23. Starbucks

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"We could slip vodka into our hot chocolates." Stiles suggests causing an eye roll from Lydia. What was the obsession with Starbucks about? Stiles could damn well get cheaper coffee, that tasted just as good, anywhere else but Lydia was determined to prove him wrong.

The man behind the counter hands them their coffees, throwing an extremely friendly smile at Lydia causing Stiles to glare. The jealous boy makes a point of wrapping his arm around Lydia's waist and walks her to a table. She smirks knowingly and he takes a drink of the coffee.
"Oh my god." Stiles takes another sip. "Oh my god!" He exclaims again.
"It's good, right?" Lydia laughs
He takes a longer drink this time. "OHMYGOD! It tastes like any other coffee."
Lydia rolls her eyes and smacks him on the arm.

Stiles noticed how easy it was to talk to her, more than Scott even. They swapped childhood stories and Lydia laughed when Stiles told her how he constantly wore a spiderman suit in the first grade, even to school.

It would be obvious to anyone around that the two were dating, the holding hands and silent conversations making it evident that they were absolutely love struck. Everything about this day, this moment, was remembered in detail down to the tiniest of dust specks. The air was cool but not exactly cold, the November weather settling in, but Lydia was fine with a light jacket and a scarf that was purely for fashion. Her nail polish was a deep shade of red and every time he held her hand his eyes automatically drew to the color.

Stiles' hair was a tousled mess but it kind of suited him though it was clear that he'd simply rolled out of bed to come here. His cheeks held a rosy glow and his smile held all the warmth of her heart. There was no exaggeration in saying that everything was perfect; because it was.

With small conversation, they stand from their seats and make their way outside to the jeep, hand in hand. The drive consisted of light chuckles from Stiles while Lydia over-dramatically explained her dream last night.
"And I was in a ball gown and I was tiny and everything was a lot like Alice in Wonderland–" he laughed when she told him he saved her in the end.

"But you did save me!" She protested. Stiles wasn't arguing but he just couldn't picture it, shaking his head he says, "I'm not a hero, Lyds."
She smiles, her lips curling at the corner as he parks the jeep. She begged to differ. Friday of course meant movie night and while Lydia picked out the movie, Stiles was in the kitchen making popcorn.

He didn't know what movie she'd put on but as he sank into the worn cushions of their couch next to her, it didn't matter. Lydia threw a blanket over top of them both, resting her head on his chest almost naturally as she pulled the covers up to her neck. And it was like any other night, it really was, but there was something more there.

Throughout the film, Lydia would toy with a loose string on the end of his shirt, occasionally her nimble fingers would brush against the exposed skin of his abdomen and he had to bite his tongue every time they did. He wrapped an arm around the girl and curled a strand of her hair while settling into a more comfortable position. All was peaceful.

"Don't you ever get sick of watching movies?" Lydia mumbles, turning on her side some more so her nose presses into the material of his grey shirt.
Stiles looks down to her. "M-mm, never." She smiles and sits up to kiss him on the corner of his lips. He smiles, kissing her again because just like he never got sick of watching movies, he never got sick of kissing Lydia.

And like always: "one more." He requests. And, once again, like always, she obeys and sets her lips back on his. They didn't really mean to take it much farther than that. But then again, they never did. Stiles turns on his side and Lydia surprises him by trying to lean back further. She wanted him to go down with her...

She lay back flat on the couch, Stiles hovering over her and he snakes up his hands to hers, intertwining their fingers. His lips on her neck make her breath stagger and break and she uses her free hand to try and get a hold on any part of him. Finally she finds a grip on the arm that held him up, the muscle flexing as he hovered over her small body. The neck of Lydia's shirt moves further down her shoulder, exposing more skin that Stiles immediately sinks his teeth into. He lightly nips at the new surface causing a sharp intake of breath from the girl.

"Stiles, Stiles." She says his name twice to catch his full attention. He backs away from her shoulder, his lips hovering over hers instead as caramel eyes meet emerald ones. One pair of hands still held together and she wiggles her fingers a bit just to make sure his were still there. She moves the hand on his arm to cup his cheek and he stares at her questioningly. She nods. "Slowly." Was all she said before he breaks out in a grin.

Lydia's free hand moves to the edge of his shirt and she tugs on it lightly to give him a hint. Sitting up, Stiles quickly removes the material before hovering again. Both sets of hands meet this time and he puts a kiss on the corner of her lips. There was hesitation in his movements and he kisses her lips once more before looking her dead in the eye. He wanted– no needed– her to know.

Stiles keeps ahold of her hands as he stands, taking his time to watch her features change from confusion to amusement.
She laughs. "And what would we be doing?" She asks.
Stiles smiles, walking them backwards towards the rooms.
"For once in my life, Lydia Martin, I am going to do this the right way. We're going to your room instead of mine where you'll be in charge. Because for once," he stops outside of her door, lowering his voice. "for once, Lyds, I'm in love."
She laughs a grin as he towers over her with soft eyes and his heart on his sleeve.

"I love you so much."
Authors note:

THIS LITERALLY TOOK ME FOREVER TO GET UP BUT THIS IS THE THIRD DAY MY POWER HAS BEEN OUT. Plus there really is no easy way to ease into a make out scene and like sex is so weird. Literally like one second you're on opposite ends of the couch watching spongebob and the next half your clothes are torn apart on the floor and you're sticking body parts in weird places...

Trust me I can make any situation more awkward than it already is.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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