15. Male Attention

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That was the fourth sneeze he had counted causing Stiles to once again look over at the sniffling girl in the desk next to his. Tissues had piled up atop her notebooks throughout the lecture, even falling over and onto the ground. Lydia had left the apartment before him, like usual, and as soon as the front door had closed he immediately set to work. Neither of them had any more classes for the rest of the day so it would be perfect. He had struggled a bit, tempted even to ask her which horror movies she'd seen and the ones she hadn't but he went with his gut instinct. The action would be made all that much better due to her on coming sickness.

Eventually, Stiles stands in the middle of Derek's speech and makes his way to the front of the class. Everyone watches with odd looks as he grabs the box of Kleenex on the professors desk and the small black trash can on the floor next to his chair. Mr.Hale clears his throat and Stiles stops amidst his actions, scanning the room of students with a small smirk.
"What? She's sick." He nods towards Lydia before stalking back to his seat as the lesson continues.

"Since when is jackass the new gentleman?" Lydia whispers as she pushes her used tissues into the trash can and grabs a new one. After a short moment, her eyes go back to his seat and she watches him with sweet eyes. His nose twitched as he sat back and took notes, much different than how she usually hunched over her papers. When he wasn't writing in scribbled letters, the pen would twirl between his fingers. In some cases he would even chew on the end of his pen, the cap tucked between his teeth and it made Lydia stare a little longer than necessary at his lips.

She jumps at the sound of the bell, admittedly a little too preoccupied with studying Stiles' features. They both gather up there stuff and head towards the front of the class. Just as Lydia was getting ready for their after class discussion with Derek, Stiles grabs her wrist.
"We're not staying after today, toots." He gives a sly smile before dragging her towards the exit.
"Do you know what's going on?" Lydia asks over her shoulder and Derek holds up his hands.
"No clue but coming from him it's best I wish you good luck." The man grins.

"Stiles you've been messing with the keys for five minutes, just let me unlock the door." Lydia grabs for the ring of keys in his hands but he snatches them out of her reach.
"No! If you touch the door handle I'll have to disinfect it again." He grumbles before producing yet another key and trying it in the lock.
"Germaphobe." She mumbles just as the door opens and she sighs with relief. Bed was calling her name. But to bed she would not go.

Gasping seemed a little over dramatic in this case, so instead she threw on her biggest smile. Stiles maneuvers past her, taking her school bag as he passes and he sets down their things in the kitchen. She was a little confused but her brain had managed to grasp half of the concept. A blow up pool had been placed in the middle of the living room, filled with a variety of comfy blankets and the couch and love seat had been moved out of the way. Stacks of movies were placed beside the flat screen tv and Lydia chuckles at the sight of two Kleenex boxes and a small trash can. The lights had been turned out except for a few dim lamps making it perfect for a film.

"What's this?" She asks and Stiles reemerges from his room with his pillow. The pillow, she had learned, was impossible for him to sleep without.
"You said you wanted some male attention." He smirks, gesturing for Lydia to look at the movies. She lets out another unbelievable laugh before nodding and taking a seat in front of her movie choices. Horror, Lydia took note while Stiles rummaged around in the kitchen before returning with a large bowl.

"I've never seen, like, any of these." She mutters, pulling a case out of its place.
"I know." Stiles voice was slightly amused as he started to get comfortable in the bed-pool. Popping a movie into the DVD player without question, Lydia crawls in beside Stiles and immediately burrows herself in several blankets.
"Why'd you do this?" She asks. With further inspection of the bowl, she realizes it's full to the brim with a variety of candies and almost robotically starts to munch on some of the sweets.
"I don't know. You were sick and you like Halloween so this is like my Halloween gift to you?" The answer was almost a question in itself.

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