17. Preparation

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"How does one do the dates?" Stiles cringes at how nervous and incorrect his grammar sounded causing Isaac to laugh from his place on the couch. Scott smiles at how flustered his friend was, the boy muttering under his breath while dropping his head.
"Nervous?" Scott asks causing Stiles to sigh.

"More than I've ever been. I'm pretty sure I've gone through more sticks of deodorant in the past couple of days than in the past year." Nodding vigorously, Stiles fidgets with his fingers. The plan was to take Lydia to a haunted amusement park, Halloween being three days away but it seemed a little odd. Was this a good enough date? Would it live up to her standards? Would he even survive?

He had a game plan in his head down to the T. There'd be cotton candy, haunted houses, a clown maze, and he would make sure to bring two jackets so she could wear one of his. The boys had gotten together at the apartment as a means of prepping Stiles for a big night. Meanwhile, Allison and Kira had taken Lydia to the mall.

"You've already kissed him!" Kira jumps up and down excitedly and Lydia hides her face behind her hands. It wasn't embarrassing but at the same time it was; Lydia would never kiss a guy before the first date.
"Is he good?" Allison asks, the three bags on her arm creating creases in her skin as they made their way to the next shop.
Lydia sighs. "Amazing. But it's better than amazing and th-there's no word for it! It's like...perfect." A blush sets across her cheeks and Kira lets out a girlish squeal.

They enter a cute little boutique and immediately set to work. Three outfit choices for tonight simply weren't enough! Allison held up a long blue dress for Lydia to see and her eyes widen.
"Okay, A) I'm not going to prom and B) I'll need something I can actually walk in." Lydia retorts causing the brunette to laugh. Out of no where, a tall, dirty blonde appears beside Lydia.
"Going on a date tonight?" She asks with a smile to which the strawberry blonde nods. The girl was beautiful and so familiar too. She didn't seem to work here, not wearing a name tag and in fact she was holding a few shopping bags herself.
"Halloween amusement park." Lydia explains. "And if I wear something black I'll be completely camouflaged."

The mysterious girl nods, rummaging through a few of the dress options before producing a solid grey one. She holds it up to Lydia's figure with interest before politely handing it to her with a smile. It was tight fit but flayed out a little at the end.
"And if this guy is any good, he'll give you his jacket."
Kira and Allison exchange looks, silently agreeing that the dress was suitable.

"I'm Lydia, why'd you help me?" She holds out her hand and the other girl gladly takes it.
"Just one girl to another. Ladies gotta stick together, right? Malia." She says her name with a smile. "Good luck on your date! Maybe I'll see you around?"
"Definitely." Lydia gives a small wave as Malia walks off and her friends join her to look at the dress. Why was she so goddamn familiar?

And then it dawned on her.

"She likes dark closets during loud parties." Stiles' voice rings through her head.
"You okay Lydia?" Allison asks, noticing her frozen state. A chill runs down her spine as she looks to the floor and a switch seemed to click in Kira's head.
"That wasn't one of..." Kira trails off as Lydia begins to nod.

"Is this too much cologne?" Stiles holds out his shirt for Isaac to smell and the boy flinches.
"I can't freaking breath, get the hell out of my face." Isaac coughs. Stiles backs away, giving one more good spray of axe before returning to the bathroom. It was a glimpse of the old him, both Scott and Isaac admiring how flustered he was thinking about the date.
"Are you messing with your hair again?" Scott calls from the living room with a knowing smirk.
"NO!" Stiles lowers the comb.

It had put Lydia in a neutral mood; she wasn't ecstatic but glum seemed a little over dramatic. The shopping bags seemed heavier on her arms than before as she stepped out of Allison's car and thanked her friends for the day. She easily slid the key into the lock and walked into the apartment with a sigh, immediately dropping the bags.
"Whoah, why does it smell like someone puked Hollister in here?" Lydia questions, fanning the air around her face. Isaac and Scott perk their heads up with devilish grins. They both stand and exchange a couple of looks before glancing back at the girl by the door.

"Did you buy a dress?" Scott asks, gesturing to one of the bags on the ground. Lydia looks past him to where their rooms lie, Stiles' door shut.
"Maybe." She responds.
"Is it short?" Isaac adds.
The boys nod while glancing at each other once again and they make their way towards the door. Brushing past Lydia, Scott swings his car keys around his finger.
"Have fun." Isaac emphasizes before closing the door behind them.

Eyeing the empty apartment suspiciously, she picks up her bags and makes her way back to the bedroom. There's a few silent curses and a loud crash from behind Stiles' door before the boy himself appears.
"H-hey." He winces at his stutters and Lydia smiles.
"Let me get ready and we can go, okay?" She says.
"Yeah just go...get ready for–and I'll be waiting..." How the hell would he survive the night if he could barely get a sentence out right now.
Authors note:

Wearing camo cause I'm a swap family member😎😎 Yeah that's right, I see you.... Can I just: awkward and nervous Stiles is my favorite Stiles just because I'm really awkward and I fumble over my words so I can kinda relate to him😅
Comment, read, enjoy!

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