21. Quick Apology

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Neither could sleep that night. 2 AM Lydia was wide awake while Stiles slowly drifted to sleep. When the sun finally rose, the silence of their apartment was all too present. The floorboards creaked under his feet causing Lydia to fully awaken at the noise. Quietly she got up and pressed her ear to the wood of the door. And she waited. It was Almost a full two minutes before she heard his door click open and she opened hers as well. They both stop, Stiles hand still on the doorknob and he tenses.

All it took was one look and she was broken.
"I'm sorry." She lets out a small sob and he relaxes, sighing. Stiles opens his arms and steps forward slightly causing Lydia to meet him halfway as she begins to cry. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She kept on repeating with a sniffle, tears wetting his bare chest.
"Lyds, you're fine." He mumbles, placing a reassuring kiss on her strawberry blonde locks while rocking her back and forth in a soothing notion.

There was a knock on the door and Stiles kisses her head once more before leading her to the couch where he told her not to move.
Of course it was Isaac. "Hey, I need to borrow your apartment Saturday." He gets straight to the point.
"Done." Stiles barely catches the curly haired boys surprised expression at the agreement before closing the door and jogging back to where Lydia was curled in a ball. Sitting closely next to the girl, He wraps his arms around her almost instantly as she conforms into his body. They were one.

His kisses to her head were the most comforting she thought was possible. That was until his hands grabbed her own and his thumbs rubbed circles in the skin there as she leaned farther back into his chest.
"I have calculus today. I can skip if you want?" He suggests softly with another kiss. Lydia shakes her head.
"I don't want you skipping classes for me. Go get ready." She sits up to allow him to get off of the couch but he only scoots forward, re-wrapping his arms around her frame.
"Are you sure?" He asks. He just wanted to make sure she was okay.

"I'm sure. I apologized and now I feel better. Go learn shit." She pats him on the arm and he gives her one final bone crushing hug before standing from the couch. Lydia made a pact with herself right then and there that she would no longer think about all the other girls he'd been with. Because finally he was all hers.

Calculus proved to be more boring than usual. Maybe that was just because divergent sequences and factorials weren't all that appealing in the first place but he had been sitting in that uncomfortable plastic chair for half an hour thinking not of math equations, but of Lydia. It truly burned a hole in his heart to see how much he affected her and it made him want to hurl thinking about all the girls he had slept with. He told himself that Lydia was different; he expected her to be around in the long run.

He liked her.

He liked her a lot.

It was something he hadn't felt since the days full of middle school crushes. Since before his mother died. He jumped as the bell rang, whispering a curse while standing to gather his books.

His eyes wander up to where his professor was perched at the edge of her desk. Grabbing the third and final book from his seat, he struts to the front of the room. This looked serious.
"Ma'am?" He remembered his manners.
"Are you aware of how your grade in this class is gradually dropping?" She asks. Stiles looks down at his textbooks with a slight nod.
"Yes ma'am..." Guilty as charged.

The professor smiles lightly, crossing her arms.
"I suggest a tutor, Mr. Stilinski. Do you know a Lydia Martin?"
Stiles raises his head. What was the appropriate response to this? "Y-yes she's my friend-girl. I mean my friend that's a girl but more than a friend but she's not like my– Lydia's a companion and room mate and I'm babbling so I'll shut up now..."

He didn't know how to answer this either. "I've never had a girlfriend." Was all he could manage. Because it was true. He was too afraid to the the word even though he knew it was true.
The older woman smiles. "Well I would advise she help you study for the exam next class."
Authors note:

Short chapter but it's an update!
Comment, read, enjoy!

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