11. Spare Room

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Stiles didn't apologize for what had happened nor did Lydia apologize for her mother's actions. He cleared his throat, ringing the doorbell for the fourth time as Lydia rapidly drank her milkshake. By the fifth ring, the door had finally opened.

"Hey Dad." Stiles beams as the man inside pulls his son into a hug with a chuckle. "This is Lydia. The room mate. This is my Dad, John." He says once the man pulls back. Mr.Stilinski seemed almost surprised by the girl but basically because he was. Never, in his nineteen years of living, had Stiles ever brought over a girl. "Sorry this is kind of out of no where but we need a place to stay for the night..."

"No, no! Come on in." The man opens the door wider allowing the teens to step inside. The house was adorable to say the least, much different than Lydia's home. There was no second story or wide open rooms. The furniture didn't match and a few of the frames in the wall were crooked. Stiles slips his sneakers off at the door and Lydia does the same as they follow his father into the kitchen.

"You kids hungry?" John asks and Lydia breaths in the air, eyeing the pot of soup on the stove top and Stiles looks to her, expecting the girl to answer first.
"No thank you. We just stopped for milkshakes a minute ago." She lifts her cup to eye level as an excuse. The man smiles fondly as Stiles asks for a bowl. The three of them sit at the wooden dinning table, Lydia's chair squeaking as she sat but the noise was almost comforting.

Everything at her house growing up had been a little too perfect but Stiles' home actually felt like exactly that; a home. A place to grow up in.
"How's school going for you two?" Mr.Stilinski asks.
"Same old same old. Lydia's my new partner in crime for mythology. Hale really appreciates her imaginative theories." Stiles informs.

"You say imaginative in a way that implies my theories could never happen. They're completely plausible." Lydia argues. The conversation goes on until both bowls are empty and her milkshake is gone. It was nearing midnight when she let out the first yawn. John takes notice, telling both of the kids goodnight before going to bed.

"We don't have like...a spare room or anything." Stiles gulps, flicking the lights on to his room. Lydia understood what he was trying to get across. Growing up it had always been guests in his room while he slept on the floor. There was no extra room like at Lydia's home, just one for himself and the other for his parents.

Books. Just like back in the apartment, there were books everywhere. She immediately spots a few of her middle school favorites like The Box Cart Children and Goosebumps and she almost laughed at their similar taste in literature. Baseball cards were taped carelessly along the walls and his desk was covered in sharpie signatures from childhood friends. Lydia immediately spots the scrawled out names of Scott and Isaac along the years causing a smile to form on her lips.

"Wow that is more than humiliating." Stiles laughs awkwardly and Lydia follows his gaze to the poster of a bikini model taped to the inside of his closet door. He quickly pulls out a sleeping bag before closing the door again and Lydia sits at the edge of his bed while still studying his room.

"Okay so you'll take the bed and I'm on the floor." Stiles rolls out the sleeping bag, stealing a pillow from the on top of the mattress as he starts to arrange his makeshift bed.
"Why don't you sleep on the couch in the living room?" Lydia asks.
"Oh trust me. The floor is way more comfortable than that shitty couch."

Lydia smiles, untucking the covers before slipping under the soft comforter while settling into the pillow he had left for her. She admires the way it smelled of him like cinnamon and freshly washed laundry and she silently inhales the comforting scent as he shuts out the lights. He curses from tripping to the ground causing Lydia laugh quietly as he groans.

"Well now I feel bad for making you sleep on the floor." She whispers.
"And you should." He chuckles back. There's a moment of silence, both of their eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room and Lydia sighs.
"Promise me you'll stay on your freaking side of the bed and I swear if I feel anything I will rip your ballsack off of your genitals." She caves in.

Stiles giddily hops onto the mattress and gets comfortable under the covers next to her. They weren't close but if either of them shifted just right they'd be touching the other.
"Why the hell are you staring at me?" Lydia asks.
"Just thought I'd never see you in my bed, Princess." A cheeky grin spreads across his face.
"That carpet looks real comfy."

When he woke, breathing seemed nearly impossible. Her small hands pressed softly against his chest, her head just barely below his chin and her legs threatening to wrap around his own. And it terrified him. Never in his life had he woken up next to a girl especially a girl he hadn't just earlier boned. No. This girl was fully clothed and if she had been awake, surely would've slapped him for being this close to her.

And he wasn't exactly going to wake her up. Instead he chose to expertly slip out of her grip, a small whimper of protest leaving her lips from the loss of fellow body heat. Everything was the same about Lydia. She was still the same person who would arrive to class early or argue with him about what movie to watch. But watching her sleep she was suddenly so different. Sitting on the floor he dissected her tired features.

Her lips in a pout, her eyelashes fluttering in a dream, her hair a tangled mess and she seemed so much more vulnerable than usual. Stiles' every move was careful and silent as he exited his room and made his way to the kitchen.
"Morning." Stiles grumbles, throwing open the pantry door in search for food.
"Sleep good?" His father asks to which Stiles gives a quick nod before continuing his search.

"So..." Mr.Stilinski clears his throat as Stiles grabs a box of lucky charms. He knew it was coming. Why wouldn't it?
"So?" He repeats.
"Good to finally meet one of your...girls." The man wasn't quite sure how to put it. Stiles takes out the biggest bowl he can find and pours the cereal while pondering over his fathers choice of words.

"We're not a thing. She was supposed to go to her mom's this weekend with a friend but the friend couldn't go and Lydia didn't want to go alone." He explains, sitting at the table. "Now I kind of understand why." The last statement was almost too quiet in volume, said in a more concerned way than snippy.

"You know, when you want something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done."
"Alright what is this? Quote of the day?" Stiles shoves a spoonful of cereal in his mouth causing John to laugh.
"All I'm saying is you two get along pretty damn good." The man says. Stiles doesn't say anything, continuing to rapidly eat his breakfast. "You've never brought a girl home." His father adds.

Stiles slows his pace, wrapping his head around the conversation.
"It's scary." He mumbles.
"All the best things are." John smiles. Leaving the conversation at that, he stands and says his goodbyes to go to work. Stiles sighs, running a hand through his hair.

There was this feeling running through his veins. Never had he felt it before. It was like a hole in his stomach and he almost lifted his shirt to check and see if it was there. But he didn't, even though he still felt it. The hole in his stomach caused by the way she said his name.
Authors note:

Please right now, go on your tv, go to Netflix, and watch Stuck In Love.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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