Love Is In The Air

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(annyeonghaseyo! Thank You for everyone who voted for this book! I appreciate everyone who voted for my story *bow* gomabseubnida!Hope you enjoy this chapter!)

Mark's POV

I placed Jenny on my bed and pulled the blankets and placed it on top of her. She smiled cutely and thanked me. I could feel my cheeks turning red and hot. I walked the door and gently and slowly closed the door. As I exited the room, the guys was surrounding me.

"Ummm, what are you guys doing?"

"Oh... Nothing, just wanting to talk to you." Jackson said which made me feel that its about love. Then they grabbed the nape of my neck and pushed me which made me fall and sit down on the floor.

We were sitting in a circle and played truth or dare, which I hate the most.

"I go first.. Ummm... Mark! Truth or Dare?" Youngjae asked.

'Why does it have to be me?!?!' I though


"I DARE YOU To go kiss Jenny all over her face, using red lipstick!" Youngjae handing my lipstick.

'Youngjae, I will get you next time!'

"Ohhhh!" BamBam and Jackson said with excitement. They looked at each other and gave each other a high5.

I put on the red lipstick and walked to the room. I gently opened the door and walked in. The guys slowly walked up to the door and got their phones ready to load.

'I am sorry Jenny, blame the guys and not me.' I started to kiss her all over her face, tying not to wake her up and the guys kept taking pictures.

I finished doing my job and walked up pass the guys. I sat down and the guys did too. And we continued playing.

Jenny's POV

I was sleeping quietly until someone kissed me all over my face. I was careful not to opening my eyes and when he was done, there were people chuckled and left the room. I guessed it was Mark since his kisses are soft and special than other people I knew.

I got up and walked to the door, slowly peeking at the guys and saw Mark with lipstick on. I chuckled until I couldn't hold it and exposed the laughter.

"OMG! Jenny is laughing so hard!" Jr was shocked and then everyone started to laugh expect Mark.

I walked to the bathroom and saw myself covered with lipstick. "Mark!!!! Come here!"

"Ohhhh, Mark hyung is getting into big trouble!" The maknae was so happy.

I quickly put on my lipstick and when Mark came, I grabbed his arm and pulled him close to me. I kissed on his cheeks and did what he did to me. He just froze and then smiled widely at me.

"Yah! It wasn't me, it was Youngjae! He made me do it!" He explained with a whispering voice.

"I know you wouldn't do that but I was about to do it to you too." I whispered into Mark's ear and pecked his lips.

"We should grab lipstick and put it on his face," Mark was good and making up ideas for revenge. I gave him a thumbs up and we grabbed lipsticks, put it in our pockets and walked out.

"Hahaha!Hyung looks just like Jenny. What a couple!" Jr shouted and banged on the floor.

"Youngjae, I want to talk to you."

He gulped and walked to me. "Attack!!"

Mark and I attacked Youngjae with a lipstick bomb and we drew all over Youngjae's face. When we were done, everyone was tired and we had to go to sleep.

I couldn't go to Christina's apartment since its midnight, so we have to sleep at GOT7's dorm. I slept with Mark and Christina slept with BamBam.

~~In The Morning~~

We had to go back home until my mom wanted talk to me until she is in Korea with dad. We decided to meet up near JYPE, it was close to Christina's apartment, so I walked. When I got there, mom, dad and two other people were there.

I hugged my parents and introduced myself to the other two people.

"Hi, you must to Jenny, you probably don't remember me, I am Mark's mom and he is his dad." Mark's Mom greeted back.

"Mark will be a little late since he works over JYPE." Mark's dad explained.

~~A Few Minutes Later~~

I saw Mark running. "Sorry that I am late."

He greeted my parents and hugged his parents. After all the greeting Mark finally saw me and said "Jenny, what are you doing here?"

"Well, they are my parents and they wanted to talk to me about something."

"Since you guys know each other, we will tell you why we meet each other up." Mark's dad telling us.

"We are deciding to make you guys a couple and get marry."My dad quickly explained.

"What?" Mark and I said to our parents.

"I want to tell you guys that Jenny and I are already dating." Mark told our parents.

"We know that it is why we want you guys to get married and have kids. We know that you guys are a good couple. That is why we are telling you this. We have to go soon and here, have this." They gave us keys.

"We told JYP that you guys are moving to a new house and love with each other. Also, your wedding is coming soon. We will arrange everything." And before I could say anything, they left.

"Mark... We have to move to our new house and live together." I looked at him and smiled at him.

"Yeah, we have to pack our things. They also sent us the address to our house." Mark replied back with his signature smile. We walk to our apartments and started to pack up.

~~At The New House~~

It didn't take a long time to pack our things and move until the house. We opened the door to the house and saw how big it is. We grabbed our things to our room that we will be sharing.

~~Finish Getting Everything We Need~~

We now need food so we went to a nearby supermarket. We were putting things in the cart until I saw someone I knew...
I hoped you enjoy this chapter and for the Asian readers, Happy Chinese New Year!
Please vote, comment and follow me for more chapters and stories. Peace! ✌

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