26. Epilogue

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There were six presents under the tree.
One for Scott.
One for Allison.
One for Kira.
One for Isaac.
And two for Lydia.

There was one present in Lydia's closet, the small tag on the box reading Stiles' name. She'd spent forever trying to find the gift and the boy was absolutely ecstatic.
"Did you get me a waffle maker?!"
"What would you do with a waffle maker?"
"I'd make waffles, duh."

"Is it a bike?!"
"No, Stiles."
"I bet it's a bike 'cause you can't fit that under a tree and it'd be pretty obvious if you wrapped it."

"We should watch The Notebook tonight...."
"Stiles, I'm not telling you what it is."
"DAMMIT!" Lydia had to admit, he was persistent. It was hard to keep a secret from him, even something as simple as a present. But Stiles had his ways.

"Lydssssss." He would groan, his head falling against her shoulder on the couch as they watched Christmas specials. His lips would rest against her neck as he spoke, sending shivers down her spine.
"Yes?" She chuckles.
"We haven't kissed yet today." He complains and she rolls her eyes.
"You mean we haven't made out yet, because we have kissed."
He shrugs. "Same thing, right?" His lips place a tiny kiss at the base of her neck and she hums, a smile crossing her face.

Lydia lay back against the couch causing Stiles to immediately hover over her as their lips repeatedly clash into the others. Nimble fingers wrap around the muscle on his arm while his own long, skinny ones held firmly on her waist. Right in the middle of a kiss though, Stiles pulls back causing Lydia to let out a noise of disagreement. His lips skimmed hers in a teasing smirk and every time she tried to kiss him he'd only pull back, barely out of reach.

"You want me to keep kissing you?" He asks and she quickly nods, attempting once more. "What's my Christmas present?" His voice was low and dangerously sexy.
"Seriously, Stiles?" She whispers. He smirks again, mumbling an "mhm" while brushing his nose against her cheek and shifting his legs between hers, attempting to keep motion so she would give in.

She sighs. "I'm not gonna tell you." Stiles lets out a throaty chuckle before moving his lips to her jaw, just below the ear where he knew she was weak. He nips at the skin there as Lydia struggles to maintain her composure. No way was he going to win.
"Still not telling yo–" she cuts herself off with a gasp as his hips roll into hers.
"What did you get me?" He asks again with slight humor in his voice.

"Stiles!" She says in a warning voice but he just kept at it, kissing anywhere but her lips. "OKAY FINE!" She shouts with frustration and he moves away from her neck.
"Are you serious?" He asks like a little kid.
"I'm not good at keeping secrets anyway so you might as well just open it now." She pouts. Stiles smiles widely, finally placing a kiss on her lips before sitting upright as she leaves to go get the gift. On the way back, with the box in her hand, she curses and scolds herself for giving in.

Plopping down on the sofa next to the excited boy, she shoves the box in his lap. "Open it before I change my mind." She instructs and he giddily does so with a large grin. The green wrapping paper falls to the floor and it was obvious he was trying to keep the excitement on his face.
"A baseball cap?" He fake smiles and Lydia bites the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing.

"A Mets baseball cap!" Lydia was now the one grinning as the grabs the hair out of the box and arranges it backwards on his head. A single tuff of hair sticks out of the hole in the front, Lydia still finding it funny how he was attempting to act like he liked it.
"Thank you so much, baby..." He drawls out. Lydia nods, pecking his cheek before resting her forehead against his own.

"Oh...and these." Lydia then pulls the real present out from her back pocket, Stiles eyes filling with real excitement.
"FIRST ROW?!" He snatches the tickets from her hands, staring at them in amazement and she laughs.
"Right behind the dugout. And you may or may not get to meet the team."
Stiles face pales as he looks to the girl.
"Can we have sex? Like right now?" Lydia laughs loudly as he pulls her into his chest, showering her with small kisses as she struggles under his grip.

And that's the way they were, the way they stayed, in little apartment 3b with the complex with no elevator and a girl who changed a boy completely.
Authors note:

THAT'S ALL FOLKS!! Thank you so much for reading and thank you for all the comments and votes and just thank you for everything!!!
Comment again, re-read, enjoy!

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