10. Both Broken

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"It's a two hour drive, why did I think this was a good idea?" Lydia whisper hisses into her phone with Allison on the other end. She was waiting out by the side of the jeep while Stiles had ran back in the apartment to grab his phone when simultaneously Allison had called her to ask about clothing options. The conversation quickly went from dresses to driving.

"You ready?" Stiles reappears and Lydia nods, getting into the baby blue jeep. "Who's on the phone?" He asks, gesturing towards the device while starting the ignition.
"Hey, whore." Allison chirps to which Stiles rolls his eyes. Lydia stays on he phone a while longer, helping Allison figure out which dress to wear. Occasionally Stiles would give small input like "he likes it when you curl your hair" or "don't wear heels" which was actually pretty helpful.

But after hanging up, the two fell into silence. Half an hour into their drive and Stiles reaches over into the glove box, pulling out a cord and he plugs it into the radio, giving the other end to Lydia.
Aux chord privileges. "I feel honored!" Lydia gasps, immediately plugging in her phone before he can change his mind.
"You're so annoying." Stiles chuckles.

Lydia rolls her eyes. "Oh please. If I was your wife I would poison your coffee."
"And if I was your husband, I would drink it." He counters. The drive was almost relaxing, the scenery becoming more beautiful as they ventured farther away from their small apartment in Beacon Hills.

Eventually the windows had been rolled down, per Lydia's request. Her tiny hand rolled against the wind as she rested her chin on her shoulder. Stiles couldn't help glancing over at the girl. Strawberry blonde hair tangling, her eyes fluttering closed. She was so relaxed in this moment and he was so unaware of what was to come.

Thoughts clouded his brain so much that he could barely focus on the road, all of them somehow revolving around Lydia. She had cared for him that night without a second thought. And no one had ever done that for him since his mother was alive. His eyes drifted back to her small frame in the passenger seat and he tried to focus on her in a less sexual way than he had always looked at her before.

Wisps of hair curled from the wind, the setting sun making her porcelain skin glow, and her eyes were either lazily opened or fully closed. She was so at peace and he envied her for it.

Upon arriving at the Martin household, Lydia stopped Stiles before he could get out of the vehicle.
"Uh...I've got to warn you-"
"Lyds, I don't care if your mom snorts cocaine in her free time. You didn't want to come alone so here I am. No judging." Stiles cuts her short with a smile, slipping out of the jeep. She mentally thanked him as they walked sidewalk to the front door.

"Mom?" Lydia shouts through the house, her voice echoing off of the white-as-snow walls. Stiles carefully closes the door behind him, eyes wandering over the large house. Everything was white; the walls, the furniture, the carpeted floors and even the picture frames on the walls. A crystal chandelier hung in the foyer, a grand stair case hiding a hallway of rooms as Lydia instantly leaves him to go towards the right of the house.

Stiles gulps, suddenly feeling the need to take off his shoes as to not dirty the tidy palace of a home. Lydia appears again with a small smile.
"She's in the side living room." She states, gesturing for him to follow. Side living room? What the shit does that mean? The boy felt so out of place in this moment. He wasn't used to fancy things or a pristine way of living. There was no grand staircase at his house or matching furniture or whatever the hell a side living room was.

It did make sense as she lead him to the space though. Side living room was basically just a smaller living room in the back of the house. Damn these people were rich.
"You didn't bring Allison this time, darling?" A woman with auburn hair was curled up in a corner of a white couch, reading glasses perched at the edge of her nose with a book in one hand and a wine glass in the other.

"She had a date. Mom, this is Stiles. He's my room mate." Lydia introduces as he respectfully nods and places his hands behind his back. She closes the book and takes off the glasses.
"Please don't tell me he's here because you're pregnant." She says. Lydia barely even reacts, used to her mother's ways by now. Stiles on the other hand was sure he had stopped breathing.

"How many wines did you have yesterday?" Lydia asks, starting to clean up around the room a bit.
"Just the bottle of Syrah." Ms.Martin brushes it off. Stiles' eyes widen. The whole bottle? Not to mention Syrah was one of the most expensive red wines he'd ever heard of. His fingers catch on each other and he was sure that they had forgotten he was there completely.

"Cutie. Come sit." Ms.Martin gestures for Stiles from her place on the small couch, patting the cushion next to her. He obeys without question, not really one to argue with someone who was highly intoxicated. As soon as he sat down her hand was on his knee.
"Mom." Lydia reaches over the back of the couch, removing the hand while forcing Stiles to move over a cushion.

"Little over protective there. Wanna fill Momma's glass?" The woman offers the nearly empty cup to her daughter.
"Have you tried talking to Dad?" Lydia asks while refusing the glass. Her mother was usually like this after attempting to call her father, their divorce still underway.

"Yes." The woman pouts as Lydia sits between her and Stiles on the couch. Once again, he was still invisible. But Ms.Martin seemed to suddenly notice. "The key to a healthy relationship is lots of sex often." She slurs.
"W-we're not dating." Stiles stutters and her mother gasps.
"Sex without dating. God I always knew you'd end up a slut."

Lydia stands despite the fact that she had just gotten comfortable. "And you wonder why I never want to see you." She spits before storming out of the room. Stiles flinches at the sound of the front door slamming, his throat dry as he stands and awkwardly says how nice it was to meet her mom.

As soon as the jeep door had closed Lydia let herself break. Tears started flowing freely and she gasps and sputters her breaths, hugging her knees to her chest. The girl was completely oblivious to her room mate walking down the sidewalk with a million thoughts clouding his brain. They'd been here for barely anytime at all and already chaos had ensued. Stiles watches for a moment outside his window before opening his door as silently as possible. Lydia attempts to hide the fact that she was crying even though it was obvious that they both knew she was.

He starts to drive without question, the air thick in the cab of the jeep. Never had he dealt with such emotions from another. Everything was always hidden with him but seeing her hurt in such a simple way, it made his heart lurch.
"My dad lives like...forty minutes from here if you wanted to spend the night there. We could get milkshakes on the way." His voice was small and held as much comfort as he could manage.

Lydia laughs while nodding vigorously.
"I guess we're both broken." She mumbles.
Authors note:

Oh hey look! A double update!😋💜
Comment, read, enjoy!

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