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Jenny's POV

Today is GOT7's last week of preforming 'Fly' and 'Home Run' at Inkigayo Music Bank,so I decided to come to the show to surprise them. I woke up early, so they wouldn't see me, if I arrived after them. As I was walking to the show, fans were like, 'Jenny, please take care of Mark for us' or 'Please make Mark happy!' something like that.

When I heard that I bowed to them saying I will, and smiled brightly to them. Some ask why I'm here and I told them is to surprise them. They were jealous, but understands why and kept it a secret before GOT7 comes.

Then I met BTOB's Sungjae, the host of Inkigayo, except Jackson. I greeted to him and he did the same. He asked the same question as the fans, and I said the same answer again. Sungjae also congratulated Mark and I. I thanked him and asked him where should I hide until the end of the show. He told me to hide with them for now.

I met all the members of BTOB and chatted with them until the show began. We looked at the TV and saw Jackson and Sungjae wearing angel wings and angel crowns. Its so cute!

"Hello everyone! I am Jackson from GOT7!" Jackson Oppa introduces himself.

"And I am Sungjae from BTOB!" Sungjae also introduces himself.

"Today is GOT7's last day to preform, sadly..." Jackson said pouting.

"Yeah, its sad, but they will be back soon. We also have VIXX, CNBLUE, and (insert your favorite bands because I don't know what other bands are in show, sorry🙇)." Sungjae said as he pats Jackson's back.

"So, the show will begin!" Jackson said as the music bank begins.

The first band starts to dance and sing, I tried to sing along with them.

~~Time Passes Until Its GOT7's Turn~~

Then it was GOT7's turn. They sang 'Fly' and 'Home Run'. I watched carefully at Mark. Mark looks so hot in the outfit. When it was his turn to sing/rap, he looks so sexy and chic.

After they finished 'Fly', they moved on to 'Home Run'. They quickly ran back on stage, wearing their GOT7 jerseys. I like it, I also want one. Mark's parts of both songs are the best parts of the songs, in my opinion.

While thinking that, Mark starts to sing/rap. Mark smiles at the camera which made me want to faint. It feels like a arrow shot through my heart.💘 Before, you know it, the songs ended.

Then all of the bands that preformed had to go on stage. They were announcing the winner of this week's show.

"The winner is CNBLUE! Congrats!" Jackson said as he gave them flowers💐 and the trophy.🏆

"I would like to thank our fans, staff members, our parents and everyone who made our dreams come true!Thank You!" The leader of CNBLUE, Yonghwa said as all the members bowed.

"Also, we have a special guest right now, but its for GOT7." Yonghwa also announced.

I quickly ran to the stage, grabbing my gifts for them and I saw GOT7 looking around and curious. Jackson is the host and doesn't even know. I walked up the stairs and everyone turned their heads to look at me.

"The special guest is Jenny!" Sungjae said.

Then the fans were going crazy and cheering for me. I bowed to the celebrities on stage and they bowed back. I walked to where GOT7 was standing at as they walked out the stage.

"Jenny! What are you doing here?" Mark said still curious.

"I came to surprise you guys." I said as I gave them their gifts.

"We didn't see you though." Mark said getting more curious.

"I came very early." I explained.

All the members expect Mark opened their gifts and looked at me happily.

"Wow noona! Thank you!" Bambam and Yugyeom thanking me for the gifts.

"Yeah, thanks Jenny." The rest of the members said.

"Wait, its not all it.I also prepared something else for you guys."

Then 'Fly' was on. I started to dance to it, and GOT7 was shocked that I knew the choreograph, since I am always with them 24/7. Then I also danced to 'Home Run'.

The fans had their phones out and recording it. After the songs ends, Mark walked over and hugged me.

"Thank You Jenny." Mark said as he kisses my forehead.

"I didn't do anything for you."

"You did, you entered into my life and made me the happiest man on the universe." Mark said as he tighten the hug.

"Oppa, I am thankful too, to have you as my husband and a man who will love me the way I love him."

We stayed in the hugging position until the members interrupted our moment.

"Umm, we are still here." JB said, and we broke the hug.

"We also have to thank the IGOT7s and everyone who supported us." Youngjae said with a happy tone.

"Thank you!" We all said into the micphone as we bowed to the fans.

"I would like to thank everyone who was there for GOT7, and made their goals a success. Thank you to all the fans for supporting MaEy,(Mark + Jenny) and understand our relationship. Thank you!" I said as bowed deeply.

GOT7 did the same and we got up and bowed again as we take our leave. We drove back to our house and relaxed for the whole day. Mark walked to our room and slept. I decided to sleep with him, I sat on the bed and carefully played with his soft brown hair.

Then JR bursted into the room. I was a little shocked and I got off the bed.

"What happen?"

"We... Are... Hungry!!!" JR said as he went on his knees and begged for food.

"Okay, okay. Go to the living room and play with the other, while I make lunch."

"Thanks Jenny!" He said as happily skipped to the living room.

I smiled and chuckled as I make my way to the kitchen. I made Kimchi jjigae(stew)that BamBam made on 'Real GOT7, season 3, episode 7.'

~~Half an hour later~~

"Lunch is ready!"

I was about to walk to the room to wake up Mark, two strong arms wrap around my waist and his chin of my shoulder.

"Honey, what are you doing?" Mark said in his husky voice.

"I was about to go to the room and we you up."

"Too late." He said as he pecked my lips and walked to the living room.

I grabbed the pot of kimchi jjigae and bought it to the living room.

"Wow, hyung, you didn't help noona!" Bambam said as he try to help me.

"Its okay Bambam. Well, let's wash your hands first."

They ran to the kitchen to wash their hands and ran back to the living room.

"Let's eat!" I said as I lift the pot lid and walked back to the kitchen to put it down.

"Thank you noona/Jenny for the food!" They all said as they start to dig in.

"No problem, anything for you guys."

~~Finished Eating~~
We finished eating and I washed the dishes/pots. I was tired that I took a bath, calming myself down and thinking about the good times. I quickly clean up and my eyes slowly start to close.

Then I felt something on my cheek, something soft...
Hey everyone! I reached to 1.29k views! Thank you everyone!🙏 I am going to work harder! FIGHTING!💪

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