4. Mythology

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The rest of the week went by with a tally for each girl that visited. Lydia had made a game of making a chart with hair color at the top and height on the side plus an extra column for stuff like "big boobs" or "long legs". He seemed to have a thing for long legs...

Wednesday had been a particularly disturbing moment for Lydia. She had simply been sitting on the couch with coffee scrolling through her phone like every other day when–

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" Stiles runs into the kitchen with a long sleeve t-shirt on, boxers, and socks, his face flustered. He slips and slides on the hardwood flooring while stumbling into the kitchen as he rapidly throws open drawers. Lydia watches in amusement as he digs through all of the junk in each one before moving onto the next.

"Uh...you haven't seen like a very tiny key, have you?" He asks the girl, running a hand through his messy hair.
"How tiny?" Lydia asks in return.
"Like, I don't know, handcuff key tiny..." He says hopeful. She nearly spits out her drink but he was being completely serious.

"Please do not tell me you actually handcuffed a girl to your headboard." Lydia stands, making her way over to him.
He shrugs while messing with his hair. "She has a kink?"
Internally throwing up, Lydia produces a bobby pin and walks towards his room but he stops her.
"Tried it." He says.
"Yeah but did you do it right?" She raises a brow, not giving him a chance to answer before throwing his bedroom door open.

Sitting at the top of his bed was a pretty blonde girl, wrapped in a blanket with a blush across her face and one hand cuffed above her head. Lydia smiles politely, hearing Stiles in the doorway behind her. He watches as his room mate gently picks the lock and blondie is released, thanking her with a shy whisper.

On the way back out, Lydia pokes Stiles in the chest with a sly smile leaving the boy speechless with his guest. Thursday had been a completely different kind of awkward.

"Lydia get out of the goddamn shower already!" Stiles pounds his fists on the bathroom door and Lydia laughs slightly.
"Problem?" She asks.
"Yes, actually! I drank four coffees this morning and I just finished half a gallon of milk. I HAVE TO PEE!" He groans, fidgeting on his feet while awkwardly holding his crotch.

The best part about the apartment complex is that they didn't have to pay for hot water so if Lydia wanted to take an hour shower, she could damn well take an hour shower.
"If you don't get out I'll pee in the kitchen sink!" He warns and Lydia rolls her eyes despite the fact that he can't see her.
"You're not gonna pee in the sink, you're a germaphobe." She counters.

He knew she was right too. This boy was on the verge of exploding though. Last resort would be peeing in the sink but there was also plan B. With a deep breath, he opens the bathroom door and frantically flips the toilet seat up while somehow simultaneously unzipping his jeans.
"STILES WHAT THE HELL?" Lydia shrieks from inside the shower. He sighs as the sound of streaming pee mixes with the pounding of the hot water.

"Ohsweetbabyjesus that is good." He closes his eyes and leans his head back with a hum all the while Lydia was freaking out in the shower. Shit that boy could pee forever.
"Are you almost done?" She asks, noticing her fingers turning into raisins.
"Mm... I don't think I'm going to be done for a while..." He purses his lips, messing with his aim a bit to create a swirling sound.

"Well could you hurry it up?" Her voice breaks in mid panic and he almost wants to laugh.
"You can't rush things like this." The peeing most definitely didn't stop soon but when it did stop, he left with more than he came in with.

"STILES!" Lydia screams in frustration once the water had stopped and she'd gotten out. The boy smirks from his place.
"Yes dear?"
"GIVE ME BACK MY TOWEL YOU LITTLE SHIT." She yells but he doesn't listen, instead laughs. Lydia peaks her head out of the bathroom door to see Stiles leaning against the back of the couch with a sly smile on his face and he waves.

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