19. Halloween

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"I don't want to lay around all day and watch movies." Lydia groans. It's what the two always did and Stiles didn't see anything wrong with it. But if Lydia was bored, then he'd gladly do something else.
"You could give me a lap dance." Stiles says causing Lydia to glare. "Or not..." Lydia shifts slightly causing Stiles to hold onto her tighter. They were sitting on the couch with Lydia cuddled into his lap as he scrolled through Netflix. Her legs crossed over his with her head resting on his chest so she could perfectly hear his heart beating.

"So tomorrow's Halloween." Stiles brings up.
"So?" Lydia repeats.
"So what sexy costume are you going to wear to the party?" He asks. She snakes her arm around to play with the longer bits of his hair and she smiles.
"What party?"
Stiles chuckles. "Are you going to keep on answering my questions with questions?"
"Are you going to keep on asking questions?" She counters. Shifting once again, Lydia repositions herself to where she's straddling Stiles' lap and continues to play with his hair.

"It's a party, you know like a Halloween party. You could dress up as like... Slave princess Leia?" Lydia glares at the suggestion. "No? Okay. And then I could dress up to match you but then again what could I wear to match a striperrrrr?" He suggests, drawing out the word. Lydia rolls her eyes in a playful manner, attempting to middle part his hair.

"I don't know. You kinda have the 'creepy college perv' thing down to a T." She laughs.
"Touché." He smiles, hands rubbing up and down her thighs as she continues to mess with his hair. They stay like this for a moment, in the silence as he watches her bite her lip out of concentration. He looks down at his lap before continuing the conversation.
"Seriously though, do you want to go?" He asks. Lydia pretends to consider it for a moment even though they both knew the answer.
"Well of course I want to go." She smiles, placing a small kiss to his lips before climbing off of his lap.

The boy always seemed to be smiling around this little star in his universe. She would hum in the kitchen a song from one of the rock bands he used to obsess over in high school or pick out a movie he'd seen in theaters a thousand times when it first came out. He was still scared, the relationship/ dating thing still something he wasn't used to and every now and then he was confused when there wasn't a knock at the door or a girly voice requesting intercourse.

Following Lydia into the kitchen like usual, he almost dropped to the floor because she was so goddamn beautiful. And she was all his.
"I'll probably just wear an old costume." She mumbles while putting some waffles in the toaster.
"CATWOMAN?" Stiles seemed almost too excited by the thought of a tight leather suit on her body.

"What the hell are you?" Stiles asks as Lydia finally emerges from the bathroom. Her curly hair had been pinned up, her heels clacked against the wood flooring and Stiles was sure he'd never seen so much fringe on one dress. Despite how much skin it didn't show, He did admire the fishnet stockings.
"I'm a dancer from the Great Gatsby." She says while slipping on a sparkly headband with feathers in it. "Are you one of the Ghostbusters?"

"You say that like it wasn't obvious." He crosses his arms with slight offense.
"Where's your little vacuum pack thing then?" Lydia gestures to where it was supposed to be strapped on to his back.
"This ghost buster is on a budget." Stiles leans a little farther back into the cushions of the couch as Lydia takes a seat next to him so she can put on her heels. Like always, he couldn't control himself. Leaning into the girls side, he sighs dramatically and buried his nose into her neck, lips threatening to kiss her skin.

"I have a game I want to play tonight." Lydia says. A game?
"I'm all for games. Especially ones that involve two things: poker and the stripping of clothes." He smirks against her neck causing Lydia to roll her eyes. Those hands that she found so oddly attractive were sneaking to their spot on her knee and she knew for sure that if he was to play this game, he'd lose.

"No...this game is you can't touch me all night." She says.
"What?" Stiles immediately shoots up, looking her dead in the eye. And the worse part is: she was serious. It was impossible for him to not look at her let alone touch her and he was surely a deadman.
"Mhm. See," she stands, heels clacking against the wood. "picture this with me. The music is loud."

"Want to dance?"

"And a very sexy song comes on, one that turns you on more than the thought of me in that shitty Catwoman costume." She continues and he nods to some point of agreement. Dammit now he was thinking of that Catwoman costume...

"We should've just stayed home. You're killing me, sweetheart."

"So we're dancing right? Now keep on imagining this," Lydia gets closer to Stiles, making her way back over to the couch and she lowers her voice. "I'm just grinding my ass into your crotch and I'm tugging on your hair and kissing on your neck and what are you aloud to do? You're hands stay middle school style on my waist and if your nose moves from my hair I leave you in the middle of the crowd with a boner you can no longer hide behind my dress." She finishes.
Stiles was shocked to say the least, pale skin, mouth agape and eyes wide.
"Holy shit..." He gawks. Lydia smiles and pokes him on the nose before walking away.

He agreed to play the game.

Stiles was sure he would've spontaneously combusted by now but surprisingly he was still in tact. Here they were, just like she said, in the middle of dancing college students with Lydia's back pressed against his chest and it took all his self control not to drop his lips to her neck. Why the hell did he ever agree to this? Usually it was him teasing her but the rolls were switched for tonight. And for some reason, that turned him on more than any damn Catwoman costume.

One single roll backwards and (once again like she had said) her ass brushed his crotch in a way that seemed almost accidentally but he knew it wasn't. He had made an emergency plan in case she did decide to take it too far for him to handle.
He sucks in a breath before pulling back from her. "You want another drink? I'm going to get us more drinks." He asks rapidly, not giving her time to actually answer before maneuvering his way back to the house. That was the third time Stiles had used the excuse.

Cursing on his was to where the kegs were he felt a hand clasp his shoulder and he almost karate kicked the stranger.
"SHE'S KILLING ME!" Stiles groans upon seeing it was only Scott and his friend chuckles. "First it was the sitting on the lap and she'd wiggle her hips. Then we were watching beer pong and she started to suck at my neck. And now she's grinding her fine ass into my– h-hey Allison!" Stiles cuts his pleads short at the sight of the brunette. She was dressed in bloodied clothes with tattered claw marks to match Scott's werewolf appearance. Adorable, Stiles snickered in his mind.

"Didn't I tell you?" Allison asks while popping a marshmallow into her mouth and all Stiles could think about is where she got it and how much he suddenly wanted one.
"Tell me what?" He shakes his thoughts off of the fluffy sweet.
"Lydia's a super tease. She loves teasing, seeing people on the edge really gives her a thrill." Allison exaggerates the whole story to point where Scott knew she was joking. But Stiles looked to her with all the seriousness in the world.

"For someone whose first language is sarcasm, you can't understand it for shit." Allison rolls her eyes. "I'm kidding! But she does like to mess with you. She thinks your adorable when you're frustrated."
Stiles twitches his nose. "I am not adorable!"
Allison gasps. "Aw! She was right!" With another groan, Stiles breaks away from the two and starts walking towards his original destination.

The modern two story house belonged to some chick named Mandy that may or may not have sounded too familiar to Stiles. Her parents went to Vegas for three days leaving the house completely empty and party-ready for Halloween. There were mummies sliding down the stairway railing and salt and pepper couple costumes making out in the corner and most importantly, kegs and liquor in the kitchen. The air was thick with drunken laughter and an ever present fear of bumping into a girl that had seen the inside of his apartment more than enough times.

"So you've been blowing me off for some skank with red hair?"
Authors note:

Took me a while to get this up but here it is and I apologize!
"Your apology is accepted!"
Comment, read, ignore my overbearing level of awkwardness!

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