24. The Betrayal

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The sun was a godforsaken thing. It lit up Lydia's hair and set it a burning glow so mesmerizing he couldn't help but stare. But it also woke him from his sleep. It was the best he'd ever slept, with her head on his chest, the burning, glowing hair tangled across his skin. And it felt amazing. Stiles tried his best not to take larger breaths because he didn't want to wake her yet: he liked how peaceful she was when she slept.

So instead he settled on drawing designs into her waist where his fingers rest.
"What're you doing?" But apparently she was already awake. Her voice was so weak but not in a bad way but more as a pleased kind of thing. She was so small and vulnerable and so unbelievably real. He doesn't answer, turning to lay on his side and they both adjust their positions to completely form to the other.

Lydia's nose and forehead pressed against his chest, her eyelashes tickling the skin there as he wraps an arm over her body with a deep breath.
He kisses the top of her head to make her smile. With a small groan Lydia sits up causing Stiles to look at her questioningly.

"Come. Lay back down with Stiles." He pats the bed and tugs on her wrist, urging her to lie back down.
She grins. "Speaking in third person doesn't make it any more convincing."
But she lay down anyway, Stiles moving to lay on his back and Lydia rests flat on top of him, chest to chest. He looks down at her with eyes so soothingly caramel that she almost melted and molded into him.

"I've got to meet up with Allison today. You'll be okay?" She asks.
"Yeah I'll probably go to the library or some shit to study for my exam on Monday." He sighs, taking a curl of her hair between his fingers to mess with it.
"Oh I've got a smart boy now?"
"No....unless it makes me more attractive. In that case, yes." He smirks but instead of rolling her eyes, she grins back.

As Lydia climbs out of bed, Stiles gives a big yawn and a stretch, watching as she saunters over to her closet and pulls out her favorite oversized t-shirt.
Stiles groans. "No! No clothes..." He pouts and she laughs. But alas, a promise is a promise and Lydia never breaks promises, especially with Allison. The sheets seemed silkier, the pillows fluffier and this girl, brighter than the sun. He smiles again. Dammit he was always smiling around her.

"I love you." He mumbles and immediately Lydia turns around.
"I love you too." She whispers in return. With a sigh, Stiles untangles himself from the blankets and stands. But he doesn't really move, just standing there while watching as she walks around the room and gathers her stuff. Rubbing the back of his neck, he looks over his shoulder at her bed.

"You want me to do anything?" He asks, feeling a bit out of place.
"You're fine." She assures, pecking his cheek before strolling out of the room. But, being the odd thing he is, Stiles began to neatly make her bed. Once he feels accomplished, his feet carry him out to the living room and he can hear Lydia shuffling around in the kitchen. The air was tense. Something felt off.

He hadn't realized he'd zoned out but as Lydia stilled back into the room with half a poptart hanging out of her mouth, she slowed her movements.
"You okay?" She mumbles through a bite. He nods, barely.
"Yeah..." The word was weak on his lips. She smiles, cupping his cheek before giving him a small peck on the lips before explaining she'd be back later.

She checked the clock one more time to see it had been two minutes since Allison's mouth dropped open at the news.
"Are you done yet?" Lydia reaches across the table to lightly smack her on the cheek. The one thing this strawberry blonde had sworn not to do and she'd done it.

"You had sex with Stiles?!" Allison whisper hisses and though it wasn't very loud, Lydia hushes her. But she smiles, the boy who held her heart stilling running through her mind with his grin permanently embedded in her memories. Her cheeks seemed to always be tinted rosy by the thought of him. Nimble fingers dance across the lid on her coffee as she thinks of how to explain.

"He was sweet." She murmurs. Sweet, Allison scoffs in her head but doesn't play out the disgust on her features. The girl was very over protective of her friend and some pinch in her skin had a bad feeling about him still. Lydia didn't really know what to say at this point. It wasn't like she was going to tell Allison every single detail about last night. So she told her about this morning instead. The strawberry blonde explained how happy she felt to know that he was still there when she woke up or how he pulled her closer to his chest. The warm bubbly feeling swelled in her stomach and tingles her spine, reaching her heart and the girl felt as though she would explode.

Mean while back at the apartment.
"No. No one's home."
Authors note:

Is that *squints to see clearer* IS THAT A FREAKING CLIFF HANGER!?! Chapter 26 will be the last chapter and it WILL be an epilogue! So technically I guess 25 is the last chapter.... Idk but the next one will be long (I think) cause there's still a couple things that need to happen.

Comment, read, enjoy!

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