8. A Week

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A week. It'd been a full freaking week of no girls and a closed door. She rarely saw him out of his room. Occasionally she'd hear him get up to go to the bathroom or rummaging around in the middle of the night. Lydia never saw him in class, never heard the shower running other than when she took one. The only sign that he was alive was a silent curse or a bowl in the sink that indicated maybe there was someone else in the apartment besides her.

All of the liquor in their small fridge had suddenly gone missing. Scott had come by once with a thirty pack of beer, sliding it through the crack in his door before it would close and lock again with a few mumbled curse words.
"Is he okay?" Lydia had asked the messy haired boy to which Scott would respond.  "He'll be back to normal by Sunday." Before leaving.

She felt completely and utterly clueless, a feeling she absolutely despised. But Friday night, she had finally received the answer.

With a disheveled grunt, Stiles stumbles out of his room, a Jack bottle still in hand from his earlier drinking. He trips a little, muttering a line of curse words (he seemed to be cussing a lot more than usual lately)  before knocking on Lydia's door. She wasn't the slightest bit ashamed of her appearance as she opened up. Strawberry blonde curls tossed up in a messy bun, cotton pajama shorts and a t-shirt too big so it fell off one shoulder. Stiles, on the other hand, looked a whole lot worse than she could ever look. His hair a mess, the same clothes he had worn for five days and bags bigger than Texas under his eyes.

She was surprised to say the least to see him standing there after a week of no confrontation.
"Stiles?" She questions the name on her lips. The boy snickers, leaning against the doorway with all of his weight while closing his eyes. He hums.
"So I've been thinking..." He mumbles, the Jack gripped in his hand gleaming in her eyes.

"Are you drunk?" She gulps, looking over his shoulder as if this wasn't the real him.
"Maybeeeee but I've been thinking a lot and why haven't we had hot kinky sex yet?" His voice rises at the end of the question. Lydia's eyes widen and a blush creeps across her cheeks as she pushes past him and steps out into the hall. Grabbing the liquor in one hand, she takes the other hand to hold onto his wrist, carefully leading him into the bathroom.

"You haven't showered in days." She says, sitting him on the toilet lid while pouring the remainder of the Jack down the sink. Stiles lets his neck go limp, his head falling to one side and he pouts at the loss of his liquid friend. Drinking, he had discovered a while ago, was the only way to survive this dreaded time of the year.

"Think you can manage taking a shower by yourself?" She asks to which he lets out a single laugh.
"No You might have to come in there with me, Princess." He gives a cheeky grin to which Lydia rolls her eyes and exits the bathroom. She strolls into his room, immediately taking notice of the empty beer cans and bottles of potent liquor on the floor before going to the task of finding some board shorts. Giving up after about a minute, she storms back into the bathroom.

"Stand." Lydia grabs his upper arm to help him up and he leans slightly to one side. With a deep breath her tiny fingers wrap around the edge of his shirt, their skin lightly brushing and Stiles grins.
"Whatcha gonna do there?" He quirks a brow to which she rolls her eyes again.
"Shut up and lift your freaking arms." She spits.

He scoffs before obeying and Lydia lifts his shirt up over his head.
"Isn't this the part where we get into a heated make out session?" He slurs, wobbling a bit. Ignoring him, she starts the water in the bathtub making sure it was a decent temperature before turning back to the boy.
"Pants." She points his jeans while trying her best to avoid staring at his bare torso.

With another smirk and the lick of his lips, he tugs the article of clothing off of his legs. He almost falls a couple of times, still very drunk, but eventually manages it. Briefs, Lydia takes a mental note. She swallows harshly before grabbing onto his arm and pulling him over the lip of the tub and into the water.
"You're going to sit here and take a bath while I clean your room." She instructs while he lowers himself into the water.

Without another word, she makes her way back to his room with a trash bag in hand. Lydia didn't really want to talk. Sure she was curious to know what the hell was wrong with him but maybe when he was sober. Right now she was just angry at him. And for no reason too. She starts by pushing all of the empty beer cans on his desk into the bag, the metal making scraping noises against the wood as at least fifty of them fell into the trash bag.

"Ohhhh I've got issues, Lyds." Stiles laughs from in the bathroom, water splashing around a moment later before settling again. Lydia sighs, moving on to the bed where she stripped the sheets off so she could put new ones on. She doesn't bother answer back to his statement.

After a moment of silence, his room looked as good as it could look; fresh sheets, no cans of bottles, and she'd even laid out clean clothes for him on the bed. Dimming the lights in his room to a setting she knew wouldn't give him a headache, she returns to where he sit in the bath.

His eyes were clear, staring at the wall straight ahead as he messed with his fingers. But his hair wasn't wet and she sighed. Yet another thing to do.
"You didn't wash up?" It was half a statement and half a question and she could tell he was sobering up.
"No." Stiles voice was small and cracked when he spoke.

"Lay back." Lydia tells him, pushing on his shoulders until they were submerged in the water. Sitting on the lip of the tub she proceeds to wet his hair and shampoo it really good, the scum practically visible as she washed it away. When she was done, Lydia helped Stiles stand, seeing as he was still a little tipsy, while throwing a towel at the boy. He dries off a little before she tells him that there are clothes laying on his bed and she ushers him to his room.

When Stiles was fully dressed again he was almost completely sober, shyly coming out of his room and into the kitchen where Lydia sat on the counter.
"Head hurt?" She asks to which he gulps and nods, already spying the glass of water and Advil laying out. He watches her from the corner of his eye while taking the medicine quickly.

"Why are you being so nice?" Stiles asks. Lydia doesn't answer, hopping off of the counter. She takes the glass from his hand and refills it before grabbing his wrist and leading the boy back to his clean room. And shit, no girl had ever cared for him like that. Not since... He swallowed back the memory.

Lydia pulls back the covers on his bed, allowing him to slip in before rearranging them around his body.
"Do you need anything else?" She asks, eyeing the clock on his desk. 3:30AM.
He plays with a thread on his blanket. "When I was seven...my mom went to the hospital with-"
"Oh save it." She interrupts, causing him to look up from where his eyes had settled on his comforter.

She looked infuriated. "I don't feel like listening to your past life at the moment just because you want me to pity you. That's why you're drunk huh?why I haven't seen or heard from you in almost seven freaking days?"
He nods pathetically.

"That's the problem with you Stiles! You're broken and have this horrible background story that no one gets to see. And you deal with it by getting drunk and having sex with girls you don't know! You're like a doorknob where everyone gets a turn." He could do nothing but avoid her gaze, his eyes permanently glued to the floor as she continued. "and it bothers me that you don't give two shits about yourself! You might as well be a walking dick" there's a pause. "Oh wait. You are." And with that, Lydia's lecture was over. She storms out of the room, shutting off his lights while slamming his door closed and suddenly Stiles felt worse than he had before.

Because she was right. Where he was a doorknob, he concluded, she was a casino, only the luckiest of people hitting the jackpot.
Authors note:

Slow down...grab the wall...wiggle like you tryna make yo ass fall off.
The song attached is actually used in an episode from season one! I've been making playlists for each season on my phone and it takes forever but it's totally worth it cause season one has a lot of bomb songs.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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