The News

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Jenny's POV

When Mark and I hugged,I suddenly heard the sound of cameras clicking. Its was the guys and Christina. I turned around to who is taking pictures and saw reporters and the worst. GOT7's annoying, well not annoying but crazy fans. (We are crazy for our boys😃) Mark probably heard it and turned around as well. He was shocked that they found us.

Fans will going crazy and screaming harsh things at me. 'Leave my Mark Oppa~alone!' or 'You piece of junk! You don't deserve to have Mark or anyone in GOT7!' I looked at the floor while walking away from the fans.

"Jenny, just ignore them, I am your Mark and I love you." I looked at him, blushing and he kissed my forehead. Fans were going 'The Crap! She took my Markiepooh!' or 'OMG! My Mark kissed her!' We walked away until something stopped us.

One of the annoying fans threw some papers at me. I was very mad, that I turned around and shouted at them.

"If I don't deserve Mark, either do you! Mark chooses who he loves. You don't go around places saying that Mark is yours. He doesn't even know or like you! How you expect someone to like a person who is telling people false information? In life, no one will like people like that. Mark, let's go." I grabbed Mark's hand and calmed myself, leaving with the group into GOT7's dorm. On our way to the dorm, we were silent.

"Jenny, that speech you said earlier was incredible." Jackson broke the silence.

"Yeah, I have to agree." BamBam agreed. I thought about the speech I made and looked at Mark.

Mark was looking away and I can tell that he was blushing the same way I was. I looked down and remembered that Mark and I were holding hands. I smiled. We finally arrived on the floor and exited the elevator and walked to the dorm.

"Are you girls ready to see something?" The nervous leader asked.

I looked at Christina and remembered that normally dorms are messy. I nodded at JB and he sighed. He unlocked the door and while he opened the door, Jackson pushed him in and ran in. I chuckled and followed the guys in.

~~Skip Time~~

It was night time and we decided to go have a party, but a quiet party. And we did. We even invited their manager to party with us. He joined in and we danced and partied. We all fell asleep but Mark was still awake.

He carried me bride style to his shared room with Jackson and gently placed me on his bed. He pulled the blankets and put it over me. I smiled cutely and thanked Mark Oppa~. And I fell deep asleep. Dreaming that this day wouldn't end...
Sorry that it took a long time🙏But most of all, thanking for waiting until the chapter came out. Please Vote, Comment and Follow me for more stories and Chapters! Peace!✌

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