Long Time No See New York!

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(This chapter might have a lot of drama!)

"Your friend Christina is gone missing." The police said on the phone.

"What? Where is the last time you saw her?"

"New York, Times Square. We got this information from JYP sir." The police said to me.

"I an going to New York,leave it to me." I last said as I hanged up the phone.

I sighed deeply which got everyone's attention.

"What happen?" Dani asks as she places her hand on the right shoulder.

I explained everything to Dani and called Vanessa and Jamie for help,telling them to meet us at the airport in New York. I was nervous to see New York once again. Knowing that the world that changed a lot over the pass few years and months. I called my parents to come put us up and needs a bigger car.

Mark was sitting next to me and places his head on the shoulder,sleeping peacefully. He is very tired from the tours that were held back.As well as the other members. I look over at Dani and saw her sleeping on his shoulder and BamBam kissing her forehead. Hours and hours had pass and the airplane is ready to go go down. As it goes down, I took my phone and called my parents.

We finally arrived! NEW YORK!! My parents saw us and walked over to us. I felt like crying,seeing my parents and my siblings which was weird since they should be in Korea or on tour. We hugged tightly as the whole family reunited. As we were on our way home, I told my family about the Christina issues. Our home was like a mansion, like the one on 'The Stars To My Love', around that size. We decided to take the night off, and get our energy back to start a new day. I was scared of losing one of my best friends. I gave up and drove to Times Square to search for her. The gang followed me as we got out of the home and into the car.

We searched for hours and hours and finally found that girl. We ran to her and had to stop to catch our breathes. I was furious, having a girl be alone at night!

"Christina! Why are you here in Times Square at night?!"

"Seeing the memories again." Christina replied while looking around the place.

"Oh, that player." Jamie steps in the conversation.

"Yeah,even though he is a player,I still love him. Seeing him with another girl after dumping me is just so sad. After all the memories we shared together." Christina said as she starts to tear up.

"We understand how you felt."

"No you don't!" Christina quickly replied back.

"I do because I felt that way before. Life just isn't fair sometimes."

"True! We always get what we want." Dani jumps in.

"That's not true! Jenny gets what she wants! A handsome husband. Great family. Nice house. Gets the career she dreams of. And a life she wants! Why can't I be like Jenny?" Christina said,thinking it unfair.

"I work hard to get what I want! But what do you do? Waiting for the last minute to do it which in the end fails. You said that you want a life like my. Right? Then work your butts off. Work like how I worked in the past,see how it's like to be in my position." I said as my face heats up with rage.

I was so mad, I left Times Square and walked to Broad Way. Mark and the guys followed me excerpt BamBam. Mark grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug, patted my back,signaling that it's okay to cry now. He knows that I get emotional very easily at times like this. I cried until I accidentally fell asleep. I could feel Mark's breath and smell his cologne. He carried me back the game rules who I could hear the girls saying that I never heard they say before.

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