Reading The Letter (Final)

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One morning still without Mark, I got a letter. I looked at the back of the envelope and saw my address, and it was from Mark.

It said, 'Dear my beautiful lady Jenny, Remember when I told you that the next few months will be tight? It will be very tight. I'll think about you 24/7 even when the days get tough. I'll try to message you whenever I have time. Even though I can't see your beautiful face, I'll always look at the picture of the two of us. Don't do anything bad while I'm gone. Don't cry, and be strong and wait for me to come back home and then I'll hold you tightly in my arms. I know you're beautiful when you smile, so smile. I might not see you again for a very, very long time, so until then, stay healthy and safe and when I come back, I'll make up all the days. Take care of Jimmy for me! Saranghaeyo! From, your long distant relationship lover, Mark Tuan.'

After I finished reading it, the paper accidentally slide off my fingers and onto the cold, hard floor. Tears started to pour too much that I couldn't hold onto the crying sounds that Jimmy woke up from his sleep.

"Mommy, what happened?" Jimmy asks as his small hands gently run through my hair.

"Mommy is sad that daddy still hasn't come back yet."

"When daddy comes back, I'll smack him for you. I'll tell him what he had done to you. But I know daddy is there to earn money to take care of us and he will surely come back." The smart little baby said as he comforts his mom.

"Thank you Jimmy. We'll believe in him and wait for him to come back, okay?"

"Hurray!" Jimmy cheers as he runs around the house.

I deeply sighed and walked to my bedroom. Under the bed was a box filled with memories of Mark and I. I pulled it out and opened the lid of the box. Then, Jimmy ran into the room, and stopped to look at the box.

I looked at him, and explained what is in the box. He just nodded and grabbed a picture of Mark and I had the last day of high school. We looked at all the pictures and placed the memories back into the box and under the bed it goes.

I deeply sighed again as I got off the floor and walked into the bathroom. Tears started to pour as my back touched the wall and I sat on the floor. My legs covered my face, and my tears start to pour more.

Will I see Mark again? When can I see him? When will he return? Is he safe and healthy? Does he miss me like how I miss him? Will my family be happy? I still ask myself. Will I be happy without him? When will my life get better? When will I get to see The One I Loved? All these questions ran through my mind.

Jimmy walked into the bathroom, seeing me crying. He patted my head gently, saying its okay. Then, Dani came over. She saw me crying on my own, and she tried to calm me down. She grabbed her phone and called someone.

Dani's POV

I grabbed my phone from my bag and called Yugyeom. He is my guy best friend whenever I felt sad, he would comfort me. I looked at Jimmy and only could feel sorry for Jenny. She couldn't hold on the pain.

"Yeoboseyo?" Yugyeom finally answered the phone.

"Yugyeom, its Dani. I need you to do a favor for me."

"What is it?" Yugyeom asks me.

"Give the phone to him."

"Mark hyung? Okay, wait. Hyung! This is for you." Yugyeom hands the phone over to Mark.

"Yes?" Mark asks, wondering what's going on.

"You! You made her cry!"

"Jenny?! She cried?" Mark asked in shock.

"Yeah! You better talk to her and come back home and fast!" I said as I turn the phone on speaker and placed my phone on the floor.

Jenny's POV

"Jenny? I heard you cried. I'm very sorry that I couldn't be by your side when you need me the most. I'm... Very... Sorry." Mark said to me, as his voice sounded like he is crying.

"Oppa!" I called Mark as I am still crying. "I miss you so much. I feel so empty without you."

"I know Jenny. I know. I feel the same way. When I get home, I'll hug you and never let you go. I'll make you and Jimmy happy again. Just wait for me." Mark calmly said.

"Okay oppa, I'll wait until then, I'll try not to cry."

"That's my good girl." Mark said to me.

"Daddy!" Jimmy calls Mark.

"Hi Jimmy! How are you doing?" Mark asks Jimmy.

"Bad. Mommy and I needed you but you weren't there." Jimmy told him.

"I know Jimmy. I'll come home as soon as possible. But when I get home I have to go to the company to do something. But wait for me okay?" Mark told Jimmy.

"Okay! See you soon!"

"Bye oppa!"

"Bye Jenny and Jimmy!" Mark last said as the phone call ended.

I looked at Dani who is sad as well for some reason. I asked what happen and she said that BamBam broke up with her. Dani and I cried the day away and our eyes started to hurt.

Dani stayed at my home for the week and we had so much fun. We went shopping for K-pop merchandise and accessories. Anything that calms us down and anything that we think is cute. Jimmy tagged along too. All he wanted was for us to be happy so he left the things to us. He had so much fun too.

Its was so fun, until we thought about GOT7 once again. They were going to come back soon which excites me. Dani on the other hand is worried. She wasn't really ready to see BamBam once again.

Later that day I looked at the beautiful sky, asking heaven if life will be good for us. Then, the sky slowly turned to pink and red. The sign of love. I guess life will be good for us. I guess love means I can see The One I Loved again.

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