1. He Is A Her

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"Promise you won't let her replace me?" Allison practically begs through the phone and Lydia rolls her eyes. It was the first day of summer, into Lydia's second year of college, when she finally convinced her mom into letting her move closer to where she was taking classes. The only catch is that she wasn't aloud a whole apartment to herself.

Her mother found a room mate application and filled it out to Lydia's dismay. Propping the phone between her shoulder and ear, she quickly pulls out a large box from her trunk before closing it. She'd come back later.
"Well I would room with you but we've already been over that." Lydia complains. Allison and her had planned to spend freshman year of college completely together but Lydia's mother wanted her home one more year. Allison couldn't afford rent on her own so she had found her current room mate, Kira.

"You want us to come by tomorrow and help you decorate?" Kira interrupts.
"That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea. I'll text you later." And with that Lydia hangs up, slipping the phone in the back pocket of her jean shorts.

3b, 3b, 3b. Lydia repeats the apartment number in her mind while trudging up three flights of stairs. That was one thing: the complex didn't have an elevator. So she climbed all the way to apartment 3b, setting down the heavy box with a sigh before knocking on the door and fixing her appearance. There's a few clambering noises from inside until the cocking of locks sounds and Lydia straightens out her crop top.

Who was standing behind the door, she did not expect to see. A tall, thin, boy with chestnut brown hair and matching whiskey colored eyes stares back at her in confusion. Lydia had to admit, he was pretty cute.
"You must be the boyfriend." She smirks causing him to furrow his brows.
"Excuse me?" He breaths a laugh, one hand on the door while the other reaches above him to lean on the door, his muscles flexing just a bit. Cute suddenly turned into sexy and her mouth moves up and down, practically speechless.

"I'm supposed to be moving into 3b today and I'm assuming you're my room mates boyfriend." Lydia quickly explains.
"You're Martin?"
"Martin is my last name." She purses her lips. The boy curses under his breath, reaching in the pocket of his jeans before producing a paper. He opens it up, showing it to her and pointing to the name up top.

"Martin Lydia." He says and Lydia snatches it from his hand with the roll of her eyes.
"Martin comma Lydia. Aka last comma first. I really hope you're taking an English course."
"Didn't you check the name before you filled it out?" He asks.
"My mom filled it out. She's forcing me to room. I wanted my own apartment. What's your name cutie?" Lydia suddenly found confidence knowing that this guy, was not in fact, the boyfriend of her new room mate.

He licks his lips. "Stiles." And for the first time he fully takes on her appearance. She was hot and he took a moment to thank her silently under his breath for wearing skimpy clothing. Strawberry blonde hair in loose curls down to mid stomach, close to where her crop top stopped, showing a fair amount of skin. Her jean shorts made her tan legs look incredibly longer, a red plaid flannel tied around her waist along with navy green sneakers.

She steps in past him, shoving her things into his arms.
"Uh-yeah, I'll take your box." He internally groans at what he knew this girl to be as snippy. It was a decent sized apartment; you were in the living room as soon as you stepped inside, the kitchen separated by a built in island. There was a small couch, a love seat, and a flat screen tv standing on a small cabinet. It was obvious that a guy lived here though: a large stack of Xbox games and action movies in the cabinet not to mention the floor littered with several cordless controllers and the Xbox itself. The bedrooms were in the back of a small hallway, a single bathroom in the middle of them both.

"Yours is on right." Stiles grunts from the weight of the box as he follows Lydia into her plain white room. A bed, a desk, and a dresser were the only things in the space but she could make it do.
"I'm going to be having some friends over tomorrow, I hope you don't mind." Lydia says, examining the room of great potential.

"Are they hot?" Stiles sighs with the question, placing his hands on his hips. Lydia turns her head around while quirking a brow at him. Did he just...
"What? No habla inglés?" He asks to which Lydia's mouth parts open with surprise.

"No habla jackass." She spits to which he chuckles. This girl was feisty, his eyes still lingering over her visible skin and she immediately feels the need to pull on a hoodie.
He raises his hands in faux surrender. "Fine. I'll be playing Halo if you need me."
"Actually, do you want to help me with my stuff?" Lydia asks while following him out of her empty room.

He strides into the kitchen, whipping the refrigerator door open for a moment only to grab a redbull.
"Nah. I think I'd much rather prefer to play Halo." Stiles chugs half of the drink in seconds as Lydia scoffs. It was going to be a very long year.
Authors note:

I was gonna write more for the first chapter but I wanted to get it up tonight for you guys!!!

If you came from my last fanfic, hey gurllllll (or guy). Good to see you beautiful!

If you just so happened to stumble across this trash of a story....I promise I am as weird as I seem.

Comment, read, enjoy!

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