Thank You Oppa

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(annyeonghaseyo! I would like to thank everyone who saw my story even though its boring. We have reached 1.18k views! Thank you for taking time for reading this story! I will be updating much sooner since we don't have school next week!🙌So, on with the story!)

Jenny's POV

Its morning. I open my eyes to the sun that is shining on my eyes. I see Mark next to me, and he is naked. 'OMG! Did we do last night?' I was nervous and scared that Mark was staring at me.

"Babe, we didn't do it, so don't worry." Wow, Mark can read my mind.

"On, okay.... " I showed no emotion.

"What's up with the no emotion face? You wanted to do it?" After saying that, Mark smirked and I playfully slapped his chest.

I was blushing so badly. I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. The kitchen looked so empty, so did the living room and the other extra rooms. I opened the door of the refrigerator, and saw groceries already prepared for us. I checked the cabinets and it was filled with cups and plates.

There was a cute couple cup, so I got the pink one. I went back to the refrigerator to got the milk carton and poured it into the cup. As I placed the milk carton back into the refrigerator, Mark came and back hugged me.

"Drinking milk in the morning babe?" Mark asked as he took the cup out of my grip.

"Yah! Give it back!"

"Try to get it, pabo!(fool/idiot)" Mark said, teasing me and raises the cup above our heads, so I can't reach it.

I had to jump in order to get my precious cup of milk. But I still couldn't reach it. Mark helped me with my morning exercise. I was still jumping until Mark pecked my lips. I was kind of shocked, yet still kissing him. Oh, how much I love his soft lips when his lips touched my.

He then slowly brings the cup lower. I saw it coming and quickly took it and walked away, breaking the kiss. Leaving Mark shocked and upset.

I walked into the living room and sat on the couch, turning out the TV and watching Disney Channel.

Then Mark's phone started to ring. He ran to the room and answered the phone.

Mark's POV


"Oppa!Can we meet up now?" Minah asked me in a cute tone.

"Umm,sure.Where you want to meet up at?"

"At the park near JYP entertainment." Why does she want to meet up?

"Okay." I hanged up and changed into my donut hoodie.

I walked downstairs and told Jenny that I am going to meet a friend. As I walk to the park,Minah called me.

"Oppa,I want to date you again." Oh no.

"Minah,the thing is that...umm,I am married.See." I said as I rub my nape and showed her my ring.

"Oh,sorry for wasting your time." Minah said as she bowed to me.

"Oh no,it's fine,besides,I have nothing to do at home."

"Oh okay. Can you tell me who you're married to?" What should I said?

"I am married to Jenny..."

"Oh congrats then." I could tell that she was very depress.

"Minah,you're a wonderful girl,but I'm not the right guy for you. Please understand." I told her as I bow to her. "You should find someone that will love you for eternity. Bye Minah." I felt so bad for her.

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