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This is the day that might turn out great...

We stopped at downtown Manhattan where there was event bring held. Mark parked the car and we got out of the car. We walked hand to hand and fans start to come one by one. Fans asked for autographs and selfies but Mark told they that we're on vacation, so they can't do it for them.

We walked into a gift shop and saw lockers and postcards. I got a pink locker and Mark got a red locker. We got our markers and wrote things on the locker.

My locker says, 'Forever Mark and Jenny! Love each other for eternity and will never break. Love you Mark Tuan!😘'

I glanced at Mark's locker and only saw, 'To Jenny,' since Mark saw me glancing at his message and covered it. He sure took his time in writing his message. Probably something important.

"Done! Let's go find a place to lock these babies up!" Mark said as he walked out his seat and searched for a good spot.

"Ah! Here!" I said to Mark, pointing at the bamboo garden filled with lockers too, but on the very top, there is room.
"Okay! But how are we going get up there?" Mark asks, since its higher than our height.

"I don't know."

"Oh! I know!" Mark said as he looks at me, smirking.

"Don't tell me its..."

"Yeah! Carrying you on my shoulders!" Mark continued my sentence as he continues to smirk.

"Oh no!"

"Oh yes!" Mark said as he knee down on the wooden floor. "Please hurry up."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes. I want to." Mark simply said as he patted his shoulder.

"If you say so. But warning, I am heavy." I said as I slowly sat on Mark's shoulder and he slowly stood up.

"OMG!" Mark said as he completely stood up.

"W-What happen?"

"You're so light!" Mark said as pats on my thighs.

"Oh! You scared me for a second."

"I'm just joking. You're heavy." Mark said, joking around me.

"What! I hate you." I said to Mark as I playfully slapped his head.

"Ow!" Mark said as his hand rubs his head.

"Mianhae!" I apologized to Mark who then started to laugh.

"Hahaha! Jenny, you are so easily tricked." Mark told me as he continues to chock up.

"Yah! You know I am like this!" I said as once again gently slapped Mark's head.

"Okay, okay! Are you done yet?" Mark asked me about the lockers that I completely forgot.

"Oh! Mianhae!" I apologized to Mark as I placed the lockers around the bamboo and locked it.

As I was locking it, I saw what Mark wrote not he locker. 'Dear Jenny, I will love you for eternity! Stay with me until we die. Let's stay as one! Forever Jenny and Mark! Saranghaeyo!😘 From, your only handsome husband and lover, Mark Tuan.'

Mark is so romantic! He doesn't try to, but he is good at it. I am very lucky to have an amazing man like him. I looked down at him, and seeing him looking at me.

"You done?" Mark asks me.


"Going down!" Mark warns me as he goes down.

I got off of Mark and he fell onto my lap. He was tired for carrying me, but I warned him that I was heavy and he didn't listen. I took my hand and places on Mark's forehead to see that he was starting to sweat. Then he grabs my hand and holds it tightly. He lifts up his head, and stares into my eyes.

He took his other hand and places it on my cheek. I lend forward and kissed his forehead. He smiles at me and kissed me on my forehead as well. Mark got up and we stood up.

"Let's go!" Mark said as he takes his hand out for me to hold hands.

I took his hand and we walked to the table benches. Half table and half bench. We took our pens and postcards out. Mark and I started to write on the postcard. I though about what I should write to Mark. Mark on the other hand has already started his letter to me.

I though and though about it and yet still haven't think of anything. Then Mark saw me not writing anything on the paper.

"Can't think of anything?" Mark asks as he looks at my paper that is empty.

I nodded my head and stared at the paper as well. He lends towards me and takes the paper from me and wrote something. He gave it back after he finished writing, I took a look at it and saw his address. I took his paper as well and wrote my address.

Then I though about what Mark told me last time. 'The next few months will the pain in the Butt's due to the tours and the comeback we're planning to have.' GOT7 might not have time to hang out with us, the girls. Then I realized something I should include in the letter.

So, I began to start to writing the letter. 'Dear my one and only Mark Tuan, I love you no matter what we will face in the future. Remember when you told me that your schedule will be packed with the tours and the comeback? I hope it goes well. I'll be next to you facing problems and facing the hard times. Even though we are separated from each other for a very long time, I'll always be by your side with Jimmy to the very top with you. No matter how long this takes, I'll be waiting for your return. Saranghaeyo! (╯3╰) From, your one and only Jenny Tuan.'

I was done and I looked up to see Mark still writing his letter. I wonder what he was writing to me about. As I was thinking this, Mark finally finished and we mailed the postcards and have to wait for a year. That is a very long time.

We drove back home where the big family was waiting for our return. When we just arrived home, my parents just finished cooking dinner, since they eat dinner around five to six o'clock pm. The food was delicious, homemade Chinese food. Dani and Vanessa didn't really like it so my parents lent them eat what they want.

After a few days later, we left New York and went back to South Korea. There we see GOT7 practicing for their tours and comeback. Times like this, Mark and I slowly drift away and we go our separate ways for now. Now, I hang out with the girls more. Mark was busy with his martial arts moves and everything he needs to practice. I had to take care of Jimmy by myself or the girls would help me out. Sometimes we would visit GOT7, but its rarely. Now, its a start of a different path.
Hello everyone! Sorry for the late update!🙇 I was kind of writer's block but managed to break through. Warning again! This story is coming to an end soon, but there will be a book two. Hint- One of the sentences, (well kind of a sentence) of the last paragraph if this chapter is the next chapter's title! Guess what the title is by commenting! Also please follow my good friends, -astronomy, Got7Ahgase-MarkTuan, lovingseoul, MarkBamJaeYu_Althea, got story, Unknown_Mark_hansol, and everyone else who knows me and you guys know who you guys are! Just check the people I follow and make sure to follow them! Peace!✌

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