Its Okay

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Jenny's POV

"Jenny...I love you.." Mark said as he was still sleeping.

'Mark... I love you too. And I will never leave you.' I thought as I was ready to go back to sleep.

~~Its 10am~~

I woke up to the noise in the kitchen. Mark was next to me and I was shocked he was here. If he is here sleeping, then who is in the kitchen?

Then I saw Mark waking up to the noise. Mark was puzzled and he grabbed my hands.

"Jenny, don't worry. Its probably just the gang." Mark said which make my nervousness increase.

I ran to the kitchen and saw that, its just the gang. I was finally relieved, I sat on my knees and looked at the floor. Out of nowhere, my tears start to slowly fall.

"Jenny, what happen?" Amber asked as she walk to me with shock.

I didn't say anything which got everyone's attention. They slowly one by one sat with me. Mark then comes to me, pull me up and walked me into the room.

"Jenny, are you okay?" Mark asks in English while wiping my tears.

I couldn't say anything, so I shocked my head.

"Baby, tell me what happen." He slowly said.

"I was scared that someone was robing us... An... And that we will never see each other again." I told Mark with tears that start to pour out of my eyes.

"Oh, Honey, we wouldn't be separated no matter what. Okay?" Mark said as he placed my head on his chest and his arms wrapping around me.

My arms slowly wrapped around his chest and I pulled his chest to be closer to me. I could smell his cologne that I loved for years. I wanted this to last forever. One of Mark's hand was on my head, softly patting my head.

"Mark," I broke the silence. "Thank you."

"Thank you for what? I haven't done anything for you to thank me." Mark said with his husky tone.

"For loving me, for always being by my side, for having a child with me, and for being my husband and lover for eternity."

"I should be thanking you. You made my life complete and without you, my puzzle will never be completed. You made my day, and you're the reason why I am what I am. " Mark told me as we broke the hug and stared into our lover's eyes.

"Umm, I'm sorry for ruining your moment, but its breakfast...?" JR said as we gave JR the seriously?-now?-face. "Sorry!" JR apologized and quickly and quietly walked away.

"Let's go, okay? You must be hungry." Mark said with a big smile, grabbing my hand and walked with him to the kitchen.

"Okay Oppa!"

We were eating bento-box and it had different kinds of food. Its similar to the ones GOT7 gets from their fans, but the food is American food. We are finished eating expect Mark and JB. They sure eat slowly. Mark is so cute when he eats.

"Oppa! Come play with us!"

"After I finish eating, okay?" Mark said still looking at his breakfast.

"Aren't you full?"

"No. You can go play with the others." Mark said with his mouth full.

I pouted and acted cute. "Oppa!! Please play with us!"

"Jenny, I am almost done." Mark said as eats his last piece of food and placed his chopsticks on the top of the bento-box.

"Okay!" I replied and ran to the others who they were playing hide-and-seek.

The One I loved▶Mark GOT7 Fanfic⏩CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now