6. A Bit Hungover

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"I feel like death." Stiles groans from his sprawled out position on the couch. What time had they gotten home last night?
"I think that would be an insult to death." Lydia attempts with a small laugh that radiated pain through her skull.

The blinds were closed, the tv was barely audible, and the teenagers were hungover. Stiles was stretched out as much as possible on the living room couch, a beanie covering his eyes to block out any stray sunlight that filtered in. Lydia had already taken a very hot 55 minute shower, putting on the baggiest clothing she owned before curling up in the love seat.

Food had been digested, headache pills passed around, and the two had agreed they were too tired for any sassy remarks today.
"Please tell me you have canceled any and all slutty plans today." Lydia turns on her side, clutching her stomach with a whimper of pain.

"Hell yeah. I can't exactly preform my best when I feel like total shit." He pauses, grumbling incoherent little noises while shifting slightly. "We should watch a movie."
"Only if you get up to put it in." Lydia says, cracking her eyes open to sneak a peak at the boy.

He lets out a loud growl of protest before rolling off of the couch with a thud as he hits the ground. Crawling around the coffee table, he lifts his beanie only enough to barely see the direction in which he was going. It only took a couple of seconds to find the movie he had in mind. He easily pulled it out of its place and popped it in the DVD player.

"You know Star Wars?" Lydia scoffs and Stiles crawls back to the couch.
"Honey, I live and breath Star Wars." He sighs, starting the movie. "Pass me the blanket."
Lydia eyes the material resting on the arm of her chair and she shakes her head. "What? No I get the good blanket this time."

Ah yes. The good blanket. Everyone has one. There are the other blankets that get too scratchy or too hot or not warm enough but the good blanket was perfect in temperature, size, and softness. Lydia grabs the blue blanket and wraps it around her body causing the millionth groan of the day from Stiles.

"Can we at least share it, sassy pants?" Stretching a hand out to her in a pathetic attempt of getting the girl over to him, Stiles pouts. With a sigh, she gives in and takes a seat next to him on the couch.
"See now your hogging it." She argues but he rolls his eyes.
"You just aren't close enough. Come on, Lyds. I don't bite." He says.

A blush spreads across her cheeks as he wraps an arm around her waist to pull her into him before he casually returns the limb to himself. Lyds. She repeats the nickname in her head. Usually it wasn't a different form of her name. It was always sweetheart or princess or whatever bullshit popped inti his head in the moment. But Lyds... The way it fell from his lips was almost sinful and she hated to admit it, but she liked the name.

She was so near to taking a nap just as the credits rolled on, her auburn locks starting to fall onto Stiles' shoulder as well. He breathes in sharply, fake coughing and she opens her eyes completely.
"Sorry." Lydia grumbles with a yawn. Fixing the navy beanie on his head, he shrugs.

Lydia laughs though, snatching the knitted hat from his head to reveal tangled chocolate wisps. The beanie was placed over her own hair with a grin as she adjusts it and Stiles chuckles.
"Can I have that back? My hungover bed head is worse than my normal bed head." The small smile on his face was unmistakable as he held out his hand in a request for his belonging.

"I dunno. I kind of like it..." Lydia draws out, making funny faces in a faux selfie way. He laughs again while slipping further into the couch cushions and he eventually nods.
"Okay, it is pretty cute on you." Stiles chuckles and Lydia slowly stops with the faces. Her stomach lurches at his choice of words as she pulls the hat off of her head.

You're not that bad of a guy, She admits to herself, pulling the beanie over his face. With a toothy smile, he places it over his hair again and the apartment falls into silence. Stiles bites at his bottom lip, not in a sexy way but more thoughtfully.

"You want to go somewhere?" He speaks and Lydia furrows his brows.

She didn't know where the hell he had taken them. The air was slightly chilly and the sun wasn't bright but the trees ahead were an immense green. Stiles took the lead, crunching on the forest floor in front of Lydia as she wrapped her arms around herself.

It was peaceful. Quiet. Almost refreshing.

They came upon a wide open space, a large tree stump in the middle and she questions if he even knew where he was taking her. But he did, a smile forming on his lips as he lay across the wooden stump. Exhaling deeply he closes his eyes and Lydia sits criss cross next to him.

"This is it?" She asks, eyeing his messy hair. The beanie had been removed on the ride over here seeing as Lydia kept on wanting to wear it.
"Mhm." Stiles shifts slightly, enjoying what little sunlight shone through the large trees above.

"You're so...different." Lydia whispers not really realizing she had said it out loud until he turns to look at her.
"Enlighten me." He mumbles. Lydia takes a deep breath and shrugs, her gaze wandering over the forest.
"You call me names and make fun of me and bring home dozens of girls. But it's like you have two personalities. There are books under your bed and a secret hiding place just for yourself..." She gestures to their surroundings.

"Which Stiles do you prefer?" He asks.
She purses her lips. "The one that's my friend."
He smiles again, admiring the way her hair shone in the scattered lighting. Admitting they were friends was a step, the real Stiles showing through his jackass exterior.
"Me too." He mutters before closing his eyes again.

Something in her heart pulled at this boy. There was more to him than meets the eye but it wasn't just friend Stiles. This hideaway had more meaning. He had a deeper past. And for some reason, she was suddenly determined to figure it out.

"What happened to your mom?" Lydia asks quietly, pulling softly at the grass that had sprouted on the tree stump. Stiles sits up completely to look at her but she averted his gaze. "It's just...when I went in your room and I had the picture. She was in the hospital and–you know what. Never mind it's none of my business I shouldn't have asked." Finishing the sentence off quickly, Lydia swallows back her curiosity.

A chill runs through his body but he made up his mind. "Frontotemporal dementia. It messes with your personality and behavior. She wasn't really...all there." He tells her. Lydia doesn't apologize. She knew how annoying that could get after a while. Instead she sighs and lies with her back against the stump.
"I like it out here." She manages as he lays back too.
Authors note:

The song attached is called Rosyln and its so freaking peaceful and relaxing and I love it. Aw! So now they're friends and of course he's still gonna be a jackass but maybe not as much. I love the little bondage!!!
Comment, read, enjoy!

P.s- I'm on Spring Break now!!! We get a week off from school. Are any of y'all on spring break or did it already pass? Or is it yet to come?

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