts and left me shopping. As I was putting food in the cart, I saw my ex boyfriend Hongbin from VIXX. Hongbin was busy searching for food so I quickly pushed the cart and walked pass him.

"Oh, Jenny! Its nice to see you again." Hongbin was surprised that he met me at the supermarket again..

"Oh, Hongbin, its nice to see you again... Well I have to get going."

"Wait!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry for what I did in the past. Let's talk sometime and be more friendly like the past."

I blushed but pushed him gently so I can look at his handsome bright eyes. "Okay... Let's also exchange numbers."

We exchanged numbers and walked our own paths.

As I was walking I thought about what he said and the past and felt like crying.


Hongbin and I were dating for a year and its our anniversary, I wanted to surprise him at school. But I saw him with another girl kissing which was my best friend, Emma.

I was heartbroken. I ran for my life, wiping my tears. Hongbin saw me and called my name. I went to Jellyfish Entertainment and met up with VIXX.

I talked to N about it but they couldn't do anything. Leo was quiet about it. When I was done, I left them. I heard that when Hongbin came to the dorm, Leo became violent and was beating Hongbin up until the other members try to stop Leo.

It eventually spread around the school and girls started to bully me. Hongbin didn't even "try" to fix it, and the members protected me from the annoying fans. I have enough of it and told the truth, and luckily VIXX was there to back it up.

After the bullying has stop, I decided to move back to LA where my parents were living before they moved back to New York, where we first lived and where I was born. VIXX tried to stop me but I convince them to let me heal myself. Two years have passed and VIXX was better than ever. In the passed years, Hongbin broke up with Emma and worked harder.

[End FlashBack]

Mark met up with me and we paid for the food. Mark was so "nice" and make me carry everything. He bought too much chips and drinks. As long as I have Mark with me, I am going to be fine.

We finally arrived at our house and Mark helped me put the food into the fridge. I decided to make dinner so I started to cook fried rice mixed with kimchi.

As I was eating, Mark back hugged me. Then, my phone started to vibrate, I took my phone and saw that Hongbin texted me.

(J=Jenny, H=Hongbin)

H: Jenny, we should meet tomorrow at Jellyfish Entertainment, 11 am, right!

J: 👌

H: Did you eat yet?

J: I am eating right now.

H: Really, sorry🙇

J: Its okay, ttyl

H: 👌

"Who was that?" Mark scared me, forgetting the he was back hugging me.

"My friend from high school," I lied to him, and I felt guilty about it.

"Oh, Okay," and he walked away.

{The Next Day}

I woke up when the sun was in my eyes, I checked the time and it was 10:00! I ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I ran to change and ran to the kitchen to eat. Its now 10:30.

"Mark, I have to go!" I yelled while wearing my red Jordans and grabbing my bag and phone.

"Okay! Be careful!" I left and ran to Jellyfish Entertainment. Luckily it was 10 minutes away but its 10:55.

As soon as I got there, Hongbin arrived as well.

"Oh, Good Morning Jenny!"

"Morning Hongbin Oppa!" I acted like I was a five years old. Then Hongbin chuckled and messed up my hair.

"Yah! Hajima!" Slapping Hongbin's arm gently.

"Well, let's go meet up VIXX!" He chuckled, holding to my wrist and running into Jellyfish Entertainment.

When we got to the dance room, VIXX was dancing to Chained Up. Once they finished, they were covered with sweat. Their choreographer teacher told them that its for today and exited the room.

I walked into the rooms with Hongbin and it caught their attention. They saw us and started to ask so many questions.

"You guys back together?" N, the annoying leader asked. Hongbin and I looked at each other.

"No! We're just friends. Friends."

"Ohh..." Everyone shocked and giving us the 'Ohhh-didn't-expect-it😮' face.

"Besides, Jenny is dating Mark hyung from GOT7." Ken had to spoil for everyone.

"Wow, Congrats noona!" Hyuk, the mankae cheered.

"Gomawo!" I said to Hyuk and I turned my head to the right to see Hongbin, a bit sad.

Seeing him being sad makes me feel sad, but I can't show to the guys, so I pretended to act happy. Luckily I am a good actor.

"Well, guys," the guys turned their heads, facing me. "I have to go. I have to meet someone."

They looked depressed but asks to meet up with me someday and I did agree. We exchanged phones to keep in contact.

I was exiting the building until I bumped into someone.

"Omo, I am sorry!" The lady bowed quickly and left. I think she has a appointment with the company. I sighed and left the building.

As I was walking home, I saw Mark with a girl. I quickly hided and spied on them. They were kissing...

I was tearing up and ran back home. I opened the entrance door and slammed it shut and ran to my room. I was crying too much that I fell into deep sleep.
Hello. Sorry for the late update🙇
Since I haven't check my grammar mistakes, I will be checking it and sorry about my grammar. I also discontinued "GOT7 Imagines" because I couldn't think of enough ideas and I don't think I am up to the challenge, but I hope you guys understand! Thank you everyone! Please comment, vote, and follow my for more stories. Peace!✌

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