Don't listen to mom. She's crazy

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A/N Okay so this chapter is pretty intense with stuff so just a warning. Some derogatory terms are in this chapter along with a lot of family issues involving people not being accepting of homosexuality.

Everyone sits silently not moving a muscle. I'm not making the first move on this. I know my mom and she will want the first word in the whole matter. She stares at Chloe and I. "A wife?" She mutters just loud enough. "A wife?" She says a little bit louder. She steps away from Chloe and I. I know what she is going to say next and I dread hearing the words. "I didn't raise a faggot. I raised a woman who is definitely not supposed to marry a woman. You were meant to marry a man. This is an abomination. You just haven't met the right man yet. You need to give yourself more time to find a good man who will show you that you were never meant to marry a woman." She yells at me. I let go of Chloe's hand and stand up. Slowly I walk towards my mother.

"Becs..." I hear Chloe whisper. I glance back at her.

I stop about a foot away from my mom. "You were right about one thing. You didn't raise me. Dad raised me to be myself. He stuck around no matter how much trouble I gave him. You were too busy jetting off to different places. You didn't raise me. You have no place in my life anymore. You can either accept that I am marrying Chloe who is the most amazing person I have ever met and has become more of my family than you have ever been or you can get the hell out of my apartment." I tell her trying to stay as calm as possible.

"Come on sweetie, don't be so rude. I'm expressing myself. Isn't that was you always would say?" She laughs trying to pat my arm. "All I'm say is that you will find a good man who will love you and support you. I'm sure Chloe is great but there has got to be an even greater man for you. Just hear me out when I say this. Please Beca. I know some good old church boys who would love to go out with you. Just give them a chance Beca. I'm sure you will love them." She exclaims still trying to reason with me. I'm past being reasoned with. I was never going to be reasoned with.

"Why don't you do what you are good at and leave." I say opening the front door for her. She looks at me like I a five heads. "Now." I tell her holding the door open. She doesn't budge.

"Do you know what the bible says about homosexuality?" She asks which is more of a rhetorical question. She steps a little closer to me. "Let me save you, Beca. You will end up going to hell. I'm just trying to keep you from throwing your life away on a girl who probably will divorce you in a year because she wants to whore around with others. I can't let you go through that." She says in her "loving mother" voice. She reaches out for my hand but I pull away from her.

"Never talk about Chloe like that again. You can degrade me in any way possible but you will never talk about my fiancée like that." I say a little less calmly. The tone in my voice takes her by surprise. "Now leave." I tell her shoving her purse into her arms.

"Damn faggots." She mutters loud enough for everyone to hear. It can't be an exit unless it's dramatic. She always said that growing up. The one thing she taught me was always make your exit dramatic that way people remember you. I never really followed that advice... Maybe once or twice but never as much as she did. I slam the door shut behind her. Everyone stares at me including Chloe. Some give me pity looks while other stare in disbelief.

"I need a break." I mutter walking back into mine and Chloe's room. I shut the door behind me. Before I can start processing what just happened, my fist connects with the wall the first time and again and again. After the third time, I shake my hand out as the blood drips from my knuckles. The last punch goes through the wall. I pull my fist from the drywall. Damn that hurt. Do badasses do that all the time? I sit down, leaning against the wall. She just had to show up and ruin everything. God she always ruins everything. Chloe probably hates me now and will never want to talk to me again. I lean my head back and close my eyes. I'm not going to cry over her. She was always a shitty mother and I don't know why I thought she would change. I guess I was hoping for the best.

My phone vibrates against my hip. I pull it out only to see I have missed call. I press the phone to listen to the voicemail. "Hey kiddo. Sorry I missed your call. Things are crazy over here but I'm happy for you. I expect to meet this girl when I'm back which will be in a week. I can't wait to see you again. There's a lot we need to talk about. I will be waiting for the wedding invitation in the mail. I miss you a lot. Love you Becs. Be good for dad and don't listen to mom. She's crazy." There is a lot of shouting in the background before the line clicks off. I laugh a little through the tears at the last part.

Someone knocks on the door as I shove my phone back into my pocket. Chloe peeks her head around the door trying her best to smile. "I put a hole in the wall." I mutter not looking at her. She takes that as her invitation to come in. She bends down in front of me.

"Yea I see that babe." She says very calmly. Her hand finds the side of my face. I still refuse to look at her. "Becs please look at me." She kinda pleads. Gently, she grabs my chin which makes me look up at her. "There's my girl." She smiles. "I'm not going to ask if you are okay because clearly you aren't. I know you are beating yourself up over this because you don't want to care that your mom just said all of those things since she was never really around but you do care and that makes you human. Which is kinda thankful for because for a while I was kind of under the impression you were a robot. But Becs your mom doesn't matter because the family that loves you and supports you is going to be at the wedding. Sure they might not be related by blood but they do love you and want what's best for you. Those people will be there and that's what matters." I let out a small laugh at the robot part. Chloe always joked that I was a robot because I never showed any emotions. It's been going on since my freshman year. "And I love you. I'm your family. I was before we got engaged and I will always be your family. I love you, okay?" I nod my head sniffing a few times. Even though I'm a slobbering mess, she kisses me.

"Let's get you cleaned up." She whispers helping me stand before leading me to the bathroom. I sit down on the toilet seat while she grabs a washcloth from under the sink. I watch has she places it under the water. She leaves only to return with the first aid kit. She gently takes my hand in hers. With the other hand, she daps the washcloth over my knuckles. "It might be broken." Chloe mumbles to herself. She cleans off the blood and wraps it loosely with gauze. She kisses my knuckles lightly trying to get a laugh at me. She looks up at me with this little grin on her face. I break and smile back. "It's been along day. Why don't we head to bed. I'll call your doctor tomorrow so you can get that x-rayed." Chloe whispers grabbing my other hand.

I watch as she pulls back the covers and arranges the pillows how I like them. I can't sleep unless they are perfect. I love how she knows that. She motions for me to come to her. As soon as I am close enough, she wraps her arms around my waist, pulling me close. And as she wraps me in her arms, I know that she is the only family I truly need. She is the one who loves me and supports me and puts up with me no matter what. She is loving and familiar and kind.

Chloe is home.

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