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*Five Years Later*

"Babe, we are going to be late. I love that you are getting dressed up but seriously we are going to be late." I yell from the bottom of the steps. I wait for a few minutes until I hear the door open. Little blonde curls bounce as she makes her way down the steps.

"Momma, don't I look pretty?" The little girl says launching herself right into my arms.

"Absolutely gorgeous, baby girl." I tell her giving her a kiss on the cheek. She kisses my cheek right back. A throat gets cleared, pulling my attention from the little ball of joy in my arms. I look up at her and she looks absolutely gorgeous. "You just wait until you are older. You are going to be just as beautiful as your mom." I whisper loud enough for Chlo to hear. I put the little girl down and meet Chloe at the bottom of the steps. I hold out my head for her.

"You look amazing." I whisper kissing her. She melts right into the kiss.

"You don't look so bad yourself, stud." She tells me smirking a bit. "If I wasn't pregnant, this night would end very differently." She whispers to me. Every time after all these years and it still sends shivers down my spine. She walks into the kitchen, leaving me trying to get my thoughts together. I watch as she grabs Kennedy's bag and ushers her out the door.

I finally climb into the car. Chloe is waiting with Kennedy already buckled up in the back. She looks over and smirks at me saying, took you long enough. I just smile back at her, trying so hard to get my mind out of the gutter but when your wife is as hot as mine, it is kinda hard.

Chloe turns the music up and starts singing along. Her singing never fails to make me happy. Even if I'm already happy. It makes me happier. Especially when Kennedy starts singing and dancing from the back in car seat. My family just makes me happy. No amount of success in my career will ever make me as happy as my family does. They are my pride and joy. I just want to give them everything I didn't have growing up. I know my parents fighting completely tore me up inside. I will never forget the look on Kennedy's face when she woke up because Chloe and I were arguing. It was the first fight she had witnessed. Chloe and I rarely fight so when we do fight, they can get bad.

"It will only be for a week. I just have to fly and out and handle some business. Hell it probably won't even take a week and I will be back before you know it. It will be like I was never gone. You won't even miss me." I tell her sitting on the couch as she pacing back and forth.

"It's not about you being gone, Beca, it's the fact that I'm seven, almost eight months pregnant and we have another child to take care of! How am I supposed to finish the nursery and take care of a child who needs to be watched carefully? You can't just throw this on me." She exclaims still pacing.

"Chlo, just sit down, please." I tell her standing up. I gently grab her arms and try to direct her to the couch. She pulls away from me.

"Don't. Was this trip even up for discussion or did you just decide by yoursel?" She asks me starting to raise her voice.

"Chloe, this is my job. I have to go. I don't think that is really up for discussion." I fire back. Probably not the best thing to say to a pregnant woman. She turns to face me. I instantly regret saying that.

"Beca, we are married we are supposed to make every decision together!" She yells out of clearly frustration. "I get that it is for work but we are married and I am pregnant and yea I get that the baby technically isn't yours but it is still your child and you have to be here to help with me and Kennedy because I can't do the single mom thing, especially with all of Kennedy' heart problems!"

"That baby isn't mine? Are you kidding me, Chloe?" I yell right back at her. "That was low. You know I wish I could have kids. But I guess Kennedy isn't mine either then?" Chloe doesn't say anything. We both just stare at each other, completely fuming. I hear the footsteps coming down the steps. I know those footsteps all too well. The blonde curls peak out from behind the wall separating the kitchen and living room. Kennedy looks at both of us with tears in her eyes.

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