25. I made a B

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"No. No one's home." Isaac grins breathlessly before setting his lips back on the curvy girls own as they shuffle their way back to Stiles' room. Remember whenever Isaac asked to borrow the apartment on Saturday? Maybe he forgot to mention he'd be borrowing it for a date... And maybe Stiles forgot to tell Lydia...

2 1/2 hours later

"Stiles?" Lydia calls into the apartment while shutting the front door closed with her foot, eyes never leaving the phone in her hand. Stiles truly had done what he had promised because while Isaac was having fun in his room, the boy himself was at the library with headphones in and his math textbook open. "Stiles!" She calls his name again, slipping her phone in the pocket of her jean shorts while making her way back to her bedroom. With a sigh she throws her purse on her bed and kicks off her shoes, pouting as she shuffles to Stiles' door. She was exhausted and ready to fall into his arms.

"Hey douchebag, did you not hear me calling your na-" the word falls short on her lips. His sheets were too rumpled, too messy for someone who made their bed everyday. She debated calling out his name again as her mind started to come up with theories she didn't want to believe. A small noise similar to the squeak of a mouse escapes her throat as she leaves his doorway and instead goes to the bathroom.

It wasn't true. She grips the edge of the sink with white knuckles, hanging her head down to stare at the drain. Maybe this was just a one time thing where for just one day he doesn't make his bed. It doesn't mean that he– emerald eyes glance at the small, square wrapper in the trash bin. It was a meaningless piece of freaking plastic to anyone else but to Lydia it was a bullet to the heart. She curses, looking away before looking back to the condom wrapper in the trash.

This time her curse was louder, a yell even and she squeezes her eyes shut tight, praying to God that this was a nightmare and that she hadn't made the wrong decision last night. Because she knew for a fact that wasn't the wrapper from the two of them, and just to be sure she checked the small trash can in her bedroom. And there were two. Tears pricked the corner of her eyes and she bit her bottom lip to keep from screaming. With shaky hands she hurriedly grabs paper and a pen along with the small foil packet from the bathroom trash. How dare she trust him with her heart.

"Hey Lyds!" Stiles' smile was unmistakable as he throws open the front door, a pile of textbooks in his arms. But he pauses in the archway of the kitchen. "Lyds?" He calls out, walking farther into the apartment. It was way too quiet and his stomach flips. Maybe she hadn't come back yet? Setting his books carelessly on the counter, he begins to make his way towards the back but stops upon seeing something on the dining table. It was just a piece of paper, but as he picked it up his heart began to race. Despite the condom wrapper attached with a piece of gum, he immediately noticed how rushed her usually neat handwriting was. There were curse words in every other line and Stiles felt as though he would be sick.

He stumbled away from the table, barely managing to get his phone out of his pocket and dial her number.
"Hello?" Her voice was sweet and gentle and he almost sobbed at the sound of it.
"Lydia where are you? I swear to god it was Isaac I just need to tal–"
"Yeah this isn't really me... Leave a message at the beep! Dear god, that sounds cliché!" The recording laughs and he bites the inside of his cheek, already knowing she wouldn't answer if he called again.

Stiles didn't know who else to go to.
"So did you?" Derek asks, leaning farther back in his chair.
"No...no, God no. I let Isaac borrow the apartment for a date. I assume it went well." Stiles clears his throat, twirling the note Lydia had written him in his hand. It was crumpled and folded multiple times between his fingers but he didn't dare let go of it.

"Then that's what you have to tell her. Go make things right." Derek says. If only it were that simple. Lydia would put up a fight, Stiles knew that, and dammit he felt guilty even though there was nothing he did.
He sighs. "Yeah but what if this is like a sign? What if this is like some bullshit way of life telling me I don't deserve her?" His voice cracks.

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