Relaxing and moms and parties.. What?

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I feel her hands on my shoulders, slowly wrapping around me. Her head gently rests on my shoulder. Her lips barely press against my cheek. It's a sign that says relax. She knows I'm working myself too hard on trying to get something down and I need to relax.

"Whatcha working on?" Chloe asks pressing her lips to my jaw. She presses small kisses down my jaw and then to my neck. I take the headphones off and set them down on the desk.

"Just a demo for a song Emily wrote. Nothing big." I tell her, leaning back into her embrace. In reality, it was an extremely important song just for Chloe. It explained everything I felt. It lets her know she is my world. It tells her how I feel. "I just can't get a few parts in it." I sigh turning my head slightly so I can see her.

"Well why don't you take a break and come to bed with me? It's late." She says making me glance at the clock which already reads 1 a.m. I sigh knowing she is right but I doubt I will be able to sleep if I don't get it finished. "You can work on it tomorrow. And don't worry about not being able to sleep; we won't be doing much sleeping." She whispers the last part, her lips extremely close to my ear. It sends a shiver throughout my whole body. The things this girl does to me. She unwraps herself from me. The loss of contact leaves me cold. Chloe spins the chair around. Slowly, she sits down so she is straddling me. One hands runs through my hair while the other plays with my bottom lip. She ever so slightly places her lips against mine before untangling herself from me and standing up. "You coming to bed or what?" She asks as she walks out of the room.

I glance at my computer and back at the doorway where my incredibly gorgeous girlfriend was just standing. I think I'll finish this tomorrow. I chase after Chloe but she is already lying in bed being as patient as ever. "Well it took you long enough." She laughs as she sits up in bed. She sits on her knees staring at me. I walk over to her, my legs leaning against the bed. She grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me closer to her letting our lips crash together.

"I love you." I whisper to her before she pulls me down into bed.


Beca is still sleeping when I wake up. Thank god it is Saturday because I don't want to ruin this perfection. Beca snuggles deeper into me obviously cold. I wrap an arm around her and kiss her lightly on the forehead, not wanting to wake her. This is what I want. This is what I want for the rest of my life. Beca is everything I want and more. She is cool and calm and collected which is the complete opposite of me. I'm crazy and energetic and I lose my shit more times than I care to admit. We are opposites but we balance each other out. Beca is the calm and confidence I need while I'm the fun and let loose type of attitude she needs.

"Chloe honey, are you home?!" I know that voice all too well. I spent my entire childhood listening to that voice. I groan, letting my head fall back on to the pillow. My mother is here. My mother is in my apartment. My mother is in my apartment probably ready to walk back into the bedroom where Beca and I are not clothed at all. Great. This is perfect.

"Yea hold on mom!" I shout back knowing I will wake up Beca. I nudge Becs a bit. "Wake up and put some clothes on, my mother is here." I whisper getting out of bed and finding clothes that were carelessly discarded last night.

"Now that is something I could wake up to every morning." Beca whispers letting a yawn out. I give her a not so serious glare after I pull my shirt down. I throw her clothes at her. "I'm moving. Gosh woman, give me a minute." She groans pulling the covers off of her. She stands up and walks over to her dresser.

"That's mine." I tell her as she pulls out a bra. I grab it from her and throw it into the closet which consists of my clothes mainly. She grabs another one out the drawer and shows it to me. "That's yours." I laugh walking over to her. I give her a kiss before finding some pants. She grabs a black shirt and puts it on. "You still needs pants." I remind her as she gets closer to the door. She looks down at her legs and laughs a little. I throw her the favorite pair of sweatpants which happen to be mine. She quickly puts them on. "Alright let's go see what my mother wants." I sigh following Beca out of the room.

"There you two are!" My mom exclaims extremely happy. I sigh as I walk over and give her a hug. "How are you guys feelings?" She asks glancing between Beca and I. Beca mutters something incoherent while starting to make coffee. I sit down on a barstool and face my mom.

"I'm great mom. What's with the unannounced visit?" I ask her kinda pissed off considering she ruined my morning with Becs. Things are finally getting back to normal with us and it's good. Everything is good right now. We are happy and I'm pretty sure after last night, things will be normal again. "Not that I care." I quickly add once I realize how rude I was.

"Well now that Emily has the new Bella's picked out, I thought it would be a great idea if you guys got all the girls back together to meet the new Bella's and we have a nice barbecue. I will of course host and it will be wonderful." She exclaims clearly very excited. My mother was born to plan parties. Ever since I was a little girl, I have always hosted the best parties because of my mother. Beca walks over to me and sets a cup of coffee in front of me. She kisses my forehead before walking back into the kitchen. My mom glances at me with the slightest smirk on her face. "So what do ya say?" She asks already forgetting about Beca knowing exactly how I like my coffee. I glance back at Beca who just shrugs.

"Sure mom, sounds fun." I nod smiling the best I can. Alright, let's have a Bellas party.

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